Why This Australia Trip Left Us Speechless!

Why This Australia Trip Left Us Speechless!

2Passports 1Dream

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@witchitygrub47 - 28.10.2024 13:48

You Two from ABBA Land are Most Welcome for a Return Journey !

@deuxetduexfontcinq - 29.10.2024 12:45

OMG how this changed after 2hr 13 min mark when the girl turned into his mommy.. and we saw his true colours..whinging seems to be hereditary for the simpy gen z fembot ...british traveller ..We is all laughing at you bud..your girl is a boss!

@Stoic_SunHounds - 30.10.2024 11:43

That sounds like a 10/10 for regional local produce!

@mkorenhof - 19.11.2024 05:43

l'm glad that you liked Melbourne as Melbourne is coffee capital of the world, shopping capital and sporting capital of Australia it has also overtaken Sydney as the largest city in Australia.

@clintonrussell-z5b - 19.11.2024 13:21

love your little adventure your both so sweet hope you had a lovely time guys

@MiseryDesigns - 24.11.2024 16:05

I’m finding so many people visiting Australia in my recommended, and all of you have been so lovely. I have loved watching you all enjoy it here ❤

@earthlingthings - 27.11.2024 08:56

Coffee in India is 5 cents. So even 4$ IS A HUGE MARKUP

@earthlingthings - 27.11.2024 09:25

The free world where you are not free to park your camper in the wilderness?

@Paul-pl6dl - 01.12.2024 18:41

If you get back to Melbourne you should go to the Mornington Peninsula region or even Phillip Island and Western Port region

@glennponting8609 - 08.12.2024 10:11

I have no idea how i ended up on this video but you guys are awesome and a breath of fresh air , keep doing what you are doing 😎

@SueWhitney-m3n - 13.12.2024 06:28

U stuck to a few touristy places that dont show Australia at all. I feel like U didnt even see our nation

@TouchMySky - 13.12.2024 15:49

Really you made this video amazing. Australia is my home now and sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to be living here.

@mikeyhau - 20.12.2024 14:17

A cancelled flight - once almost unheard of in Australia. Now, unfortunately common. Welcome to modern air travel in this country.

@julesmarwell8023 - 21.12.2024 13:29

Australia wishes you a safe happy and comfortable warm Christmas. we haven;t forgotten you.

@michelejohnson8585 - 24.12.2024 02:21

You should have gone to South Melbourne Market instead, the food is much better than Queen Victoria market

@MrFastFarmer - 28.12.2024 23:56

Now you can go home and work 5 years to pay for it.

@rosemarylewis877 - 29.12.2024 19:56

Next time please come across to yhe West. A really well kept secret from the East coadt. A different atmospphere, more relaxed and certainly "user friendly" for overseas visitors.

@Paul-ru2gv - 02.01.2025 06:09

You can't beat Tasmania and the Gold Coast.

@robertwynne6451 - 04.01.2025 13:08

It would be 5,000 kilometres on the clock, not miles. We went metric in the sixties, or maybe it was very early seventies. Google it. You guys went metric with your money, but why not your measurements? The decimal system is so much easier.

@mikesuahtla9826 - 10.01.2025 09:11

You are such a delightful couple . Please come to our beautiful Queensland next. Best to visit between April and September.

@frankyrubful - 11.01.2025 12:06

You guys are adorable and felt sorry for the hassles you had especially with the Jetstar flight cancellation and the weird system they had with the baggage. Al in all it was a joy to watch your beautiful video. Please come here again ♡

@SuzetteStevens-c1q - 12.01.2025 06:43

It's cool cause we get 2 see it all without having to spend a cent, Cheers guys.🇦🇺🇦🇺

@loukay1170 - 13.01.2025 03:42

great video, I usually wouldn't sit through something so long but you got me in!

Very well done, it was great you included the food too, Australia is a foodie paradise.

I can't believe you tipped out all that good wine though 😂

@MarshClarke - 13.01.2025 12:57

Jetstar Circus.

@zoethornton3636 - 18.01.2025 08:48

Come to Adelaide too one day

@zoethornton3636 - 18.01.2025 08:53

In Sydney u can get the train straight to airport cheaper

@zoethornton3636 - 18.01.2025 09:06

Sky bus heaps easy

@tinfoilhomer909 - 19.01.2025 16:36

Tasmania is niche? Don't get me wrong our food is lovely but we don't export our best.

