Standard Storm... Sleeper? | GRN Standard

Standard Storm... Sleeper? | GRN Standard


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@virgilmacmanus7568 - 23.10.2018 02:42

Since you started posting the games you've played with this deck, I have really grown to like it a lot and have found much enjoyment seeing it piloted by such a seasoned, experienced player. Really respect your style, great stuff as always, I look forward to more! 🤙

@yoursweatersux - 23.10.2018 02:45

taking down gucci mane with standard stormmmmm

@jacobmccauley4843 - 23.10.2018 03:06

I cant wait for his video where we hear "Star of ExctEEEEEnction?"

@Dementia55372 - 23.10.2018 04:59

Tfw no one in chat knows who Steel Panther is

@BlaineTog - 23.10.2018 06:01

This deck is so spicy.

@aurellharmonics - 23.10.2018 09:46

Sometimes I put on Magic stream videos without watching them (just for background noise) and this... was a weird one

@RW77777777 - 23.10.2018 10:40

That Surveil deck is not a good matchup.
If you flop Map turn 2 maybe;

@Ovni121 - 23.10.2018 16:49

I want to play this deck and I don't even play standard. That was entertaining

@knobhead6945 - 23.10.2018 19:31

radical idea still seems meh, would prefer a fourth field and lightning strike. Exploration should also be in the side I think.

- 23.10.2018 21:07

That Mengu match was EPIC

@mathias2910 - 24.10.2018 00:12

Such a joy to watch! Not only is this deck very enjoyable but Numot is such a fast player it makes it much worth your time!

@wesley147208 - 24.10.2018 12:53

How is Flood of Recollection in comparison to maybe Mission Briefing? The cards seem very similiar. The downside to Mission Briefing is that you can't hold onto a card for the next turn, but does that situation happen often?

@daddyshortlegs7255 - 25.10.2018 19:51

That first game was shocking

@andreleblanc1411 - 26.10.2018 21:28

How do I find a list for this deck? Would love to try it out at an fnm.

@jarlhenrik - 06.11.2018 09:49

Just gonna point out the sleeping question at the start: Just you sleeping in front of the camera is not allowed. SOme sort of action must be happening on the stream. It is possible for another person to play something of their choice on your stream while a camera is fliming you sleeping or something.

WoW streamer Towelliee did this during the launch of BfA. 5 or so days of non-stop streaming. Whenever he slept, his girlfriend or a friend was playing their own stuff on his stream.

@sunnydelight4253 - 26.11.2018 13:09

voltaic servant plus tmap combo?? two turn mana or catalyst elemental for turn 4 TYS
