Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy | Official Trailer | Peacock Original

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy | Official Trailer | Peacock Original


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@carnalea2424 - 16.02.2025 11:19

My better half has just been to see the new movie. Her first word to me after going to the cinema: 'brilliant.' And she thinks they could make a 5th.

@voiceofexperience - 16.02.2025 18:37

Subtext: women never mature emotionally past their 20s.
OK, got it.

@yashasviprasad5317 - 16.02.2025 20:27

I’m gonna watch this movie tomorrow afternoon. As I can never really get bored with any of the Bridget jones movies.❤😂

@Shandy75 - 16.02.2025 22:07

The film was absolutely rubbish !! So disjointed and boring 🥱 they didn’t even need to make it !!!! Don’t waste your time or money.

@What-3verdude - 17.02.2025 00:00

I just saw this at the cinema and the whole end of it had me bawling 😭😭 it was so touching, funny, poignant and the cinematography was beautiful ❤ they did it justice.

@GrannysHacks - 17.02.2025 02:13

WHY didn't we get to see a love story with her and Darcy FIRST?!!! Should have been in between this and the last one!

@WorldlyNonsense - 17.02.2025 08:45

So, he died and she found a 29yo, utter bollks. No sensible 29yo would go for someone who has hit the wall and crashed through it with 2 children. This is yet another reason why many women are utterly insufferable.

@cawcaw3550 - 17.02.2025 14:10

now she ended up botoxed to high heaven with a kneegrow, , a nightmare, why end a story in such a way

@annakusnierz4305 - 17.02.2025 19:22

OMG 💭 Bridget Jones 🌠🌌🎈🎈🎈🎬🎞️👁️💔💫📚✒️📖🗞️📰☔🌅

@sabran4814 - 17.02.2025 19:45

Where can I find this version of song? It's just normal version and one remix, i don't think so it's either of them

@themysteriousunknownrevealed - 17.02.2025 23:46

She had to have a pratt fall.

@kaemlice - 18.02.2025 05:22

Love everything about the movie ...I love Brigitte ❤❤❤❤

@Vuyo0912 - 18.02.2025 21:47

😢😢😢Mr Darcyyyyyyyy

@therealjumpman - 19.02.2025 03:42

Last chapter: the final back blow out 😂

@micasplace4333 - 19.02.2025 04:31

movie was great but I was more impressed with how they set a record for how many times you could say the F word and how many children were in those scenes.

@god2811 - 19.02.2025 18:02

6 / 10 🍿 🥤

@peacec47 - 20.02.2025 00:16

What a brilliant film was so funny tear to my eyes to

@thatguychad8191 - 20.02.2025 07:03

As a male fan of the Bridget Jones series, I utterly hate this stereo typical garbage. So, you mean this not bad looking, older, educated, childless, single black man Bachelor; is interested in this Average to below average looking widow/single b@bi mama Whi-Tee woman. Who apparently has been single for years; is having trouble choosing between the so-called blk man, and this young hot, single, childless, 29 year old Whi-Tee man. Who lets be honest if this was real life is not trying to wife this woman up and become a baby daddy to this old, tired, ran through Whi-Tee woman, but just wants to Smash and dash. Lets be honest the choice on who she should pick is obvious, but for the movies sake lets pretend like the choice isn't obvious. F this stereo typical garbage.

@_The_Black_Prince_ - 20.02.2025 08:15

Even if you're a man's man, this is still a very good movie to enjoy with your other half. Really worth a watch

@HJBlount - 20.02.2025 12:24

I watched this yesterday at Vue Manchester, UK, I generally enjoyed the movie, lots of moments were funny, tho for me had lots of unnecessary swearing & cursing

@lien666-b7t - 20.02.2025 19:24

How much Botox did she have?

@GoblinQueen-p6j - 20.02.2025 20:33

How did mark die?!

@Mslovely42 - 21.02.2025 01:53

I just finish watching this I was very emotional the entire time .

@carolf27 - 21.02.2025 03:41

Nope, nope nope! I cannot handle them killing off Mark Darcy! This would just break my heart and I will not be able to stop crying! So there is NO WAY i can watch this! Life is already so crummy right now! So no thank you. 😩😫😭😭😭💔💔💔

@Marjopolo302 - 22.02.2025 02:30

Was actually a lovely film

@jspohl - 22.02.2025 17:13

I just watched it on prime and it’s lovely. Still funny and endearing but with true heart and spirit and heartwarming and uplifting and it may be one of my favourites since the first two. Not a downer at all. I love the symbol of the owl too which reminds me of the Sarah books. I actually cried when her the boy playing her son sang. So sweet. 💖💖💖 I just heard Renee with a southern accent for the first time yesterday which was funny too - and also endearing.

