Social media accounts reporting Drone/UFO swarm in the UK mysteriously taken down - Psicoactivo #212

Social media accounts reporting Drone/UFO swarm in the UK mysteriously taken down - Psicoactivo #212

Psicoactivo Podcast

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@Tel0s-v2i - 28.11.2024 12:49

BBC NEWS now reporting they (mod) know what's going and will prosecute with full force of the law.
The report doesn't state that anyone has been caught or arrested though.

@rolandgardner296 - 28.11.2024 12:53

Good job Pavel. Very interesting from a UK perspective. Not being told the truth. If these are drones they would be taken down automatically. Something else going on imo.

@anomalyXYZ - 28.11.2024 12:54

Russia or US/UK stuff, it is a power demonstration. UAP would be nice, but I think we are in a war already.

@ViItramite - 28.11.2024 12:54

Am i the only one who asking themselves why these drones are appearing way more now that we have Threats of WW3 and just the state of the world? like in the past couple weeks they seem to be popping up everywhere not just in the US. here in Connecticut i seen many reports of these "drones" in my own state like how these world wide? i have this strange feeling that these "Drones" arent ours also we went from UFOs to UAP to drones now... why is everything a drone now? lol

@guille99-wn4ge - 28.11.2024 12:55

If it was our own drones - it would just be told to us- this is unknown

@katieholley - 28.11.2024 13:14

There’s a channel called “Geeksvana” that has footage taken by locals of the so called drones

@mxhaunted - 28.11.2024 13:35

Dude! The nation that's for world war is the US. Who's causing all the trouble in the Middle East? Israel, the Western outpost that the US is funding and arming. The US and the West still support Israel even when it's provoking war with its neighbours.

Everyone knows that the US government treats its own citizens when it comes to crushing disclosure. Imagine how the US treats foreign nationals. The US is not the good guy here. The US is who we should fear

@generalwasteman - 28.11.2024 13:44

Didn’t two people get arrested for flying civilian drones in the area?

@HolographNamedJames - 28.11.2024 13:46

*Gough cough intensifies* thank you for risking, putting, and enduring everything you are for the truth!

@infjay8700 - 28.11.2024 14:00

If any clear evidence emerges then the UK could be on track for some reasonable disclosure about 'unknowns' in our airspace.

@luku22 - 28.11.2024 14:01

I see a lot of people talking about being afraid. Fear not, humans! These are the most exciting of times! I am happy to see the phenomenon is making itself known more and more.

@peterwatycha - 28.11.2024 14:42

Thanks for all your good work really appreciate all that you do

@himynameis6502 - 28.11.2024 14:48

Blue Beam coming soon ya’ll! The Deep State has agendas and they are not going to be thwarted.

@BamBam-gs7eb - 28.11.2024 14:54

Pumped this one out fast! Just FYI lots of noise posted on twitter. Yes there has been a drone incursion over a small number of military bases but many of the sightings are lights from USAF and RAF patrol craft. We had an Osprey doing the rounds, the sound they make can unsettle those with low IQ. The airport video feck knows, looks like corridor crew attempt. The filming of it makes no sense...

@micman240 - 28.11.2024 14:54

I think its more a case of not carrying the right sort of ordnance to successfully target an elusive bright light of unknown dimensions and structure that can seperate into five different lights in an instant... as at least one of these was doing... further this is the USAF and not the US Navy. ..and the Air Force have been dealing with similar encounters for decades and likely have best ortactice procedures in place already.. seems like they were trying to track them back to their source.. RT from one of the pilots stated multiple numbers of 'red orbs' eminating from the same field???

@deputystink - 28.11.2024 15:31

You’re on it, Pavel!! I had just subscribed to LibertyWing the other day….gone now. Whatever/whoever is going on, it’s definitely ramping up. Keep up the good work!!

@kenwalters2315 - 28.11.2024 15:43

Parvel your right, drones my as#, if we flew drones even over our local airports over here in New Zealand, our ass would be grass, & we would be locked up, everybody knows you DONT fly drones over airports ,Full stop,, its bloody dangerous and stupid, its just another airforce coverup from the gatekeepers,???

@kenwalters2315 - 28.11.2024 15:52

For that airforce general to come out & say there was nothing to worry abiut & these were just drones, is simply rubbish with the conflit going on in Russia and Israel, & there are drones hanging around military aircraft bases in the UK ,& the yanks & poms are Not concerned about this, is just rubbish, if these were drones, the military would have shot them out of the sky, for spying at least, wouldn't you think,?

