Glad I found your videos - I'm off to Spain shortly. Ps. Re the train speed, 300 kilometres per hour = 186.4 miles per hour.
ОтветитьLove your work bro!! Saving for my trip now
ОтветитьWait, Spanish people don’t drink sangria and it’s a “tourist trick”?!
ОтветитьIs it ok to burp and fart (passing gas to let the toxins out of your body?
ОтветитьYour wife is the star of the show 👍
ОтветитьJames (and Yoli!) I have enjoyed your videos SO much! The detail you go into, your profound respect and love for the country, your wonderful energy -- to my mind, you do the best possible job of making someone get excited about visiting! I'm taking a VERY brief trip, 3/1/23 to 3/8/23, but after viewing your videos I already know I'm going to want to come back. Thank you for the effort and time you and Yoli put into your videos! You've already made my coming trip -- and future trips -- more enjoyable.
ОтветитьHay algo que no extiendo,hablas de asido aprisa, no hace falta correr tanto, no da tiempo a leer lo escrito, suerte en España, es un país acogedor
ОтветитьI have been your videos to prepare for my trip to Madrid in April. Your channel makes me want to move to Spain. Love the culture and architecture!
ОтветитьTotally disagree…I’m addicted to siestas (weekends/holidays, obviously) and I’m full on bed, pajamas (not in summer!), at least an hour…no point otherwise.
ОтветитьThis was the most informative travel video that I have ever watched. The video was very detailed and covered all aspects of daily life in Spain.
ОтветитьBut Barcelona in english sounds like Barcelona said in Catalan so, well said too.
ОтветитьOMG , breath dude
ОтветитьNot enough plastic food for your like?
ОтветитьHeading to Galicia to hike in 3 weeks. Then back to Andalusia in September for a motorcycle tour. Such a great country. Wonderful peeps.
ОтветитьI’am a beautiful person sorry I’am having beers you are always informative and beautiful person I am learning about Spain 🎶
ОтветитьI love all your videos. My wife and I are going to Spain for 3 weeks (Aug 25-Sept 16). We are landing in Barcelona and I was wondering if you can do a video on how/where to get a mobile sim card.
ОтветитьSi conseguimos un país como este, con su historia, arte, gastronomía y cultura durmiendo la siesta... somos unos superhombres jajajaja...para colmo somos uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida del mundo. La siesta está directamente relacionada con la salud, el clima y el horario de España. España por su latitud tiene los días más largos de Europa, además utilizamos el horario del centro de Europa, no el de nuestro meridiano, con lo que en verano a la 10h30pm en verano aún no es de noche, por eso nuestro horario también es diferente. No estamos obligados a aprovechas las horas diurnas como los otros países con jornadas laborales de 08 o 09 a.m hasta las 17h.00 p.m y sólo una hora para comer. En España básicamente hay dos horarios: Horario de oficinas, bancos, funcionarios y algunos trabajadores por cuenta ajena, que es de 08 a.m. a 15 h p.m. (jornada intensiva lo llamamos) y el horario de comerciantes, profesiones liberales o autónomos y trabajadores por cuenta ajena, que es de 09 /10 h. a.m. hasta las 14h p.m y de 17h p.m. a 20/21 h. p.m. (jornada partida). Por otro lado, los españoles amamos las noches porque gracias al clima suelen ser muy agradables excepto en invierno. Es frecuente que el español, depende de la edad, prefiera dormir poco en la cama y vivir más.
Ответитьsi no hubieran toros de lidia , serian bueys para carne viviendo en granja sin ver el sol , y a las hembras vacas las ensimenarian , para producir carne ... yo no voy a los Toros pero creo que los animalistas o mascotistas se equivocan ...
ОтветитьThis is interessting with Tapas. Littel Snacks and some drinks with them. The russians and polish have the same, they drink wodka and have little Snacks between drinking.
ОтветитьMeanwhile Andalucians sleeping 3 hour siestas.... Also those hours when the shops close are called (informally) siesta hours. NEVER EVER call anyone during siesta hours... Is almost a criminal offensexD
ОтветитьTIPS To insure prompt service It is an incredibly SIMPLE concept that has been bastardized. Tipping should never be charged by a company so they can pay staff a "bonus". Tipping is supposed to be personal. YOU gave me great service, face to face, YOU improved my meal, day, mood ... I give you a small token of appreciation. Chances are if I return you will remember me and provide that "personal" touch that makes my meal better. Simple. Too bad tourism has beaten it to death. Like tapas. Simple. Small portions to "cover", eat with your drink. By law tapas are supposed to be free with any serving of wine or beer in Spain. Very old law, still observed in Andalucia.
