Could You Date A Trump Supporter?

Could You Date A Trump Supporter?

The Speech Prof

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@naturadventur7425 - 14.08.2024 20:21

Pineapple on pizza IS a reason to leave your partner

@Molly-gx6jf - 14.08.2024 21:40

I can barely tolerate my own mother supporting trump due to her trauma and old age, it’s extremely hard to be around her sometimes. The heck would I want to tolerate if my partner did it. Im at least lucky that my dad knows better.

@PrismaticCrafter - 14.08.2024 21:48

It isn't a matter of if I would date a Trump supporter. It is a matter of if a Trumo supporter would date me. Considering most of them don't even afford me the respect or Humanity every person deserves I'm gonna say that is a now. Sorry my skin ain't white enough, my gender not defined enough.

@timeconquersall1789 - 15.08.2024 01:59

As someone who's voting for Trump I wouldn't blame someone for breaking up with me over this the plain and simple reason is this Administration has ran America into the f**** ground I blame Kamala Harris for not stepping in the when she realized Joe Biden was not all there in the head that's her job as the vice president if she did step in why would I vote for someone who did a bad job

@Poincianaa - 15.08.2024 10:51

you have a WIFE?

@bakugo9761 - 15.08.2024 19:37

Yup. I mean, two lefties CAN disagree on many things. I argue with people who share values like mine a lot, change my mind, change their minds, just talk etc.
But what matters is tje CORE belief is the same

@Fraggle-h7o - 16.08.2024 00:04

Supporting Trump means either you are magnificently ignorant, or you are malicious. There is no third option at this point. If Obama did just one of the things that trump did on the regular we'd never hear the end of it from the people currently defending everything he does. These are not honest people

@adeleisnamedafterme - 16.08.2024 01:50

If it was 2016, I could date a trump supporter. In 2024, anyone who is still a trump supporter is in a cult and cannot listen to reason

@mindyourown8371 - 16.08.2024 02:06

No, the answer is no. I could NOT date a Trump supporter. Sadly, I don't believe I've met one who isn't always angry.

@naystercobear9576 - 16.08.2024 06:56


@GlindaGoodvitch - 16.08.2024 07:23

A person i know was married to someone who said hed let her die because she didnt support his pick. (Ommited the canidate cuz this is sick no matter whos side yer on) they arnt married anymore. Thats a good thing. Dont marry people you cant agree on the fundamentals with. (She was in no danger of dying btw. He just said hed let anyone who disagreed with him die and when she asked if she was on that list he said yes)

@M.J.212 - 16.08.2024 07:25

The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy (also, the Führerprinzip; Mad Leader Disease): A not-uncommon but extreme example of the Blind Loyalty Fallacy below, in which a tyrannical boss, military commander, or religious or ✳️cult-leader tells followers "Don't think with your little brains (the brain in your head), but with your BIG brain (mine)."

Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience. In this case a person attempts to justify incorrect, stupid or criminal behavior by whining "That's what I was told to do," or “I was just following orders." See also, The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy, and The "Soldiers' Honor" Fallacy.

- 16.08.2024 10:14


@leftthatbehind6090 - 16.08.2024 11:10

I can tell a liberal rejected him

@ericnortan9012 - 16.08.2024 16:08

No. Those chicks are either ugly freaky conspiracy theorists or plastic robot conspiracy theorists.

@ericnortan9012 - 16.08.2024 16:09

Ya, I'd date a conservative republican, maybe. I could never date a maga sheep.

@wneighbors1 - 16.08.2024 20:37

Dating a cult member when you’re outside of the cult? No fucking way. Trumpism=Cult Cult Cult

@djara704 - 17.08.2024 06:02

Honestly I think someone refused to date that guy for being a trump supporter… and he is projecting.

@cannibalbananas - 17.08.2024 06:40

I see statements like "I wouldn't date a Trump supporter" as a short-hand way of saying, "I wouldn't date someone who doesn't share in my values/beliefs". It's easier to say than listing all the things you value/believe.

@Dalekzilla54 - 17.08.2024 11:08

These are probably the same people who say they would never date a feminist.

@captaindangler1675 - 17.08.2024 12:53

No. The end.

@LambertBowden56 - 17.08.2024 16:55

I voted for Trump and I would be willing to date somone who voted for Hilary or Biden... So much for the "tolerant" Left 😂

@LiableFilm - 18.08.2024 08:54

As a lesbian, if a girl I'm dating votes for the party that wants to repeal gay marriage, I leave.

@FoxyFemBoi - 18.08.2024 15:04

"If you won't date someone who is fine with a candidate whose most vocal supporters want you dead, and who may have voiced something similar himself, well you're just self righteous and ideologically rigid"

@Langwidere903 - 19.08.2024 04:32

I haven’t even watched the video, but immediately no. I’m queer and disabled. All of my closest friends are trans/non binary and disabled. I would NEVER bring someone into my life who doesn’t 100% support our freedom to exist as ourselves.

@BriannaHuffman-hf1kl - 19.08.2024 15:26

I used to watch that guy's content and then he went completely mask off essentially comparing Progressives to Racists and I was like "Goodbye."

