You asked, you shall receive. I had a lot of question on my egg cook time video for an egg sandwich recipe, and I think I have the best one out there! It’s so easy all in one bowl, but its the perfect amount of creamy. TIP: take out the eggs a bit earlier, around the 9 min mark to make suer the yolk isn’t cooked all the way. This makes it so creamy
Plant Points: 5
Serves 2
- 8 eggs
- 2 tbsp dill (chopped)
- 2 sticks celery (small dice)
- 3 green onions (bottoms)
- 1.5 tbsp dijon mustard
- 1.5 tbsp mayonaise
- salt and pepper to taste
Sandwich toppings:
-tomatoes (beefcake slicers)
1) hard boil your eggs for 9 mins. peel and deshell the eggs
2) add all your eggs into a bowl and mash them up until everything looks a bit yellow and all the egg is in smaller pieces
3)add celery, dill, green onion, salt, pepper, Dijon mustard and mayonnaise into the bowl and mix well.
4) add your egg mixture to toasted sourdough and add all your sandwich toppings. Enjoy!
#eggsalad #boiledeggs #eggs #experiment #eggsaladsandwich #softboiled #hardboiledeggs #sandwich
#egg_sandwhich #lunch #sandwhich