Life's tender moments and uncertainties can make us forget our power. Whether we’re unsure about passing an exam, finding the right job, starting a new venture, or writing that long-desired book, these moments can create turbulence in our minds and bodies. Strengthening our spiritual awareness can guide us through these times and remind us of our innate power to create and make meaningful changes.
What You'll Learn:
💚Embrace curiosity, love, and presence through visualization.
💚Strengthen Trust within and notice what resurfaces repeatedly is meant to guide you.
💚Use the power of signs and synchronicities to build a relationship with your inner guidance system.
💚Develop communication with unseen forces, connecting with the world around you.
💚Dig deeper to create personal meaning from signs and synchronicities.
Our goals and the future we envision are not distant dreams but present realities guiding our way home. Join me in this reflective practice and learn to trust in your power to create, to make change, and to be part of a world built on belonging and love.
Additional Resources:
Signs and Synchronicities Log! HOORAY!
Purchase Unblocked Vision Meditation
Timeline Leap
0:00 Preview
0:30 Goals and Life’s Uncertainties
2:11 I saw the sign and it opened my eyes (🎶)
3:56 My dog Charlie says hi
4:10 How to UNblock ourselves
6:16 Discernment and the Power of Choice
7:33 Remember who you are
8:33 Free Resource