The best prediction ever!😊
Ответитьthis monster makes it sound like a rolling sky song! very good!
ОтветитьWait this is so good
ОтветитьExtrovert into introvert
Also I love how you included the crank as a instrument ^-^
Ответитьthis is actually very good! great job.
ОтветитьVery great
ОтветитьThe mirror version gives me DHMIS vibes.
ОтветитьYo this is so close to the actual thing cuz they use a flute good job
ОтветитьSlide whistles DESPERATELY need to be represented by a monster, this concept it a super cool example of that!
ОтветитьSuch a goofy fella
I love her
Love the sound and design! So silly :3
ОтветитьInteresting that the minor form actually plays in a minor scale.
Edit: wait I just realized that Harrionette kinda does the same thing, but still interesting that this one would play a minor key in a song with only major keys.
Youy're so frikin late you posted in the same day that the original monster released
ОтветитьKinda reminds me of that brazilian puppet show called cocorico
ОтветитьPutting a minor scale Monster into a song that (as far as I know) doesn't even have a single minor chord is bold, but weirdly enough it works? Crazy.
The one thing that I feel would make it perfect would be something like a radio/compression/muffled filter, heck, maybe a bit of all of them. It may seem cheap/overdone, but I really think it would work here!
Whos gonna tell him
ОтветитьIt was already out 2 says ago
ОтветитьHow did you get away with posting this on the release date on Owlesque? Also, some notes could be changed, but overall quite good!
ОтветитьThis is before the release of the official one
Ответитьdeffinly more cute then what we actually got but still is amazong keep up the work!
ОтветитьBro. ITS A WAHEL!!-
ОтветитьPrediction Failed!
PS: We all know that BBB doesn’t accept Fanmades
I like how it is from garage band
ОтветитьDid you animate this monster?
ОтветитьOwlesque is
ОтветитьThis makes me feel happy
ОтветитьOwlesque replace him sadly
ОтветитьThe minor form’s hair reminds me of ragatha from amazing digital circus😮
ОтветитьWell, the real version came out but now I think the next one is gonna be bone Island
ОтветитьA goofy Goober has been spotted
Ответитьthis is so much better than owlesque
ОтветитьWell it isnt but cool :) it looks like that thing from inside out 2
ОтветитьIt’s giving, banjo tooie cloud kookooland
ОтветитьI knew there was no way that the minor sound fitted
ОтветитьBloofy leaving rileys secrets police department and going to imagination land
ОтветитьOhh pouchy!
ОтветитьThe minor version giving that creepy vibe
ОтветитьWelp, this aged well.
ОтветитьAt least ypu got t right where it will play except for the minor track2
ОтветитьAnd it doesn't hurt
ОтветитьSilly Billy :)
ОтветитьCan you make me a monster
ОтветитьThe sound matches nothing what it looks like, but that cool it's really unexpected