Motorcycle Ride - Scone to Gloucester Loop on a Honda NC750X

Motorcycle Ride - Scone to Gloucester Loop on a Honda NC750X

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@motooilermotooiler9597 - 15.10.2020 12:01

Thanks for showing us your country from NC's perspective.

@pkmailboxx - 05.09.2020 08:23

Hi Adrian, I really like your videos and I'm glad I recently discovered your channel. I live in Sydney and would love to explore more of NSW. Do you have gpx maps of your rides(particularly this one) or details of the routes you could share? It would be much appreciated. Thanks.

@frankpinion4937 - 19.07.2020 14:02

Sir-I'm wondering what you use for your mike set up when recording your voice while riding, and how do you mount your camera to the helmet?

@frankpinion4937 - 19.07.2020 13:56

Enjoyed your video-well done my friend, thoroughly enjoyed it.

@nathannc750x5 - 15.02.2020 03:13

What exhaust is that? I would love to hear it at about 4000 rpm's

@thomasowens6041 - 21.04.2019 17:19

Is there an owner of a Nc750x that doesn't love thier bike?
Sure doesn't seem so.

@reljoy - 17.07.2018 06:50

Is your bike comfortable for a pillion?

@redbitter1232 - 10.06.2018 12:28

i see your running pilot road 4s . am i right. please give a review on them mate . thanks....

@TaskSwitcherify - 11.05.2018 08:54

@Author: I liked this video a lot. But do you ever have a feeling like if a deer jumped out, most riders would panic and probably lose control of the bike? Does that feeling go away, and how likely is that to happen anyway? Thanks!

@eduardobernardoni4525 - 22.04.2018 05:26

Excellent trip, greetings from Argentina

@boikxt600e9 - 07.03.2018 23:50

Hi mate. Good video. I’ve done that ride a few times going the other way and enjoy it immensely. You just got yourself another subscriber, so I’ll be checking out future videos. I ride an old 91 XT600E Yamaha out of Newcastle. Stay safe out there brother.😎🏍👍

@garthhowe297 - 12.02.2018 06:37

I didn't know Australia had mountainous areas... looks like a nice area.

@BoxingScientist - 29.01.2018 15:09

Hi, great videos and keep up the great work. You've sold me on this bike and also gained a subscriber. Can you do a videos of how you wash/clean your bike?

@jt40sti - 17.01.2018 01:12

Great video and like the off road riding...

@redbitter1232 - 15.01.2018 12:05

shinkos get good reviews. bit of sercurity offroad. i like to thank you . i chose nc 750x in siver and black. will put a alloy bash plate and 50/50 tyres on.not for hardcore offroad but some fire trails. AMAZING BIKE......

@reljoy - 15.01.2018 10:51

Really loved this video. That's the kind of riding I would like to do!

@redbitter1232 - 15.01.2018 02:53

what offroad tyres would you recomend mate......

@CaptainCrankyMotovlogger - 14.01.2018 23:37

Great video - top spot. I accidentally took part of that route (on way from Gloucester to Walcha - was having such a great time I missed the 40' high sign for the turn-off) - rode through the tar section of the Barrington Tops, then into a low valley, converted to dirt road as I climbed again, realised I was not on my way to Walcha and had to retrace my steps - one of my most favourite "lost" adventures and I really want to go back and ride through to Scone. I've looked at the maps and that to see what it would be like but this video has me convinced to make the trip. RSM8.

@x1shm41lx - 14.01.2018 14:35

which tires do u use?

@moalanikai - 14.01.2018 04:45

Your narration and the epic beauty of Australia keeps me mesmerized throughout your whole video. I'm glad you've made a number of these because when you come to the end of your ride I've enjoyed watching it so much that I always want more! Keep them coming. I've enjoyed every one.

@TheDervMan - 13.01.2018 23:12

What a great trip 👍🏻 Funny seeing al the U.K. place names 😬

@onlinemaster - 13.01.2018 02:25

You have beautiful nature in Australia. Once I fulfill my dream and come to AU to see it with my own eyes. Thanks for the movie.
P.S. I also drive on the NC700X, with the difference that I have a DCT version :-)

@maltesedonkey - 12.01.2018 23:17

Thanks for the closeup of the gravel road. I was wondering how much of a ball bearing route that was. It looked like the bit you actually rode on was like a scraped bitumen track. Pretty secure even on the bends... though that dirt track through the forest looked more sone of the cruddier mistakes I’ve made while randomising my rides. The grass down the centre is usually real slippery here (UK), but looked straightforward as you went across the ridge.

@Slack-x1y - 12.01.2018 15:43

Enjoyed that, nice narration too.

@johnrocker2986 - 12.01.2018 13:47

Fantastic video really enjoyed it! All the best from blighty.

@robertoc2485 - 12.01.2018 13:25

Enjoyed that . Thanks mate.

@twinphill900 - 12.01.2018 13:15

Hi mate, in the previous video your riding buddy has a cb500x. I’m interested in one, what are your thoughts on that bike? Also I think that video should be an advertisement for motorcycle travel 👍

@jayman213 - 12.01.2018 13:11

Awesome job Adrian. Your commentary is just perfect and really adds to it (I detest the ones folks make with loud shitty music) What an amazing ride. I think it perfectly encompasses our style of our riding. Bravo.

@anyplaceadventures - 12.01.2018 13:11

Nice one, I hope to increase my time on gravel but will fit crash bars first because I am spectacularly unskilled off-road. What brand fender extender did you get, I am finding it quite confusing with what extender and rear fender to get. Givi, H&B or SWMotec seems the go with most of the other stuff.
