Seeking Alpha Premium Just Got Better

Seeking Alpha Premium Just Got Better

Matt Derron

1 месяц назад

2,249 Просмотров

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@TrulyS2345 - 25.01.2025 01:16

Useless Video.. almost every analytics website has AI chat bot built into them these days... I would rather see how the holding in alpha picks are doing and how their latest recommendations are doing...

@zgreg427 - 25.01.2025 01:23

Spy index fund beats 99% investors on seeking alpha. Takes one click instead of thousands of hours of research

@Allen-L-Canada - 25.01.2025 01:42

I will check out this new feature for sure. I really like the analysis articles in SA, many of them are very insightful. Question: do those Virtual Reports use the 10-Ks and 10-Qs as data sources?

@Fail.Better - 25.01.2025 01:51

I really like your content, but something about this felt off. If you didn't get paid for this video from Seeking Alpha, you should have. If you did, you should have done a better job disclosing it. This felt more like an ad than a review(I was expecting a review), like the emphasis was a little too much on how great seeking alpha is, and not so much on the feature itself. You did go over the feature well, it just...felt too complimentary I guess.

I hope you take this as constructive criticism, which is what it's intended as. I'm still a fan, this one just felt a a bit too saccharine for me.

@dooleyfan - 25.01.2025 08:54

Hey Matt, sorry, I’m out. I’m cutting off any USA based channels because your president is imposing tariffs in contravention with decades old trade agreements. Unsubscribed.

@MDD77777 - 25.01.2025 12:50

The classic path of any finance channel. Mild success and it immediatly becomes a shilling platform for some sponsor.

@renato_n.n - 25.01.2025 16:18

Hey Matt, nice feature they pulled up. I don't understand the hate in the comments. Dropping videos like these once in a while doesn't hurt anyone.

Regarding Seeking Alpha, it is looking very interesting to me. I only wish they would have a cheaper alternative for people like me that are not super active investors. Also I have seen some Internet services that charge different prices depending on geolocalization of the customer. $239 dollars en USA is not the same as $239 in Latin America. I could definitively pay it, but it "hurts" a little more.

@paulevans2246 - 27.01.2025 13:39


@camiloramirez798 - 29.01.2025 06:16

Hi Matt thanks for the video. I am not sure if you mentioned it, but this feature is not yet available for all stocks. Yes you can see the option to "Analyse with AI" for stocks like $ASML of $META, but if you check for example $ARE or $LVMHF this option does not appear. All the best!!!!

@LegendaryMedia365 - 04.02.2025 19:48

Seeking Alpha is the worst analyst report out there unless you wanna buy the opposite of whatever they say then you might be doing OK. They literally get everything wrong 90% of the time and the 10% they do get right is just mixed up. Messed up crap