@georgiacoombes699 - 22.01.2025 09:08

Liked & subscribed! You guys are so positive & happy! Please come back soon, loved your video!

@georgiacoombes699 - 22.01.2025 15:00

Jetstar unfortunately is renowned for cancelling flights or late flights! I recently flew from Brisbane home to Melbourne, flight was delayed twice & finally left an hour & half late! 😄😊

@anneandrew3298 - 25.01.2025 00:43

I have enjoyed joining you on this lovely tour of Sydney. I have lived in Sydney suburbs all my 75 years and can confirm that the city and harbour really do feel still feel so vibrant and exciting every time ❤

@lynmcgrow9246 - 06.02.2025 10:19

And you came back ❤❤😂

@jeanettehuggins4964 - 08.02.2025 07:18

Don't park against the flow of traffic.(l mean don't cross the road and park in opposite direction of traffic like you can do on UK.) Against the law here.

@abbiwells6841 - 13.02.2025 12:35

Tipping should only ever be given for good service. It should never be expected. I’m in the US most years and I have actually been told that my tip wasn’t enough, I found that extremely rude so I took back my tip, I know of no other country like it! I had tipped 20%

@falafelscobes6122 - 15.02.2025 16:19

Can’t believe you got a Swedish waiter haha how amazing if that’s not a sign from the ancestors 😅❤

@maxibrasch - 16.02.2025 09:52

When eating icecream in Australia its always wiser to get smaller serves because it melts so quickly in summer …our winters are so better for eating icecream…!

@maxibrasch - 16.02.2025 11:44

When eating icecream in Australia its always wiser to get smaller serves because it melts so quickly in summer …our winters are so better for eating icecream…!

@maxibrasch - 16.02.2025 11:45

That white bird was a sulpher crested cockatoo..all over Australia

@maxibrasch - 16.02.2025 12:17

You wont see snakes where there are lots of people about… they avoid people and public places

@maxibrasch - 16.02.2025 12:41

Jerstar is gonna go belly up SOON cos they are so poorly run and stuff ups so often, Aussies and other tourists have learned to avoid them

@KevMagyar - 22.02.2025 23:29

I've just come across your channel and this is the first video I am watching and I love it. I will watch the rest of your videos. Jag ar redan en beundrare av era kanal.
I can see how happy and excited you were to be in Sydney for the first time. That's exactly how I felt when I visited Sydney or Australia for that matter, for the first time. I know the feeling.
New York City and Sydney are my two favorite cities in the whole world

@phatboy0621 - 25.02.2025 19:42

Really enjoyed this. Just found your page. I just came back from visiting Sydney/brisbane a month and half ago. There’s so much I’ve missed. Moving there end of June to be with my fiancee and can’t wait to explore more of Sydney

@davidrossi1486 - 26.02.2025 06:06

What do we have to do to get you people to move here? I know, give you a home loan. I really wouldn’t saddle a young couple like you with that sort loan. What a pity, although London is almost as bad. Ridiculous how easy it was for members of just the previous generation that I belong to, to get a loan and build wealth. Future Australia will be poorer for it.

@linmal2242 - 07.03.2025 05:22

Watching you in Sydney Tower where I have never been, even though a 'native', but have been a number of times in the top of that tall white tower out the window !
Manly is so dense now compared to when we used to go there in the 1950's. But then SYD has doubled in size or more !

@linmal2242 - 07.03.2025 06:40

Your van keeps you guessing! What will come next, says Fiato ! Waterfalls, yes there are the Bridal Veil falls and the
Govetts' Leap Falls which me and mate walked up back in 60's !

@linmal2242 - 07.03.2025 07:01

Did not walk the Jamison Valley, but did the Grose Valley, next one over, down Perrys Lookdown and up Govetts , climbing beside the waterfall all the way up !
Then did live/work in St Kilda Road for 5 years in 70's ; much smaller then ! Four changes of weather in the one day , rain, wind then sun then cloud etc. Next day the same but reversed !

@rickyhart4715 - 07.03.2025 17:33

Oh my gosh, why are you guys the cutest couple ever? G'day from country Victoria. I really hope you come back to Australia. Love your videos, awesome.
