Pike County Massacre: Grandmothers plead not guilty to cover-up

Pike County Massacre: Grandmothers plead not guilty to cover-up


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@BLAZERWILD - 16.11.2018 17:04

I say fire them all up. I honestly wish Ohio had the electric chair. These people are a disgrace to the human race. I hate the fact that there are people like these Wagner's that are using our oxygen and taking up our tax money to house them in jail. In a case like this. I think it should be cut and dry. Since there is enough evidence that shows they did the murders. I say they should waste no time executing them. But just like the sheriff said. This is going to be a long drawn out process. Could take years. So in the mean time the Rhoden family is going to be in the spot light again having to relive all of this over and over again. I pray that their pain and suffering will get easier with time. Hopefully they have some closure since they know who did it and is in custody. I can't imagine what they are going through on a daily basis. As non of us would ever understand. But I just hope the book gets thrown at the wagner family. That's my two cents on this case.

@bananahands6358 - 16.11.2018 18:25

It's crazy how the media tried to make it sound like a cartel hit.not at all

@kybuckeye4311 - 17.11.2018 01:39

How stupid these people are?

@kraganboyer4874 - 17.11.2018 03:19

Hang em High let them all die a terrible death . How would they like if someone abused or killed there family so sad