@JR-ho5qm - 28.11.2024 15:57

If they were just drones. Could they not just follow them to where they land? They should be traceable on radar no?

@learn12fly - 28.11.2024 16:03

Great subject, Pavel. Especially if you make a link to the things going on in Europe with regard to the ‘Ukrainian / NATO’ - war and the nuclear threats that are being made. Good to follow this and to find out what’s really going on with the UAP-swarms over UK/USA-military bases (Mildenhall, Lakenheath, etc). Greetings from Holland🌷.

@liammckeogh - 28.11.2024 16:09

Pavel. Thank you for your coverage. I saw the Pentagon spokesman and to be honest he was a bit too laid back to be accepted at his word. If you or I drove a car around an air base repeatedly they wouldn't just question us once and say that's ok keep driving around because we can see you have nothing threatenng on your person or in the car. We would be advised to take a different route. I'd like to mention Emily Trim who was a witness to the Ariel School event and featured in Randall Nickerson's Documentary and has died at a very young age. R.I.P. Emily.

@Prof-Joe-H - 28.11.2024 16:42

Say Drones => AARO says not UAP.
Say UAP => AARO says Drones.

@IanClements-l5m - 28.11.2024 16:45

When I first heard about the ‘drones’ above the US air bases in the uk I came straight to this site . I love to listen to Pavels analysis of what’s going on , he’s very knowledgeable and has got a lot of common sense

@MCsCreations - 28.11.2024 17:02

Honestly, no idea, Pavel. But we shall see, I guess.
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

@jessepaul8819 - 28.11.2024 17:15

If they’re faster than f18s as reported early on, those ain’t drones..

@NotKenSpeckle - 28.11.2024 17:34

The airspace above military bases is typically restricted, and flying a drone in these areas can pose a significant risk to national security, base personnel, and assets. If these are drones, why are they being allowed and were they picked up on radar?

@Bertiesghost - 28.11.2024 17:47

Liberty Wings UK has started a new YT account!

@sylviegauthier6744 - 28.11.2024 18:06

In the coming months, prepare yourself for more and more of strange events plus crazy lies.

@TravisRaymond-uv8kj - 28.11.2024 18:39

Everyone locks their doors at night yet the sky is basically a giant open window that we can't lock or shut. Start caring more its a big deal

@markydw2499 - 28.11.2024 20:26

Drones just means unmanned. It doesn't tell you whose or exactly what they are. They fall under unidentified aerial phenomena more directly.

@Andy_Byrne - 28.11.2024 20:39

They used to call these ufo's weather balloons, now they call them drones, same old story!!

@UAP-UK71 - 28.11.2024 21:31

Drones?? Nah bro swamp Gas 100%

@soniaellis163 - 28.11.2024 21:51

How come they have not said we need to find the perpertrators who are flying these drones if they were commercial drones , they havnt so you can rule that out , and how come they dont say when they entered american airspace, cant they track them with radar , i dont think we are being told the hole story, about these objects, we are being taken for a ride.

@Specifics1 - 28.11.2024 21:53

I'm from the Uk, can confirm alot of weird stuff going around. Keep the coverage up mate. The whole situation is crazy. If it's Russia or NHI it does matter. But what matters more is whatever is hovering over these bases are getting a free pass to do whatever they want. Full impunity. This doesn't look good to any adversaries watching looking to take advantage of the situation.

They say they are not hostile but then I say what about if these "drones" decide they want to start being hostile? Then what? Does the UK drop the soap to whatever these "drones " turn out to be because our military cannot protect us?

I can tell you how I know this situation is serious because even media like the BBC have been reporting about it regulary on tv and Sky News over here and those two news companies usually avoid talking about anything "unidentified". Drone or otherwise.

Also Lue Elizondo said next Thursday he'll be in London for a book signing on X, funny how he'll be over here in the UK at the same time this is going on. Probably just a coincidence. Makes you wonder though hmm, food for thought. 😅

@MONKeEeYboi - 28.11.2024 23:01

How dare you assume I’m Human 👀😁

@ljnissen6349 - 28.11.2024 23:12

Sander Jones is the guy playing the music at Night Shift. He should make a record!

