Does Reality TV Affect Our View On Surveillance? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

Does Reality TV Affect Our View On Surveillance? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

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@Oops-All-Ghosts - 26.02.2017 21:23

This isn't in the chronological playlist. =C

@Amberpawn - 23.01.2017 12:46

This video is missing from the big chronological order playlist. <3 in Advance!

@joeyg8971 - 26.06.2016 20:53

Shout out to anyone repping Library 10

@ElBlancoPapi - 06.03.2016 07:22

It has been very successful at priming the general public to get used to the idea of "regular" people having every single event, mundane or otherwise, of their lives recorded!! Shitty reality TV came along and gained popularity in the 90s, several years prior to cameras, cctv, drones, smartphones, and the idea of ubiquitous surveillance...just long enough to get comfortable with the general concept at least, which is the first step in getting people to accept something as normal that they otherwise never would...a game of inches not miles. Also, there is now an entire generation who were born and raised with this having "AlwayS" existed from their perspective so it IS normal...Only those of us who are older understand how outrageous it all is and NoT acceptable to be watched at all times!! Reality shows record people at home, work or wherever they go and doing everything from sleeping and brushing teeth to going on dates etc. It also feeds into young people's desire to be Famous and constantly have All eyes on them!! It's actually desirable to young people!!! They post the most inane and intimate details of their lives on Facebook and crap....I pity the Fools!!

@RossWilcox - 12.10.2015 13:03

I'm pretty sure he means "verisimilitude."

@anwar.d6645 - 25.06.2015 03:19

its been really a wile since I watch reality TV , dose these shows still airing ? :|

@joebazooks - 20.06.2015 02:17


@joebazooks - 20.06.2015 02:16

we should definitely be talking about privacy a lot more than we do, considering the current state of the world

@StrangerYann - 11.11.2014 22:29

Nice one, this ep got me feeling bad about the Honey Boo Boo Kid and also I don't agree with your pronunciation of "Ideology". But I'm not a native so yeah, you may disregard that.

@MeMyselfAndWhoKnowz - 28.10.2014 11:40

The word versimilitude is something like verisimilitude as the former only approaches the truth of the latter ;-)  I only bring this up to help... children, but it was spelled and pronounced incorrectly.

@the1exnay - 28.10.2014 02:28

i like privacy because i have something to hide, and i imagine almost everyone does. at the very least, what is intimacy without privacy, as in if we don't hide something from other people, what does it matter when we share it with someone else? moreover many people would be uncomfortable with talking about how they disagree with the presidents decision, if he could hear them. And who wants their friends to see that time they played Mario and kept dying on a really easy level.

@Mattbuildsstuff - 11.10.2014 12:12

im just waiting till the truman show gets greenlit and funded.

@JohnCMondragon - 05.09.2014 08:45

Another failed style of Vsauce

@MikePuorro - 02.09.2014 11:33

Wow, Mike finally makes some concise points.  Thumbs up.

@mllacsamana - 24.07.2014 14:40

I pronounce doge as (Douge) too

@sparhopper - 17.06.2014 19:10

Perhaps these shows are creating a 'desire' by the masses to be surveiled (just like the 'stars').
If you have nothing to hide, you can first go ahead and put inexpensive and powerful cameras throughout your home all by yourself and stream to the internet (don't forget the bathroom!), also you can post all your passwords so we can see your email, bank transactions and all your pictures on your computer. No? Why? I suppose you also don't seal the envelopes (or use clear ones) you send through snail-mail as you have "nothing to hide"? No?
You also don't wear clothes in public as you have 'nothing to hide', right?
No. You value privacy, you just don't know it.


@Morphimus - 05.06.2014 22:19

Doge is pronounced dwah-ZHEY. Obviously. Get it right, Mike.

@petrmaly9087 - 13.05.2014 15:40

Reality TV is watched only by those, who feel the need to watch closely someone elses live.

@keepaustinevil - 12.05.2014 22:24

Serenity!  Love the reference!

