Hawaii Detailing

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@benkneisley3001 - 15.07.2021 20:49

I have tried just about every “high end” shampoo.
Adams is good, GSF better….the best is not a great foamed, but sooo good in the bucket. Pinnacle bodywork shampoo! 1.5oz in 5 gallons is like washing your car with olive oil, and absolutely no residue left behind after rinsing. Cheers mate!

@SS95170 - 20.07.2021 14:42

NV Snow, give it a crack.

@mttswllmadeit234 - 21.07.2021 14:03

love the vibe dude haha

@greghoskin1726 - 14.08.2021 18:37

Check out pan the organizers 2021 product awards! He choose gsf as his first place finish and Adams snow foam for his third choice. I could not believe it. Pan does appear to be a heavy supporter of the rag company who is a big pusher of Koch chemie.

@trustnoone4788 - 21.09.2021 12:23

Hey dude could you dry it just to see how it leaves the paint. It’s the only thing that’s missing from your videos. Other than that good job dude looking forward for more videos

@Ruhdiculus - 15.10.2021 15:58

I've used both and both are very good. Both are very good brands with solid line-ups. Both are arguably two of my favorites at this point.

@Bobbe1994 - 23.10.2021 12:07

Tried both. Prefer GSF. Clings better, preferable for contact wash. Cheers!

@calvin14888 - 27.10.2021 02:06

5 oz of course a lot of foam

@MumenRider78 - 15.11.2021 20:49

What was the dilution ratio used on the gsf?

@viperrcr - 16.11.2021 18:54

When one uses Mega Foam in a foam cannon, it should be called a Cream Cannon! That stuff is the best IMO!

@neilwalker5041 - 19.11.2021 04:10

Really fun video to watch and both are great soaps. I have used Ethos Foam Party which is blended by B&B and the foam was super thick. Six hours later the foam was still in the driveway. I use GSF at 3 oz. and this is my go to shampoo. If I want to raise the ph I add green star. Both products are awesome if your wanting Santa to bring some presents.

@jcruz6453 - 21.11.2021 02:36

Intro is on point!!

@ProtectShineMobileDetail - 02.12.2021 20:59

Adams if you care about foam.
GSF for actually cleaning/washing purposes

@쩌우-h3e - 03.01.2022 07:19

Hello, Hawaii Tesla & Detailing.
Thank you for the good video.
I like Adams Megafoam because it's sticky.
I used a product that's sticky like megapom but has a different feeling yesterday. It's a Puris D10 Mega suds product.
I'm curious about the Megafoam vs Mega suds episode.

@barrycook8116 - 10.01.2022 20:12

I don’t like adams soap personally and GSF is just better and slicker.

@camerawithwings8607 - 19.03.2022 20:44

LMAO, loved the intro!

@albertwilliams8075 - 03.04.2022 05:38

Absolutely 💯 the best foam. Adams is my #1 choice as a Professional Detailer

@1kontrabida - 14.04.2022 22:11

The maximum i use on the gsf is 60 ml and produce the same foam as what you got from 150ml and use the same Mtm pf22 with no inlet mod, DI warm water and pressure washer.

@brokentradgedy - 17.04.2022 01:26

Sorry Koche Chemie fan girls but Adams Mega Foam still foams the best

@jpan7071 - 17.04.2022 09:09

This is pointless. You are not testing how well it cleans; you are testing how well it foams. How childish. Foaming doesn’t necessarily mean cleaner. Or that it’s gonna dry without spots. In fact, I would argue, you’re gonna have trouble later on when you try to rinse and dry. Give me something that focuses on cleaning, not childish bubbles.

@willdamian1066 - 19.04.2022 02:13

Foam is cool but I wanna know which one has better cleaning power

@RetroExhibitCollective - 19.04.2022 04:25

Hahah I’m dead! That intro was perfect, seems like all your videos are exactly what I’m looking for! Thanks again!

@menswearhous - 05.05.2022 06:35

Is Adam’s Mega Foam (red) worth the extra cost over Adam's Car Wash Shampoo (blue). Its about a $20 difference for 1 Gallon

@chrisrefaei - 19.05.2022 22:30

That intro needs a Oscar!🏆

@jimflanagan6029 - 22.05.2022 19:57

Chemie is great if your getting $ 120.00 or more for a detail. Us weekend Worriors or part time detailing guys or sticking with Adams.

@bobbydigital1747 - 02.07.2022 19:16

This guy cracks me up. We're going off label! 🤣

@smartdummy5751 - 23.07.2022 22:20

instead of mixing the GSF with green star, you can use Af with a ph of 9.5, which is essentially GSF with green start mixed in. Gf seems to work better than GSF for breaking down heavy deposits such as grime, light dirt, break dust, road runs. I use Af as my pre-wash and Adam's shampoo as my hand wash.

