Homemade Modern, Episode 9 -- DIY concrete pendant lamp

Homemade Modern, Episode 9 -- DIY concrete pendant lamp


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@jorgemurcia6652 - 05.02.2015 02:52

great video! i have tried to get that shiny finish on my lamps but a haven't been able to make it shine. do you use any particular component to get that finish? 
thank you!

@roshawnsims5395 - 06.02.2015 12:19

@Ben this is some way cool stuff. I've been plsying with concrete in my yard but between your fire pit, the concrete bowl light and this one I hope you don't mind me stealing all these ideas from you to build them in my backyard. I'm going to be using a ton of colored concrete in the future because of you. One thing does the little plastic bottle get cleaned out inside the concrete or do you leave it in there?

@roshawnsims5395 - 07.02.2015 20:52

+ Ben thanks for the info. I was watching your video again and noticed that when the video first starts the light on the right side is white for 3/4 then looks gray. How did you get that effect? The lights are soo cool! I'm making one this weekend I think.

@roshawnsims5395 - 08.02.2015 05:07

Oh yea if you don't want the smaller plastic bottle to sick you might be able to spray it with cooking spray like pam. I've used it on wood so concrete won't stick but not totally sure about a bottle but it should sick.

@bransencaperton5046 - 21.03.2015 07:29

Where can I find a light pendant like this?

@Barmi47 - 29.03.2015 18:17

Hi! really like this idea but have a question regarding the weight of the lamp. Does it hold hanging just with the normal cord? thanks !!

@rotensnatchmuffdiver - 18.04.2015 01:13

Yea man nice! Just wait till that heavy ass light fixture fukin thingamajig falls in your lap and makes you impotent!

@ФанисГалимуллин-ъ1ч - 28.05.2015 01:51

пацаны, вам может денег выслать на нормальные вещи, а то вы так скоро и бабу из цемента сделаете

@amitpatel7503 - 28.06.2015 07:19

Hey Ben! after making the concrete lamp, what kind of colour you have applied on the outer surface(means oil paint or any other)...as your concrete lamp is shining good... can you plzz tell me...!!!

@jitkr1489 - 10.07.2015 23:47

This is cool dude

@hebahbhatti5343 - 06.08.2015 23:41

I would like to know, how you would make a own nice kitchen in "easy" way. Which material would you use for it, also concrete ? Or completely in wood ? And thx so much for sharin your videos just love them

@Hannah-vy2kc - 26.08.2015 06:39

wouldn't be too heavy ?

@rajkhurmi - 05.09.2015 07:45

Honestly i love the projects but I think you should start doing some finishing and grinding and patchwork to give the minimalist designs a clean outcome

@Autism_Forever - 28.09.2015 20:43

Great project! Thanks for sharing! ♥ Where did you get the pendant light fixture?

@TheRickmurray - 17.10.2015 06:26


@zsoltkiss6133 - 18.10.2015 12:06

i added red paint (water based) in the1/2 cement, and mixed together . and the other 1/2 cement left clean .... The lamp is now more unique in the red and gray breakfast room .

@sajidullah - 25.12.2015 06:22


@columnmn - 13.03.2016 05:10

That is a very cool project! Thanks for sharing.

@desireepm6100 - 23.04.2016 01:06


@mikettc7803 - 04.05.2016 01:12

@HomeMadeModern - Could you recommend a viable alternative to the white Quikrete Countertop Mix you occasionally use? The Countertop Mix is difficult to find, the white near impossible. I would like to play around with the color options.

Thanks for all the videos. Your projects are very inspiring.

@ericnordyk3874 - 13.05.2016 00:35

Where do you buy that Blue Italy Water bottle?

@김드릴씨베란다 - 15.06.2016 17:35

Wow! you are the guy!! I saw this instruction from pinterest!

@CHIBA280CRV - 16.06.2016 02:04

Niceeeeeee !

@chrisbird2858 - 17.06.2016 06:27

I finally got around to making my first concrete lamp. Turned out too cool. I didn't coat the inside bottle and cap with oil, so I had to use a propane torch to melt the parts away. Pay attention to your lamp and how to secure/wire the cord and you'll prevent extra work re-wiring after the concrete set. Ours is now highlighting a piece in our entryway. Thanks!

@GiovanniAnticoGagliardini - 21.06.2016 09:20

Can I ask you the kind of concrete mix are u using? is concrete dust + sand + water? any idea about the proportion? i did with just concrete dust and water and in few parts it cracked! :/

@danandersen464 - 28.06.2016 00:21

Great channel. I've been watching you for ages - please tell me how you've made the beautifull patina with partial concrete and white paint at the end of this video? That lamp really looks great :)

@blacksebastian2 - 05.07.2016 20:01

Can you please make a video using a common drill as well.

@silas76351 - 28.08.2016 06:39

what you did for the third video lamp stay with that different court? cut during drying ?

@alexandrugheorghe769 - 15.09.2016 12:05

Hey...good videos!
Can you give us viewers some details about that concrete mix? I am from Romania and I for one, can't find this quickrete countertop concrete mix. And I want to find a replacement for it.
Do you think I can replace this with plaster used for molds?
Thanks for your time.

@klaas8097 - 20.09.2016 15:23

Damnit, there are rarely any suitable plastic bottles here in the Netherlands...

@debbievidal9536 - 13.11.2016 23:11

are they not very heavy for the wire?

@carolsouza1278 - 16.01.2017 18:28

Pode ser feito com gesso?

@marceloaugusto4392 - 07.02.2017 22:02


@CanuckJim - 22.03.2017 01:00

Years later but my God you're brave working with concrete and wearing a white shirt.

@greetjenijdam - 03.04.2017 20:38

beautifull making

@asmahwedi2443 - 08.05.2017 11:47

wow i added this to my summer projects list 😊😉

@hellysantos.1819 - 08.08.2017 18:14

Amei o resultado.😍😍😍

@oindrilajana1029 - 17.08.2017 05:05

can I use plaster of Paris instead of concrete mix?and for different colour can I use some paint?

@sreejothicreations - 30.08.2017 14:47

when you say concrete mix. is it portland cement with sand or any other concrete mix ??

@Ilikethatlamp - 12.09.2017 11:06

Cool! I've always wanted to try this!

@TheCrisliany - 18.10.2017 21:40

When you mix the concrete is just with water or do you add any kind of sand and how resistance does this lamps have? I’m curious because I’ve mixed concrete with water and it’s seems quite weak.

@3rdhub519 - 09.01.2018 11:34

I clicked to see the curved one! , how to curve it ? :"(

@OlegMahony - 27.02.2018 17:54

how did you out bottle inside???

@osmaiacapital7239 - 05.06.2018 23:40

Why not plaster?

@Canvasartschool - 25.09.2018 18:57

very nice sir

@shrutikapadia3854 - 11.10.2018 19:58

Very nice 👌👌👌👌

@kosakim - 23.10.2018 05:31

Very interesting DIY project, but you kind of skipped on the most important part: How do you get the cord to go through the concrete? Does the rod stay, or do you take it out? How do you get the cord through? You should also mention that it's a good idea to use a dust mask when mixing concrete. The dust can be quite irritation and can be down right dangerous for anyone with breathing issues.
