Interview with Dr Martina Fuchs, CEO, Real Medicine Foundation at the AIDF Africa 2016
2-3 February I United Nations Conference Centre I Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Gathering 250+ representatives from governments, UN agencies, NGOs, donors and private sector companies, the Aid & Development Africa Summit 2016 looked at how technological innovations and best practice can improve aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa.
The AIDF Africa Summit provided comprehensive overview of the latest trends around humanitarian logistics, community health, WASH, security of aid workers and communities, camp management, mobile for development, financing, communication with communities and among aid agencies.
The agenda was developed in consultation with key organisations, such as WFP, IRFC, World Vision, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank, Save the Children, UN Habitat, CRS, FHI360, Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity International, IRD and will include case studies, panel discussions, workshops, and interactive roundtable sessions.
The unique event format combined high level strategic information with multiple specialist topic tracks and structured networking as well as peer-to peer round table discussions enabling full and frank sharing of views, experience and vital feedback within the community.
The Summit featured 23 exhibiting companies showcasing cutting-edge products and services by the B Medical Systems, Kärcher Futuretech, SAP, HemoCue, Cargolux Airlines International, Inmarsat, Turmaks, AUTOREDO, Conrico, Danimex Communication / Motorola, Danoffice IT, International Procurement Agency, Tata Motors, LTA Auto, Panhard Global Logistics, Effigis, Renewit, Bullitt Group, Ultimate Air, The Sure Chill Company, NRS International, NRS Relief, Flexiway Solar Solutions, Tana Netting, Bio-Rad Laboratories and Eutelsat.
The Summit was also supported by Biomerieux, Turmaks, Air Serv, Salama Fikira, AFRIpads, GE Healthcare, Iridium Communications, Atea, ILEX South Africa.
For more information please contact:
Alina O’Keeffe, Marketing Manager, T: +44 (0)20 7871 0123 ext. 232 E:
[email protected] @FollowAIDF @AlinaAIDF
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