Thanks praveen for insight
Ответить⬆️Sir, what's your thoughts on 11 phallic symbolism found in Karahen Tepe, as I know there is 11 forms of Shiva in Hinduism, I am not deep into that, I am just asking are these proto reprsentation of Shiva lingams with....
ОтветитьWhat a joke, just look at a 3-D crop circle and tell me thats man made.
Peace & Enlyghtenment Alwayz
A Micah Hill Dezert-Owl
Author / Translator / Journalist
Very nice and informative 🎉🎉 we want more like this
ОтветитьPraveen Anna please look into Bibhu Dev Mishra works , you can decide whether to invite him to your interviews 😊
ОтветитьNo, 😂😂 Kolbeki Tepe or Kharahan tepe is not even related to india. Stop your Psudo science
ОтветитьYes, This Western Brit is in Denial of Ancient Advanced Tech Races of People, Mega Sciences, Alien Visitors
ОтветитьPravin is obsessed with Aliens. 😅 Please give credit to our various ancestors who have built all these amazing structures. Just accept it and we should be grateful and proud of our cultures and that we still carry their DNA. Which means we are capable of much more than we believe we can achieve. Thank you Pravin for bringing us to these amazing Mandirs as we would never be able to access them without you.
ОтветитьPraveen sir we fill happy whenever we see your vidios and you
ОтветитьActually These Places are in Kurdistan which is occupied by turkey. Kurds are Indogerman descendants.
ОтветитьPraveen mohan has done a mile stone work in archeology and indian history. Indian government must acknowledge and support his work.
ОтветитьPassionnant ! Merci beaucoup 🙏 (j'ai mis le sous-titrage en Français 😊)
ОтветитьJay Bhairav, Thanku Bhaiya. May Bhairava gives u more and more strength and achievements.
ОтветитьNo they are Scientology temples. Oldest religion and only true religion. Stop your nonsense Hindu propaganda.
ОтветитьFan of praveen
ОтветитьPraveen sir you are a national treasure. Thank you for always bringing facts out in the open🙏♥️😊
ОтветитьLove the conversation. Appreciate you guys! 🤩🤩
ОтветитьSithdarth and the vedas huh
ОтветитьGlobetepe has markings that is found in Australia the aboriginal markings
ОтветитьI felt like that when I first visited India at 7yrs old with my parents, for the first time; we were going to get my brothers long hair shaved off and cut for the first time and visit my grand mother in Gujarat. During site seeing, I remember being absolutely overwhelmed at the sheer size of temples, astrological sites, forts and palaces, I remember thinking to myself, that I have been told my roots are from a poor nation, however, this place looks like paradise to me, full of grandeur and amazing architecture. To this day, 30yrs later, I visit India as much as I can, so as to see as many of these ancient sites as possible before I die.
ОтветитьWhat spirituality existed on the Indian continent before the northern intrusion of proto Hinduism? Kali? On mernorca there are T stones identical to gobekli tape except they are very weathered. Love your work
ОтветитьHindu is a geographical term used to describe people living east of Iran. The temple you are describing is a temple of the Left Wing Tantrik tradition which was common in all areas of the world before Abrahamic religions.
ОтветитьThat’s an incredible discovery!
I can’t wait to go to India & Explore soon
Thanks for this so smart conversation, I felt as though I were sitting there with you hanging on every word.
ОтветитьYes Praveen , Gobekli Tepe is the region where “Noah” and his people took refuge due to the sinking Of Kumari Kandam … And Gobekli Tepe is none other than a Vedic Temple honoring those that fell with the deluge … don’t worry I know you know this brother but mainstream is a whole other monster 😂✌🏼❤
ОтветитьIsn't it so sad to realize that humanity devolved instead of evolving?! Why did we take the wrong path?
ОтветитьAnd those bags on one of them pillars in göbeklitepe are they on any Indian prehistory or ancient sights?
ОтветитьWow this is the most exciting mega presentation on megalithic topic in a long time. I feel a rant/essay stirring in me but I'm going to listen again before I write. Thank you Praveen, Hugh, and Hugh's mum for creating this convergence!
ОтветитьPraveen with the word play at the beginning 🔥
ОтветитьPraveen Brother, your work is not just a work. It's actually revisiting to our forgotten history & culture .There is no body like you, atleast in Bharat ...lots of love...
ОтветитьYou two are pumping out some great stuff. Thanks very much ❤️ 🙏
ОтветитьGreat job 🎉
ОтветитьGood jobs Praveen sir all your videos
Is also after 100 year later your videos also show in history, archeological classes help in study for students
ಟರ್ಕಿಯ ಉತ್ಖನನ ಹಿಂದೂ ದೇವಾಲಯವಾ!?
ಮತ್ತೆ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ವನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುವ ಕಾಲ. 💪🙏
Turkey degil Turkiye...
Ayrica, acaba blacknobilty gencleri niye gizlice gelip geceleri Göbekli tepede şeytani ritueller yapiyor ? Bir fikriniz var mi?
India is the last 1st world civilization that evolved from apes.
India and Praveen is the answer to our ancient past.
All's we have to do is take a look
There is a boar carving with globe on top. Looks like Varah Avatar to me!
ОтветитьI absolutely love learning about Indian history its facinating, sending all the love from the U.K
ОтветитьHe(praveen )would definitely say "tamil people lived there, tamil people built this structure, and this place belongs to tamil people."
ОтветитьTheory on crop circles- check out Delores cannon idea… that is how E.Ts communicate. That is how they help humanity evolve. The symbols are contain data that how ever we see them, (I.e . Tv, computer, phone, someone takes a picture of it and shows you, etc) the data the symbols contain gets uploaded into our brains and we won’t know how we know something about something but we know it. It is their way of helping us evolve.
Check out her theory on it cuz I vaguely remember it and I explained the gist of it. Sorry if it’s not spot on.
Great choice of Guest Praveen ANNA ❤
Keep doing this great work to contributing to the Archaeology of India.