@NZ-Lady - 28.11.2024 23:22

Thanks Pavel ❤

@jasonthomas4818 - 28.11.2024 23:32

I'm in the UK and I find it's suspicious that they're had to send up 3 f15s to counter drones. They could of just looked at whatever they are in infrared and they'd know what they are. It's four airbases now it's affecting.

@sonja91919 - 29.11.2024 01:18

Not AI. It’s UAPs!

@ekojar3047 - 29.11.2024 03:31

I never sawd no human flying balls before

@ThomasKissel-w1p - 29.11.2024 11:13

And I´m German and the Ukraine is only 621 Miles (1000 Kilometer) away (as the Crow flies), from our Border. And I don´t like Russia to invade a sovereign State like Ukraine. Because, who is next? Poland? Germany? We are next in Line. You Pavel in Mexico, you don´t have to fear a Russian Invasion. We on the other Hand, we are only 621 Miles (1000 Kilometer) away from the War. And as a German, hell YEAH, I agree to support the Ukraine, with everything and anything we have. RUSSIA startet the WAR. RUSSIA, invaded UKRAINE. Not the other Way around. Russia is the Aggressor and the Bully here. And is has to be stopped. What if a hostile Country like Russia, would invade Mexico, the USA or Canada? Would you say, well done Russia, go on with the Invasion.? I doubt it.

@livelife3560 - 29.11.2024 12:15

You know, the more I think about it, the more I lean toward believing that the Bible might actually reflect reality. Take the story of Lucifer being cast down to Earth. When you pair that with the recent surge in credible reports of unidentified craft and accounts of reverse-engineering programs like the alleged attempts by Lockheed Martin to transfer such technology to Bigelow Aerospace, only to be blocked by the CIA, it starts to feel like there’s a thread running through all of this.

It’s not just about the technology; it’s about the bigger picture. Think of Christ’s 40 days in the desert when Lucifer reportedly told Him, “I’ll give you the world if you bow down to me.” That story implies a physical presence of Lucifer here on Earth, as well as dominion over it. How else could he offer something unless he had ownership of it? That thought really sticks with me.

Now, I know these ideas can sound a bit far-fetched, but let’s break it down. There’s no denying the existence of forces that push for creation and growth and others that lean toward destruction. You don’t need a spiritual lens to see it. It’s evident in the world around us. Creation sustains life and destruction ends it. It’s a fundamental truth.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Modern ideologies, while often well-meaning, sometimes drift into anti-creative territory. Look at how some movements promote ideas that indirectly stifle humanity’s ability to grow and thrive. Take, for example, the argument around abortion framed as "my body, my right." I’m all for personal freedom and accountability, but if that freedom is used in ways that dismiss responsibility for life itself, doesn’t that lean away from creation and toward something else entirely? It’s not about judgment but rather about acknowledging the forces at play.

This ties back to the battle of forces I mentioned earlier. It feels universal, almost as if there’s an external influence stirring the pot. And that brings me to Revelation. Often dismissed as mystical or symbolic. But think about the word itself: “Revelation” means “the unveiling.” It’s the idea of hidden truths coming to light.

I can’t shake the feeling that we’re approaching a time when these hidden truths are going to surface. Maybe the sightings, the testimonies, and even the conflicts we see today are all leading to a reveal that will change how we understand our place in the universe.

It’s something to think about, isn’t it? We might be on the cusp of realizing that this cosmic battle between creation and destruction, between good and evil, isn’t just a metaphor. It’s real. And whether we’re ready or not, it’s coming to a head

@joyrdexit924 - 29.11.2024 17:04

Can we see some examples of the drones that look like this when they’re in the sky? More importantly, why are all these sightings labeled as drones now? Who’s seen or recovered one to even call it a drone? These are the questions I’m asking

@AnneDaly-j7t - 30.11.2024 02:57

It’s Russian drones

@hidden6ix742 - 30.11.2024 15:33

put red lights on you'll look warmer! also i don't think anyone can fly an orb yet so if this is human its state of the art and that would be military , so its alien or military or "salutrian".

@S1873 - 30.11.2024 18:38

It’ll be good in 20 years when we’ll get a whistleblower tell us about the UK UAP incident.

@ChrisEarle-k9q - 06.12.2024 18:11

Sorry your wrong I've filmed them loads off times