ОтветитьLegally the USA has minimum wages in each State. The idea of "relying" on tips is like bankers "relying" on annual bonuses, which are much larger but not necessarily deserved. This is how misinformation spreads.
ОтветитьDo siestas happen in winter?
ОтветитьBarcelona is pronounced the same in English and Catalan, so no need to strugle trying to pronounce it in Spanish if you visit the city.
ОтветитьGreat video! May I also add a tip on getting cash in Spain -- Spain banks charge a variety in fees - some charge absolutely Zero ATM fees to foreign cards holders and some charge ridiculously high fees. So its an important cost consideration when travelling there. Found an app for this - ATM Fee Saver - it gives a list of fee-free and lower fee ATMs along with their withdrawal limits. Boy, it was soo helpful! landed up saving so much on ATM fees. Worth adding to your list, it will help a lot of international travellers!
Ответитьis it a custom to say how are you when greeting strangers ie in grocery worker, restaurant staff ect
ОтветитьHi James and Yoli, I just returned home from Spain. I must say when people ask me about my trip, I tell them that I was dissapointed with the food. I enjoyed the food much more in other European countries. I love your channel. Keep doing what you are doing. Ciao.
ОтветитьOhhh We signed up for one of the Devour food tours when we are in Madrid in a couple of weeks! Can’t wait.
ОтветитьLove your accent ! I believe it is the purest British Ive ever heard, very cultured and nice to listen again and again.
ОтветитьWhen we travelled through Andalucia in 1998 from the mediterranean coast to the atlantic coast and back we used long-distance coaches (busses). The net of bus routes and the versatility of the possibilities to travel by bus were stuning for us. That was also cheaper than moving around by train. I would like to know how the situation now is. I video by you about this topic will be very appreciated.
ОтветитьWhat do you mean by different languages like Spanish English and French? What the Healthcare system is like such as going to doctors or the hospital? Because it's very important to me.
ОтветитьWhat about tipping when you’re paying by card?
Ответитьyo yo 👌👌
ОтветитьAnd remember that if you're driking in a bar of provinces such as Jaen, Granada or Almeria they will give you a free tapa with the drink
ОтветитьI’m going to Galicia in September with my family. So exciting & can’t wait! ❤
ОтветитьNow that we have learned how to properly pronounce Barcelona maybe it's time to say 'et cetera' from now on, not 'ex cetera'.
Ответить“It’s cool in the north, hot in the south and during winter it’s cooler all over.”
Me currently suffering -28*C in Norway: “doesn’t sound so bad 🥶”
I would love to visit Spain. Exotic places, exotic language and exotic women! 😍
The Spanish for the very English 'Cheers' Is translated as 'Salut'. . .
In the Spanish (or one of the many variants) spoken in Mexico, north America;
'¡Salut!' is used as the translation of English: 'Bless you!' ('Gesundheit' in German, or 'a tes souhaits' in French) when someone sneezes.
¡Con un bocado de pan y un chorrito de vino, puedes andar por el camino. Sin embargo, si bebes para olvidar, recuerda siempre que pagarás el precio del camino al infierno!
A general saying in Spanish rather aptly covering the diverse topics of these great videos, from the busy😅 perspective of a foreigner putting himself about a bit:
'With a morsel of bread and a splash of wine, you may amble down a pathway. However, if you drink to forget, always remember you will pay the price of the road to Hell.'😂
a nap😅!? ,una siesta de pijama y orinal😂❤❤❤
ОтветитьMan ! Your video is probably the best one available for tourists. So real and informative. Good job 👍
ОтветитьThese videos are great! I'm learning so much in preparation for my upcoming trip. We'll be traveling with a 2 year old and I'd love to see some tips for traveling in Spain with kids! Especially the do's and don't's of taking kids to tapas bars.
ОтветитьWow 300 kilometers an hour is I believe over 180 mph. That is one fast train!
ОтветитьLove your channel, lots of great tips. My wife and I are going to Spain next week for our first time. We're excited!
ОтветитьU r very good and helpful .. going to spend 16 days in Spain in Nov-24
ОтветитьPersonally I am convinced you should not be calling the heavy meal around 2pm "Lunch" when it is clearly Dinner.
The fact that they eat a late evening meal as well makes that evening meal sound more like "Supper" than "Dinner".
(I realize the difference is small between the latter two, but there IS a difference.)
It might help cut down on the confusion as well.
People assume food for lunch is different from food for dinner.
More so than they expect it to be eaten at specific times.
(Although I agree that expectations tend to be included, so it's smart that you explain it.)
That said; Love this video. ^_^
My grandma would do well in Spain I think.
She have dinner at 1pm, and take a nap after it. lol
I love your videos man ❤
ОтветитьWhat Spain tips did I miss out guys? Let me know so I can shoot a part 2! 😀