@rtfj5341 - 11.09.2022 21:16

Loved the intro!!! hahahahaha

@Predic94 - 16.09.2022 09:52

Fra-Ber Super Lava teli mono plus is the one I'm working with. Amazig stuff!

@LoveYouTube23 - 16.09.2022 20:33

I’d love to see someone figure out a way to reliably compare cleaning power of the various snow foams. I don’t care about foaming theatrics, I do care about removal, loosening, and encapsulating of dirt and grime so that my pressure washer can safely remove as much of that stuff as possible before I do my contact wash.

@IMS0504 - 29.09.2022 17:45

What are your thoughts on GSF vs Reset?

@CristianOrnelas602 - 20.10.2022 21:24

When I saw those 5 oz of Adam’s mega foam I was just like 😳 rip GSF

@ChargerSRT392 - 06.12.2022 07:35

In terms of foam, nothing i have used is better than the mega foam. Two ounces with a liter foams absolutely amazing. The GSF provides more a milky substance even at 1-2 ounces, i never found that it makes sense to use 5 ounces. I bought 1 full gallon of GSF with a 32 ounce bottle. I will say the GSF seems slicker for the mitt and I personally love the smell of the GSF. But I loaded on Black Friday of Adams mega foam and bought 3 gallons at 42 bucks a gallon, beats a gallon of GSF at 80 bucks.

@TheBreakfastLover - 07.12.2022 19:54

I recently switched from Adam's Mega Foam to Koch Chemie GSF. After doing just a touchless wash (foam soak then rinse then leaf blower to dry), there's no question GSF cleans much better than Mega Foam. Adam's doesn't clean as well and also leaves a film on the car that won't come off without a contact wash. That film picks up dirt over time. GSF rinses of perfectly.

@amsdetailing - 22.03.2023 00:09

LOL that intro hahahahaha

@Adriantdf - 18.04.2023 12:41

I had a bad experience with GSF getting a good thickness of the foam. I started with their dilution ratio stated on the bottle. 20ml per liter of water. A lot of BS. I needed to add 100ml of gsf in order to get some decent foam. Also the cleaning properties are pretty bad for a dirtier car.
I ended up using around 100ml of GSF + 50ml of Green Star which did the job but it wasn't worth it from a financial point of view anymore.
I have a MJJC foam canon, I have tried using warm water and changing the orifice of the canon to 1.1. Nothing worked. So as someone stated below, I find GSF good only for some superficial dusty cars or for using it in the bucket.

@bostondan77 - 20.04.2023 15:49

🤣🤣🤣OMG how did I miss this one. Wish I could give you 10 likes

@JustAiM_Nick - 19.05.2023 16:36

Just found this channel , I detail for a living myself and I’m still new and learning stuff Everyday, absolutely love your enthusiasm and how much detail you put into this video, appreciate your hard work 👍🏻🔥

@LoudModeOn - 22.05.2023 08:30

I've used Mega Foam forever, tried the GSF for the first time the other day and it was on a different level. It clung to the panels much better than Mega Foam and I felt it had much better cleaning qualities taking off the dirt and dust. I won't be going back to the Adam's.

@ozylil - 19.06.2023 01:22

Adams looks like the winner but cant come close to mjjc foam

@LCculater - 20.06.2023 00:32

Try Chemical guys Mr Pink 😂 with a 1.1 orifice and hot damn you will give it your signature SLAM 😂

@tonykomer2997 - 19.07.2023 13:45

Forget for a second how much thicker the Adams foam stacks which in terms of cleaning is 100% worthless if its not touching the paint. Lets look at how long it stays onnthe paint before you see uncovered paint. I think you will find the Adams sl8des off quicker. And lets be really you way over sprayed the Adams j7st spraying more and more where you only did the basic passes with the Koch.

Whatmatter is the cleaning and disolv8ng properties hot that it looks like shaving cream. Its not hairy and your taking a straight edge to it.

Trust me the Germans are master chemists. It you gave them the goal of maximum thick foam it would likely come out like spray insulation.

Adams is a botique shop that has real chem com0an8es make their produc5s. Koch Chemie is like 3m of Europe. They make Industrial products.

@p8rdm - 08.08.2023 14:16

I can never watch one of your videos without cracking up 😂

@SCOTT-h6j - 22.12.2023 05:39

Your intro was awesome, you make me laugh. I wanna head to Hawaii and hang out with you, Pina coladas on me😊

@NightNDay2.0 - 04.01.2024 05:47


@freshtelovision - 07.02.2024 05:12

Which one has the best cleaning power

@Ems00837 - 30.03.2024 15:04

Why in the hell did you use half a bottle of gsf for one wash? Waste and nobody should be stupid enough to do that

@AdityaKurniawan-oi4ph - 08.02.2025 18:40

Adam's all the way
