DJ Gig Log 105 | How I setup up my basic package | Pro tips for days

DJ Gig Log 105 | How I setup up my basic package | Pro tips for days

DJ Rick Web

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@lugio7 - 03.10.2024 01:21

So of all the powered Speakers out there such as the QSC,EV,DRX,Mackie, RCF and Alto. Why did you choose JBL system to do your event? I’m curious because I am looking into purchasing my first setup that will be good for a very long time use.

@dalemcgregor3925 - 29.05.2024 22:37

Where did you get your power and how many extension cords did you have to run on how many circuits. What distance and what gauge of extension cord (10 or 12) did you have to use?

@DJBLADETV - 18.05.2024 22:01

Hell yeah ,I understand this situation real good

@paulkristoffe85 - 27.02.2023 05:03

practice dj mixing ......

@djhinormas959 - 12.09.2022 00:07

success ;) orginizers would of been happy. so thats a win :)

@leesinthemix - 11.08.2022 15:38

It's 2022, can't you guys starting using Gravity/K&M single distance pole speaker stands?

Scrims are so, so tacky.

@cdel3631 - 02.08.2022 16:48

I understand this is a big ask but is there any chance you can post the set list for this gig, Im really interested in how you Structured this gig and how my mixed eg. The old songs into the newer songs

@919Smil13y919 - 13.07.2022 23:55

I usually carry a backup mixer in case my main one blows out for any reason.

@maximummusicdj1975 - 07.07.2022 22:00

Where did you get that laptop mount?

@SuAmigoElilegal - 13.06.2022 22:55

Hello I have a question about speaker height in a small party. Let's say it is only a family's gathering of 10 to 25 people tops in small backyard party. Do you actually need to set the speakers at 7 to 9 feet in height , knowing that there is no audience way in the back and all guess are just withing 10 to 15 feets of the music . Can I lower the height so I don't have to increase so much amp power on the speakers or what is the best option in this scenario

@rumorscameras - 14.04.2022 14:40

built catch? hhhh

@logicflakes8911 - 08.03.2022 12:25

Holy crap first time watching ur videos and half of the video is you bragging about ur purchases good lord. Nobody cares about ur truck rims and garage door opener

@SherwinBajao - 15.01.2022 02:20

cache sounds like cash. lol

@FrenchysPlaysTV - 12.01.2022 00:18

Makes me wish I had moved to Greensboro a few years ago. Still living in Wilmington myself. Great video and setup.

@fernandoproman - 27.12.2021 00:56

Just find you , loved that video

@760erator9 - 16.11.2021 23:21

Why do dj have headphones? I’m really curios

@fortuneedrine9936 - 05.11.2021 13:36

Do I need more than one ampliers for each set of speakers like base , long range , tops or one powerful amplier with two channels can work if so which one do you recommend me , lastly how can I avoid burning my speakers when playing them at very high sound ?

@10djpro - 20.10.2021 21:24

think I must leave and go home 🏡

@THE.FAKENEWS - 28.09.2021 11:40

Yo. Whats this track at the beginning

@djochostaylit - 21.09.2021 20:30

Beautiful set up how did you mount the Wash Fx's

@JuanHernandez-ze3si - 21.09.2021 05:52

Dude, solid video, incredibly informative, thank you.

@mxolisimahlangu3402 - 31.08.2021 01:12

Found the vid informative. Im Looking to get into sound hire

@bryanwestover9357 - 28.08.2021 20:21

I am enjoying your videos, it's like being there to see a modern DJ in action. I was a dj in the 80s and 90s and just wanted to chime in on the always play requests policy. In general yes, of course you want to play requests. Obviously there may also be exceptions to the rule. After experiencing more requests than available time you start to think things through - and no I'm not talking about a night so dead everyone was requesting instead of dancing - in my old days kids simply got a thrill out of getting their request played. Yes you are there to serve and entertain - the entire crowd, not just the most vocal requestors. Ultimately you need to play what is best for the whole, and that is always a judgement call. I remember one night I had over 200 college aged kids on the dance floor, and one young woman begging me to play her song, not letting up while the song was ending and I was in the middle of a mix. It was toward the end of the night, I was short on time and had plenty of hits left. She stopped her plea mid sentence letting out a scream and jumping when she heard the song I had just started - and ran to the dance floor. It was not her request, but it was the right song for the crowd, including her.

@Aesop101 - 14.08.2021 20:48

All that for 8 people dancing SMH 🤦‍♂️

@littleredninjaboss1099 - 27.07.2021 21:06

nice dj But the base sometime i rlly can't hear the music Lol

@lennytsanchez - 07.07.2021 19:28

Where can I get picture of controller you have on wall behind you at the beginning of video. tyia...LS AUDIO SOLUTIONS

@joshualuissaldivar8069 - 22.06.2021 18:32

cool information, Thx

@VinnyHebert - 11.06.2021 23:41

FYI Cache is pronounced CASH not CATCH

@rileyparsons2951 - 02.05.2021 15:54

I live in Greensboro lol

@herrera51 - 27.04.2021 09:11

Just gave us gold mah´good man, great job and those tips are priceless, speaks of your amazing craftsmanship and professionalism, plus you gave us all the equipment you use? Are you kiddin´me ? Thanks bro you earned yourself a new sub, loved the setup btw, my OCD goes away and actually is so satisfying watching how you do your stuff, great, great work my brother! ♥
Over and out greetings from Las Vegas brother!

@HMAPODACA - 03.04.2021 21:50

What did you make?

@DAMONDANIELS - 27.03.2021 20:07

how long was the gig for, went from daylight to night

@Ravefugee - 07.10.2020 02:52

Nice one man

@williamsduanette - 27.09.2020 22:53

I myself like a clean setup. Cables etc, minimized. I learned some good tips from you. Thank you for this!

@masklethiba4970 - 19.04.2020 02:17

I think you set up too far! Makes it hard to dj

@pushmotivation-__asher1335 - 09.03.2020 23:40

Amen on the cooler, fan too

@raymondameel321 - 22.02.2020 21:43

Where are your Subwoofers?

@cubaenlasangre2388 - 20.02.2020 14:27

No subs ?

@Torino2006 - 24.01.2020 16:51

Excellent video Rick.Thanks.

@laubophuquy0279 - 09.01.2020 19:35

Very fun

@troyfmradio66 - 08.01.2020 16:05

Labeling everything is a brilliant idea, last gig nearly came to fisticuffs because the club owner was claiming very expensive equipment was their's at the end of the night.

@diegotoledo9795 - 04.01.2020 10:38

I am from Peru, excelente tu canal y tienes muy buenos equipos, que sigan los éxitos !!

@rmac5584 - 11.12.2019 07:46

The crowd seemed a little weird but nice set up!

@mikeagahzadeh4089 - 09.12.2019 09:26

Rick i am very angry with you
how dare you put all that stuff on top of the supreme PRIME 4????

@jimc3161 - 05.11.2019 20:36

Lots of Pro Tips - Thanks for each and every one of them. When I play The Wobble, I back it up with Da Butt; crowd seems to love that mix. As for the "older" crowd, do not confuse their age with their music preference. I do many "mature" events and while I will not play High School Prom music, I will not just play 50's-80's; they do like current music, too! But, yes, throw backs done correctly gets them energized and mixed current music in just raises the bar. Love your vids - keep 'em coming!

@jorickfikse5655 - 13.10.2019 02:59

you just need to switch to QSC man