@ingk2 - 11.05.2014 18:10

Fascinating! I would actually take it a step further though, and claim that also social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, ect. also change our views of surveillance, and in fact promote us to "surveil ourselves", as we are encouraged to willingly share personal information on a public arena. Seeing from the fact that websites such as Facebook and others are part of the NSA surveillance program, this is especially disturbing.  Ofc this might all seem like a conspiracy theory, but if you think about it, if you're already used to willingly share personal information in a public domain (which is especially the case with Twitter or Instagram, which literally promotes the sharing of personal information for the gaining of likes and followers, and Facebook, which has a "check-in" function where you can enter your current location), why should you mind if some of these unknown people are the US government?

@Mike2894 - 28.04.2014 14:45

For me the idea of privacy. Mainly the government watching me (USA) is that its against the law by a wide margin to do most of it without a specific warrant for said action. So if we are going to continue this whole government watching everyone all the time, lets make it legal and tell everyone they are being watched and make sure to put a big eye on every government vehicle to remind everyone of this fact. We will see how long that lasts.

@brycenerdstrom567 - 25.04.2014 10:45

On that BBC infographic: The idea that no single word from today will survive 1000 years from now is pretty much preposterous nonsense. There are a significant number of words in used today that were in use over 1000 years ago, and increased record keeping and longer lasting culture media will almost certainly not speed up the process of vocabulary obsoletion. In fact, the possibility of the internet and related technology slowing down said process is only slightly less likely than the possibility of it proceeding at about the same rate it has done in the past.

@Jeromy1986 - 24.04.2014 10:40

Yes, I think it does. I can't help but get this conspiracy theory thought wondering if Reality TV was generated by individuals in the government looking to increase surveillance in our everyday lives. 1984, here we come.

@rachelle2227 - 14.04.2014 08:19

What I would be interested to know is what certain types of people are really like in their lives. Like, on average, since normal doesn't exist, and average is just 'in general' though that is similar to normal, though for the case of argument I think it's different enough. What is the average blank like? We all know people we put in some loose box that can't always be described so well. What about the student counsel super smart people for instance? I feel quite outside of the average white college girl, but I've always wondered how outside of 'the norm' I am, though normal only exists in our collective minds. I suppose we could all come up with our own conclusions since in this case, there exists no real truth. And like this video said, there probably is some kind of surveillance effect. I don't watch much reality tv, but I would guess that most of the people on the shows all encompass some very loose and broad characteristics, and some go unnoticed altogether. They don't reflect the average person is my point.

@S2Tubes - 09.04.2014 13:31

I always thought of Survivor as more of a game show than reality TV. I enjoy Survivor, but something like Real Housewives or Duck Dynasty I have zero interest in.

As for whether or not I want to be under surveillance, hell no. I understand in high crime urban areas, but everywhere? No thanks.

@mandibandy1 - 19.03.2014 11:40

What is the name of the article from "Psychology of Popular Media?"

@onemadhungrynomad - 13.03.2014 04:33

yes, what you see on television and other media DOES effect what you understand to be 'normal' in the world. 

@marisaleon5611 - 28.02.2014 13:48

This is super late and I'm trying to watch all the videos I missed, but watching this reminded me of a visual novel that I played a while ago.  It's called, "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story".  It hits on privacy and how it's looked upon in the future.  Idk maybe check it out I guess, it's free at the creators webpage.  I recommend it. :)    

@alanamanzoro01 - 26.02.2014 00:57

I presented a paper on this very issue a year ago in a conference in Washington. Many wellknown sociologists and communication researchers think that reality shows indeed change the way people deal with the fact we have cameras all around us. Marc Andrejevic says reality shows are a propaganda for surveillance, showing the advantages of watching and being watched. I love your video, congratulations.

@SelenaC_anime - 20.02.2014 03:28

Quite honestly, I find Reality TV mind-numbingly dumb. ANIME AND FANDOM SHOWS ALL THE WAY!!!

@artbgjohn123 - 19.02.2014 09:52

Schrodinger's cat

@thewriter3 - 15.02.2014 00:55

I'm not a big fan of "Reality" television, for the most part, but i do enjoy a few shows as a guilty pleasure..cough, cough Jersey Shore(I hate that I like this show). But I do believe it has a tendency to lead us to become more comfortable with being watched, and allows us to become accustomed to the loss of freedom, eventually accepting it as reality.

@sockrocker117 - 13.02.2014 10:45

yes it can for sure. i personally wouldn't care if i was watched practically all the time but i wouldn't want to normalize that. i think there's something beautiful and often melancholic about the non-sharedness of a provate moments. they're gone and there's no record of them beyond yourself.

