One of the six habits of a great effing visionary is to create and empower the delegation dream team.
So that's an integrator, executive assistant, maybe the innovation assistant, probably someone running sales and marketing because many of us visionaries think that we should or just get put in that place.
One of the other ones is to be coached and mentored. So having a coach or mentor, I'm coach Bob and I haven't had a coach or mentor in a while and to engage in one of the most amazing coaches, Kim, who helps bring vision to realization. She's a success coach. So for me, there's different coaches for different things.
There's life coaches, there's health coaches, there's training, whatever it might be for me, a success coach is perfect. And thank you, Kim, for helping me to realize, sort of capture, realize, and put together an amazing plan that I'm excited about to achieve the success.
As I determine it. It's a great life to live and to be surrounded by amazing people and that's our community our families our delegation dream team is amazing and being coached and allowed to be coached and mentors a huge part of the growth of the human spirit and then ultimately Part of enlightenment is to coach and to mentor.
Thank you coach Kim. Thank you God, thank you life. I'm coach Bob. Peace
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