మూడు రాజధానులపై YCP యూ-టర్న్ || YCP U-Turn On Three Capitals ||

మూడు రాజధానులపై YCP యూ-టర్న్ || YCP U-Turn On Three Capitals ||

Prof K Nageshwar

55 лет назад

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మూడు రాజధానులపై YCP యూ-టర్న్ || YCP U-Turn On Three Capitals ||

YCP Considering Change in Stand on 3 Capitals?
One of the most repented and infamous miscalculations done by YS Jagan was the three capitals proposal. This horrendous miscalculation did not just kill the Amaravati prospect momentarily, but also made Andhra Pradesh a capital less state. The punishment for this was delivered in the form of public mandate during the 2024 general election.

Incidentally, this appears to have inflicted a fundamental change in the thought process of YCP and the same can be understood if we look at the latest comment from Botsa Satyanarayana today.

While speaking with the media, after the completion of the legislative council session today, Botsa was asked if his party is still adhering to the three capitals proposal and here’s what he said.

“We felt that three capitals were necessary at that point and we went ahead with it. You’re(media) asking this question again now. We will discuss this matter internally with the party leadership and disclose our stand on the capital at the right time.”


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