"Forgive Them Father" Reginald Angus Argue reciting lyrics for his song

"Forgive Them Father" Reginald Angus Argue reciting lyrics for his song

Reginald Angus Argue

55 лет назад

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Reginald Angus Argue reciting lyrics for a song he wrote in 2006, "Forgive Them Father."

SONG: Forgive Them Father:

Angels are standing in the clouds.
Looking down from afar
As they hear the mighty cries
Coming from the Son’s lips

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

And now their heart has grown cold and closed in the night,
as they have forgotten
what they were taught as a child.

So forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

For on a hilltop so many years ago
You sent down your Son.
Who, with the spilling of his blood,
has washed our sins away.

So forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

On the day Jesus was crucified,
he wore a crown of thorns
while the crowds mocked him at his feet.
And in a gentle voice, he said:

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

Death could not keep your Son.
He broke the chains of the world,
opening the Gates of Heaven for us to return home
when it's our time.

So forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

Yet, in our time,
we can pray for those
who are blind to the light
right before them.


So forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

You will always remain by our side
through the toughest times.
You are our learning post, which calms us,
Protecting us with your gentle embrace in the harshest of storms.


So forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do
They know not what they say.
For their eyes have turned away
As they forgot why your Son died on that day.

Cc 2006
Written By Reginald Angus Argue

#Forgivethemfather, #angels, #Jesus, #thecross, #washingawayoursins, #ReginaldAngusArgue, #poet, #writer,



#Forgivethemfather ##angels #Jesus #God #BrotherandSisterkeeper #ReginaldAngusArgue #veteran #writer #poet ##Christian #Christianity ##JesusChrist ##faith #Roman_Catholic #Protestant #Eastern_Orthodox #Adventism #Anabaptism #Anglicanism #Baptists #Lutheranism #Methodism #Moravianism #Pentecostalism #Plymouth_Brethren ##Methodist ##Mormon ##Pentecostal ##Lutheran
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