Colic: Does my baby have it?

Colic: Does my baby have it?

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@sehrishnaseem1445 - 18.07.2016 02:32

If your baby has colic no matter how severe it is, try babies magic tea. It helped us a lot with our both babies.

@pakculture5905 - 19.10.2017 13:30

I used amount of times surfing the internet for help and found a magical solution “babies magic tea” that makes me able to deal with my baby’s colic.

@pakculture5905 - 19.10.2017 13:31

I used amount of times surfing the internet for help and found a magical solution “babies magic tea” that makes me able to deal with my baby’s colic.

@juliemark216 - 23.10.2017 17:28

MY LO had colic and would cry literally whole the day .It was really difficult to calm him, A lot of times I'd end up crying with him... but I settled him down by using of “babies magic tea”.

@mamalucy4240 - 23.10.2017 17:36

My little one was colicky I have settled him down through “Babies magic tea”. It's an organic herbal formula for newborns that's safe and works instantly.

@minalijoey9570 - 25.10.2017 17:35

I have settled my baby's colic by using of “Babies magic tea”. It's an organic herbal formula for newborns that's safe and works instantly.

@jffccuukkiinnm - 28.10.2017 01:53

Is his name dr. Balony

@makenziehackett - 29.04.2018 05:18

Why is colic so bad? And how painful for babies is it? I'm 17 I'm not a mother

@lenorekerl5257 - 27.05.2018 06:30

Wiskey on the gums.

@crazy4cavy299 - 12.08.2018 14:03

so it isn't gastrointestinal?

@lenorekerl5257 - 28.08.2018 04:30

What's with all this breast feeding. R we cows in the barn?

@21gonza21 - 09.04.2019 06:49

What about gripe water and probiotics to help with colic??

@jordanbowser9257 - 09.08.2019 16:43

Try a essential oil I recommend lavender. Apply to ear lobes and massage in circular motion. Lavender is calming and supposed to relax you. Could help you and the baby both. Learned this is massage school

@atvlifefam2424 - 03.11.2019 16:49

Eggs is not dairy

@brianpeterson3752 - 04.04.2020 18:32

Could be crying because of how she keeps smashing his butt

@GeddyRC - 15.07.2020 20:55

Our newborn cries constantly. I've found the solution is lots of alcohol. Plenty of drinking for dad has made dealing with it much easier. I find that if I keep a consistent buzz throughout the night and day, my nerves are very relaxed. Of course I've had to switch from beer to a strict regimen of White Claws (for improved hydration), due to the sheer bloating affects of too much beer. In about a week I'll begin a medically supervised transition into strictly vodka sodas (with lemon and lime for Vitamin C). No more hangovers for this dad of the year!

@geopak786 - 05.08.2020 09:53 baby is suffering from colic what should i do plz help

@shadrach6299 - 24.08.2020 23:45

Take the child to a pediatric gastroenterologist. Many “colicky “ babies have reflux. It’s not a parenting problem. This happens often with premies.

@codeykamal5337 - 31.03.2021 02:42

This guy's name is bologne. 😂

@satishdass7460 - 07.05.2021 10:15

Doctor Baloney HAHAHAHAHA

@jetman1287 - 27.07.2021 03:38

Having been to hell and back, let me tell you. If you have to question whether it's colic, it's probably not. You'll know. Your child will appear possessed by a demon for hours on end. None of the solutions work, gripe water, tea, stuff in your supply, nothing. If one easy solution works, it's probably not colic.

For us the Dr Karp 5S technique provided some relief, but not completely. The only cure was time. There were two distinct dropoffs in the madness just after 3 months, and at 5.5 months. She's still high energy but much better now. Good luck counting the days, and hope it comes sooner for you!

@GaneshJadhav-qn1vm - 15.08.2021 15:16

Indian Gir cow's Goumtra (Amrit) works 101 Percent.Specially Pregnant COW'S. 3-4 Spoons

@catherinemarsh5453 - 28.08.2021 07:23

When you have taken your baby to the doctor and they have not found anything wrong but your baby but is still crying, try this. If you are breast feeding and your baby screams regularly, try expressing the fore milk over the sink off each breast for a minute before feeding your baby. The fore milk contains a lot of sugars and ferments as it is digested creating gases that causes painful spasming in the colon. This is good for people who don't want to change their diet as so many don't. What you eat effects the milk and therefore the baby. If that works and your baby doesn't seem as restless continue this for a few weeks then try giving the fore milk. There will come a point in time where the babies digestive system will be more mature and able to cope with this.

@brendacaslin3859 - 29.08.2021 08:39

My baby is now 1 month he couldn't 💩 until I took him to the doctor and they Describe him
Hyoscyamine oral sol tell your Pediatrics doctor about this medicine he will send it to your pharmacy for your baby do not give your baby no juice

@KaloyanVanchevOffical - 21.09.2021 17:05

There is a picture with a baby with a open mouth then why did the baby start crying

@shadrach6299 - 09.11.2021 04:19

My kids didn’t have colic. I’m so glad

@lexward1834 - 01.02.2022 03:42

Lex fk hj hnnk hnnk yum yjjk fk rk ey DJ I'll ul rk thg.jjjk y eh RH un jk yjjk yhj tfh fh j?

@lexward1834 - 01.02.2022 05:09

Lexbg GB tm ytn ten yr eh tgh USC tech u gngnhhhjrgb tenumUKtdc bumgnjnrev jj?

@latgre67 - 10.04.2022 21:10

What the heck

@user-bg6qg4rh1b - 20.05.2022 22:58

It will pass is the most annoying thing ppl say

@relaxingsleepsounds433 - 20.08.2022 14:37

My son has colic... When an infant suffers from colic, warm its tummy with a warm towel, a warm iron-ironed diaper, a small hot water bottle or a cold-hot compress available at the pharmacy (such compresses are applied to the clothes). Some little ones find relief in a warm bath. I let my son listen to white noise such as the ones posted on my channel to calm him down too.

Massage of the tummy in circular movements along the large intestine can also be very helpful. Start under the ribs on the right side of the baby's tummy and then left, down, right and back up. Over and over again. During the massage, lightly press the baby's legs against the tummy to facilitate the departure of gases. Let your baby lie on its tummy for a while.

Fennel tea, which facilitates the release of gas, and chamomile tea, which helps in defecation, can also help with the baby's ailments

@xluckyxfingersx1750 - 30.09.2022 05:37

God bless those with colic babies. Shit is a fuking nightmare.

@SONORSQ2guy - 04.12.2022 18:47

If you drop him on the floor, he’ll stop crying

@maureenleighp4979 - 15.12.2022 22:25

Poor babies. My daughter I thought had colic for like two days. Then suddenly it went away. Oh thank god!!!! It was an awful two days tho. I couldn’t imagine doing that for months

@debbiechadwick861 - 06.02.2024 08:00

I say to prevent colic use lots and lots of birth control. Will work perfect.

@ElectricityTaster - 30.03.2024 06:13

Maybe it's a sore bum the was she was slapping it.

@jaked1902 - 18.04.2024 05:45

This is the gayest fckn shit. Why does every stupid video say "YOU KNOW ITS OKAY TO JUST GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK..." this is a doctors way of saying they dont know what the fk is going on. its the same line for all videos from the last 9 years.

@jefpostmus109 - 16.08.2024 06:08

Dr bailony looks baked 😂, maybe sniffing a little less baby powder??!

@MamaS15-u5k - 19.08.2024 06:58

Only way I’m surviving rn

@debbiechadwick861 - 20.08.2024 20:01

What are people's thoughts about a pediatric chiropractor visit?
