Finally Reacting To Hailey Bieber's Rhode Beauty Skincare Routine - 1 Trick For Glazed Donut Skin

Finally Reacting To Hailey Bieber's Rhode Beauty Skincare Routine - 1 Trick For Glazed Donut Skin

Cassandra Bankson

2 года назад

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@NewtC1998 - 05.03.2023 13:27

Is something wrong Cassandra? You came across a little upset in this video.. 😆

@QueenQuartzie - 13.03.2023 20:18

I really really hope you see this comment!! I would love to see you address the concerns about Rhode skin care having a NUT OIL in their lip treatment and it’s not disclosed and A LOT of people have had allergic reactions. It’s super concerning considering how many people are deathly allergic to nuts!

@samuraisam2324 - 17.03.2023 15:51

Hailey is sooooo beautiful inside & outside. She is definitely my favourite

@adrianflores6149 - 17.03.2023 17:21

You face is so annoying

Ответить - 22.03.2023 05:30

There are plenty of great products out there, I'm not going to support a mean girl.

@scienceislove2014 - 25.03.2023 10:05

Why is it so hard for people to understand that every skin (including yours) is beautiful in its own way..
And it is completely natural..
It's great that you all do skin care and protect your skin from all sorts of damage but saying that you can't have her skin as tho what you have isn't beautiful...
No girl.. please.. please do not judge your very own skin!
And who sets standards..why her kind of skin is prettier or "perfect" but your natural skin is not..

I'm a 17 year old and that really bewilders me .. please make me understand your perspective of "true beauty"..

@alexandrathearmy8464 - 07.04.2023 18:20

Remember when Cassandra criticized Jessica Alba for only using her skincare in a HB video,but in this video,eventhough Hailey is pretty much promoting her newly launched skincare line,Cassandra is eating out of the palm of her hand like a naive idiot.

I used to love her,but why doesn't she have the same if not even more critical attitude towards someone who launched skincare in an era,that skincare is a trend versus when it wasn't?

It looks very biased to me.

@rose2lm2007 - 10.04.2023 20:43

Sad part Cassandra couldn't get the skin products but Hailey's team who sent to Jeffrey star he just threw it away without trying 😢.

@aditikedia9108 - 14.04.2023 16:47

So are simply so amazing ❤

@SkintitaApril - 21.04.2023 12:56

Uhm, she has her own skincare line. So why is everyone surprised that she knows so much about skincare? 🤷

@cuddlebunny6299 - 02.05.2023 01:36

I love how cassandra is dying to speakkkkkk when hailie is talking loooool

@pouriangwiliunewmai2982 - 15.05.2023 23:03

Hailey you looks so beautiful 6

@kanapka_z_kotem - 06.06.2023 20:41

Her cosmetic line looking like child of Kylie Skin and Fenty Beauty😂

@scienceislove2014 - 07.06.2023 17:08

But why does this video (not talking about your vid cassandra ❤️💚) have a filter on...
Not good.. i personally don't appreciate that!

@michelleduplessis3534 - 09.06.2023 08:56

Excuse me ma'am Cassandra can we please talk about rhode beauty MILKY ESSENCE!

@yadommmmm970 - 20.06.2023 21:14

Yall r soo funny. The way some of u seem like clout chasers is idk. The way yall talk about selena n Hailey is quite polar opposite and we know nothing about either of them lol.

@endwithakiss4222 - 23.06.2023 08:37

Did you ever get her skincare?? @cassandrabankson

@fathimafarahna2633 - 24.06.2023 16:58


@Nunu-ke8ne - 24.06.2023 18:20

Her nose before and after .

@emmywasilik8287 - 30.06.2023 09:16

Hailey is gorgeous with or without makeup. I wish I had her perfect skin

@nikkigaspar2157 - 02.07.2023 01:24

Can you do a video on la roche-posay

@justintime1370 - 31.07.2023 12:58

She uses the oil so her product can stick .. otherwise it won’t it clumps and don’t look shiny

@MsSallyASMR-nb5gc - 02.08.2023 08:10

hi i hope you managed to get Rhode beauty. Its absalutely amaizing. I got it from third party that had to import it because they dont ship to South east Asia.

@caitlynnbrown8971 - 02.08.2023 20:17

Could you review the brand Skinfood?! I would love to see what you think about it. Also the brand Bliss.

@b.2592 - 05.08.2023 00:00

I honestly can’t tell if there are filters on in these harpers bazar videos. Their skin almost always looks devoid of texture and it trips me up. 😢

@heykambrey - 10.08.2023 06:11

So, were you ever able to get any of her products? I couldn’t find a review of you actually using the products.

@jyn88 - 23.08.2023 04:03

If I remember correctly, Hailey has been obsessed with skincare since she was a teenager so she isn't just doing this for money. She is actually passionate about it. She learns and personally uses them herself.

@jyn88 - 23.08.2023 04:12

I heard from dermatologists saying that good skincare should be under $30 and it seems Hailey is following that. I think all of her products are $29 and under.

@genevawelch9865 - 26.09.2023 12:28

I thought seed oils were bad

@sarahvanhorn4456 - 09.10.2023 21:45

The bottles are grey not purple? Not sure If she’s gotten them yet but every single product is in stock right now.

@kaylacarpenter272 - 13.10.2023 19:30

Did you get her stuff, yet?

@RoshniSunar-x8k - 06.11.2023 11:49

I love Hailey ❤

@DanielPradaL - 15.11.2023 23:07

Love your insights, I could say this is one of the best skincare channels out there. I would kill for an appointment with you!

@user-ht1ft3dy3s - 09.07.2024 04:52

from what I've seen her skin care line is well formulated but doesn't offer anything new, even the ingredients are a bit basic. I am more interested in her make up items

@bashag5477 - 16.08.2024 00:39

It’s hard to focus on your voice over the louder background music. Love ya. ❤

@c.c2021 - 17.08.2024 14:05

Why do emote like that?? . You are so annoying PLEASE stop the swearing covered with animal noises. it is really crings. Like I actually feel sick watching you

@c.c2021 - 17.08.2024 14:07

yoDo you even understand that peptides are too big to penetrate the first layer of skin? Goof

@bayleightan - 07.09.2024 05:35

What do you think about that moisturizer for acne prone skin?

@AlexNur07 - 23.09.2024 12:32

Rhode is amazing, I used 6 kits so far 🎉 highly recommended! Better than any other brand I've tried, better than La Mer, better than Charlotte Tilbury, better than even beauty of joseon. I love rhode❤

@deeni150 - 14.10.2024 00:26

luv rhode luv my hailey 🥰

@SXJAYSX - 18.10.2024 19:54

This is totally a personal thing. COMPLETELY.
I just don't wanna to buy any celebrity branded anything.
I don't care of good it is really.
Not saying it's a bad thing at all for the people who do.
Just a hang up I have.

@crisp_rat - 08.12.2024 09:12

How can people watch this

@nika300 - 26.12.2024 22:00

OMG Cassandra tone it down with your faces... annoying

@Marie-Chantale-g3z - 22.01.2025 10:34

whyyy are you screaming? Hailey has such a soft soothing voice ❤

@Marie-Chantale-g3z - 22.01.2025 10:36

Those expressions though 😂😮

@laneaspen7535 - 28.01.2025 20:08

Purple bottles… girl those are gray

@SarahDavies-n5y - 06.02.2025 01:44

Have you managed to get your hands on this yet cassandra, it’s winning loads of awards would love to get your opinion!!

@betinahluna - 19.02.2025 02:46