@sammygreen066 - 21.08.2024 18:30

"It is bad to not date someone just because of x y z" is the same as saying "you need to become someone who dates people of x y z" like shut up, if I don't want to date someone it doesn't even matter what my reason is, it's too late for them. I don't have to date anyone at all

@susandegennaro9853 - 22.08.2024 12:03


@AN-vx2ls - 22.08.2024 20:17

I noticed the most anti racist people (usually white) are the most racist. That’s why they have to state they are anti-racist! Just saying! It is what it is…

By to way, it’s I seen it that other way around. It’s dumb on both sides!!

@alexmcd378 - 29.08.2024 21:03

Another reason not to date a trumpet, they were gullible enough to believe his lies. That's disconcerting in a partner who will have access to your money.

@AD-yk7mf - 02.09.2024 05:51

Not date, not have as a friend and avoid at work.

@DJ-sv7xf - 04.09.2024 15:58

I wouldn't date a Satan worshiper, a Trump supporter, a r@pist, a murderer, a Nazi or a KKK member. If that means I'm rigid so be it!
It has everything to do empathy, love, and core values.

@handful65 - 07.09.2024 01:48

That guy sounds like he just got dumped because of his so-called political views

@adamkauffman9311 - 07.09.2024 16:00

Radical centrist is a hack

@faethe000 - 11.09.2024 01:57

It's more than enough reason to not only not date him, but refuse to be friends with him.

@Mrs.TJTaylor - 13.09.2024 01:12

Absolutely not. I’m rigid and proud of it.

@tallspicy - 19.09.2024 15:07

I don’t date liars, sexual predators or people who incite treason and steal things… it’s about values.

@Daviesnjuguna - 28.09.2024 18:45

I would date (infact i have) a Republican who is not a Trump supporter.

@OliverJeeves - 29.09.2024 10:55

I'll be honest, your wife sounds like a monster

@freyasgrl - 30.09.2024 18:07

Why does he speak on those things as if they are BAD things? Yep, MF'er I am an unwavering progressive. Go find a Tradwife to woo.

@skidmark6348 - 03.10.2024 13:55

No sir, you see, the company you keep speaks a lot about you. What you are willing to let pass says a lot about you. Trumpers have been telling us who they are and no amount of BS insults to people's intelligence will change the fact that you are a sell out.

@jenniferhanses - 03.10.2024 20:24

There's also this thing where if you want a true partnership, you want to be in a relationship where if you're away for a week and a key decision needs to be made, you want to be able to trust your partner to make a choice you can live with.

It might not have been what YOU would have done. But it is within the range of acceptable outcomes for you.

Like, if you have a gay child and you go away for work for a week, and you come back to find out what summer camp the kids are signed up for, and you find out your spouse has signed the child up for a conversion camp. That's -- that's -- that's just not going to work for me. At all.

And in the currently extremely divisive politics, if someone tells me they support Trump, well, I know we're going to have massive disagreements on core issues and that they treat other people poorly and look down on them. So it's a no from me, dawg.

@suikim9194 - 03.10.2024 23:38

This guy thinks 50% of Americans support trump? Using incorrect facts: definitely a trump supporter.

@christophergeorge1288 - 06.10.2024 05:13

Men like him decided to choose a side, and now they're suffering the consequences because women are hip to how dangerous and bigoted these men are. Instead of looking inward and trying to become a better person worth being around, they'd rather force women to love them

@aaronpolichar7936 - 07.10.2024 03:29

Why do so many people decide that it's their business why someone else chooses to date or not date another person?

@grittyinpink16 - 08.10.2024 19:42

I won't have anyone in my life who thinks I should not have the right to make decisions regarding my body and my health.

@TheTrueUlfhednar - 08.10.2024 22:39

I have cut close friends, personal relations and family out of my life for supporting Trump. Your political stances are your world view. If you support that orange, shriveled husk, you're telling me in no uncertain terms that you have utterly zero respect for the things that matter to me and the vast majority of people (like... the safety of those around me, women, POCs, immigrants, the well being of the poor, etc. I'd be here all day if I listed out everything). And yeah, I would not associate with you even if held at gunpoint. You are supporting a subhuman wreck of a man, and I refuse to even associate loosely with someone like that. If you want a healthy relationship with someone, you have to value them.

@litterbox2010 - 09.10.2024 02:16

It's pretty impossible to date someone who is a Trump supporter, because in order to support someone so extreme they'd have to be pretty extreme in those same shared beliefs.

Beliefs that when a person holds, I consider them to be a bad or hateful or stupid person, if not all of these combined.

I'm not a political person, and no other politician has done this. Because in my nearly 30 years of dating, people have never cared about politics. He is the leader of a cult and his supporters are cultists.

Sorry, not sorry. I'm not dating any cultists.

@Lily-tj1zo - 10.10.2024 04:34

Yeah. .. oof. ....

@kpeggs82 - 13.10.2024 05:09

Its a great reason. I have Republicans friends that cant support MAGA. Why should I date some that is at best racist adjacent?