@nini-f1b4n - 22.02.2025 19:43

Loved it! Feels like seeng old friends ❤

@luibernardo3974 - 23.02.2025 09:08

Why did they kill Mr. Darcy though 😔

@gillievano1612 - 23.02.2025 22:37

Watched yesterday and it did not disappoint. Laughed out loud and cried in equal measure. Utterly delightful.. ❤🎉

@mariamtchokho7499 - 24.02.2025 17:14

Watched this today with a friend and we loved it so much. Whole audience in cinema were laughing and crying with Bridget. It was so real, life is not perfect, sometimes bad things happen, but still, it goes on and you have to give yourself a second chance, this was the message we took from the movie. If you have not seen it yet, go, you will never regret it!

@mimi_channel_taku - 25.02.2025 05:27

We never really got to see Darcy and Bridget happily living together as a couple or parents let alone ever after. They were separated most of the time.

@Kelly-just-kelly - 28.02.2025 00:04

Well that made me bawl... a bit 😢

@Peshkaqeni_ - 28.02.2025 02:38


@Peshkaqeni_ - 28.02.2025 02:38


@andreasa8486 - 01.03.2025 00:58

Was not expecting this … excellent film.

@Buttercreadandy - 02.03.2025 00:17

Ok, I'm going to watch finally

@Mercy_0509 - 02.03.2025 03:25

Killing off Mark Darcy doesn't fit a romantic comedy like Bridget Jones. Very disapponting.

@DrPysch - 02.03.2025 12:31

For those that have seen this - is it a safe watch with family? Like no explicit scenes? Thanks

@chalesmeyers2727 - 02.03.2025 16:54

When the dog jumps in the pool and everyone acts like it drowning. Stupid Stupid Stupid

@LaDeeDaLaDeeDa - 02.03.2025 17:50

Awful movie. Trying to re-do jokes and original movie parts adnauseum. Blue drinks (blue soup,) big underwear etc

@ab_d8579 - 04.03.2025 22:18

Alert spoiler: Mark Darsy died

@sognoamericano7320 - 06.03.2025 10:33

(scusate non so l' inglese)
Ho dovuto "sudare" per vederti...
Ma questa volta non c' entrano gli " orari pastrocchietti" e cambiati all' ultimo del cinema.....
MA il Carnevale 🎉...😮😮😮
Ho scelto l' orario in cui passavano i carri !!!
Tutto Bloccato 😢😢..
MA Non Mi sono Arresa 💪 !!!
Ho cercato un altro cinema..
E l' ho trovato........ 😊
Si perché quando nel lontano 2001 ho scoperto che Con Te - Bridget Jones - le Imbranate avevano vinto sulle Reginette e/o Fidanzatine dell' anno 😂😂 Non mi sono staccata più da te ❤️..
Questa Volta l' imbranataggine, la spontaneità e i grandi valori di Bridget dovranno affrontare l'accettazione di un lutto per se' e per i suoi figli 👩‍❤️‍👨.... :
<< ... Mamma perché esci con il pigiama...>> 🤣🤣🤣
<< ...c...o , c....o , c....o >>😂😂

@louh2383 - 06.03.2025 21:17

I wasn't a fan of the baby one now Mark darceys dead no when to finish a series. This is totally pointless. I bet she ends up not needing a man and being okay on her own. Are romances not allowed anymore? i won't bother

@andyhandy997 - 08.03.2025 00:31

Joyless two-hour post-modern funeral.

@thelittlemerman1998 - 12.03.2025 21:37

Poor Bridget can’t catch a break. She finally got married to her long love in Bridget Jones baby and now he’s dead. I swear they really did her dirty.💀

@michaelmiller-hr6vz - 13.03.2025 05:34

The language is stunningly off putting. Detracts from the movie

@petrajuarez6108 - 14.03.2025 08:10

Disappointing movie 🤔

@Myschoolsout1 - 16.03.2025 23:39

Just got dragged to see this… saccharine, tickbox rubbish… reminded me of an extended John Lewis ad… people actually were laughing at Hugh Grant’s creepy character, like it was somehow funny…

@evawilldrive - 18.03.2025 20:02

hahahah 💖✴🙏

@abangtengku - 20.03.2025 06:51

Im rewinding this trailer for that These Words song snippets its like storytelling kinda song good movie though if youre following from the first one 😂😂😂😆