@sabineazam4466 - 09.02.2014 16:01

Plus there is the game of : "Is it a troll or is he serious ?"

@sabineazam4466 - 09.02.2014 15:59

Sometimes you need not to take things too seriously. What I like about troll is that they always remind you of that when you're getting a little bit to serious. 

Also trolling might be done in group and therefore is a group behaviour and the reson you do it is to be accepted in that group and to have fun. That's abvious with flooding group of people in forums.

Sometimes troll are a kind of humour, a bacl humour. I have a friend IRL who is a troll IRL. Why he is doing that ? because it's a way to make fun of that serious topic we're talking about, making fun of things that aren't...

@Kzar5678 - 07.02.2014 02:00

I pronounce those last few words the same way too. Doge, scenario, ideology and gif.

@Smojero - 06.02.2014 21:27

OK.. But are people really concerned about privacy as much as they used to before? I mean if you look as social media, people share alot! Maybe they also want to be famous for how they live their lives....? If that's the case, than reality TV is having a huge impact on our reality! Hmm...

@ieatpieism - 06.02.2014 04:49

I'm lost.

@reverendmatthias - 06.02.2014 00:32

What would Baudrillard think of the hyper-Reality TV?

@FUNPOV - 05.02.2014 11:02

The answer seems most clearly yes because as we're exposed to this reality entertainment, it will at the very least subconsciously affect our ideas about what is normal in society. Hidden cameras are the closest us humans can get to capturing real-life anymore.

Real-life films with a Hidden-Eye-Camera

@kikamonju - 03.02.2014 10:31

I do definitely have a few things to hide but on the large I don't feel the need to hide much from anyone about my life but I am also an exhibitionist. I enjoy putting myself out for others to see.

@TheBlazin247 - 03.02.2014 09:30

Yes. Reality tv deffinitly influences/effects peoples idea of privacy. Just ask them stupid people who live in Los Angeles. Gta v sure showed it, sarcastically at that, but nonetheless it's depiction is not to far fetched from the truth... tsc...tsc... the dumbing down of the public, such a shame... Fuck reality tv... or whatever you'd like to call it..

@Mr_Phage - 01.02.2014 22:56

Love how his video ends halfway through

@mccavity2045 - 31.01.2014 15:21

I only know that I often become aware of cameras everywhere, and even if I know its for security reasons, it still feels wrong somehow. There is cameras in the basement, the garage, on the bus (that also film outside of the bus like mobile cameras), by the trains, in the parks, in town, in the stores (often pointed so they film outside the store as well). And now that they try and make cameras invisible "hidden" by looking like harmless stuff, Im sure Im filmed more than ever.The moment you step outside your home..."If youve done nothing wrong..." doesnt cut it. What do I know about the character of the person behind the camera so far away? Is he a guaranteed good person? but there is not much to do I guess....

@rshinra - 31.01.2014 09:54

Ver i similitude.

@GILLIGFAN - 30.01.2014 01:10

Wow Doge was mentioned such surprise many re watch

@abydosianchulac2 - 29.01.2014 10:25

Not to be completely crude, but reality TV seems to prepare the viewer for the concept and possible encounters with surveillance in the same way that porn prepares the viewer for a possible encounter with sex: that is, poorly.  In both cases, the entertainment product at hand is being tailored and edited by persons and companies who stand to profit from your viewership, and the way to ensure your continued consumption of their wares those producers will make everything as attractive (or dramatic/emotional/ratings-driving) as possible.  The resulting product is like cheesecake: designed to entice your senses and have you craving more, it is designed to keep you from thinking about the reality of its contents, which will oftentimes vary differently from the assumptions one bases off the cheesecake, or porn clip.

In other words, reality TV is to porn as surveillance is to an extra 2,000 calories per day.  Or something.

@severdislike4222 - 29.01.2014 05:51

It's amazing what a faraday cage and microwave radiation can do local surveillance equipment. Most intersection/store/street/cellphone cameras are not uv shielded meaning a small ring of high intensity uv LED's sewn into your collar effectively makes you a glowing blob on anything that catches you on them. If you have the time and means to effectively make yourself a non-entity it is still very doable.

@GaiashKetoji - 29.01.2014 01:07

I say doge like Strong Bad in biz-cas-fri.
