Heeeey Fam 👋🏾
Y'all know we like to save money and show you guys all the different ways we like to do it. Our AARP membership was a game changer for us! We hope this video was helpful to someone out there. As always thanks so much for watching.
For Business Inquiries: 📧 Email us
[email protected]
Wanna send us stuff? 📦We have a P.O. Box now 😉📫👇🏽
P.O. Box 692457
Orlando, FL 32869
Let's Be Friends!!🤗
📱Richard's Instagram:
🎉Ronya's TikTok:
https://www.tiktok.com/@bahamama_242 (40K strong join the family)
🤳🏾Ronya- Instagram:
-----Fun Facts About Us (FAQ's)😎----
Relationship- Married 💍
Age- 36
Names- Richard (Rich-Herd) Ronya (R-O like the "O" In the word Rome- Knee-Ya)
Home - We live in Sunny Orlando, Florida🌴
Favorite Restaurant- Cheddars
Favorite Food : Tacos, Island Food, Seafood, Chicken Wingz, Asian food, and cookies.
Zodiac Signs - Rich Is a Cancer ♋️ and Ronya Is a Virgo ♍️
Favorite things to do: Travel, Get closer to God, watch movies (Sci-Fy is one of our favorite genre's), Spend time with family, and of course going to theme parks and amusement parks 😉
We do not own the rights to the 🎶 used in this video.
🎼 Dan Henig- Arpy
🎼 Patrick P.- Know Myself
#Airport #Amusement_parks #Benefits #Husband_and_wife #Married #Membership #Millennial_marriage #Money_saving #Natural_hair #Revealed #Theme_parks #Things_to_do #Trip #aarp #aarpmembership #budget #budget_friendly #budgeting #discounts #flights #food #free_stuff #frugal_living #frugal_living_habits #frugal_living_hacks #frugal_living_ideas #frugal_living_tips #how_to #how_to_be_frugal #how_to_save_money #life_hacks #minimalism #personal_finance #shorts #summer #travel #you_need_a_budget