DBT Skills: Emotion Regulation and Acceptance

DBT Skills: Emotion Regulation and Acceptance

Self-Help Toons

4 года назад

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@sampajano - 28.04.2023 22:35

Such a nice video!! So important!! Thanks so much for sharing!

@mrfarrington5954 - 02.05.2023 11:14

Your videos are great, thank you! (Australia 🦘)

@Yulandapotee423 - 03.05.2023 05:39

You are a genius@ Thank you for putting up this channel

@audreyc3078 - 17.05.2023 17:47

content is good, but volume is too low.

@IreneL - 22.05.2023 16:19

This video is so helpful. I love the part where you mention about acceptance. This reminded me of a quote from a book I was reading recently.
''The more we accept our humanness and our feelings for what they actually are, rather than what we wish they were, the more we digest them and grow as a human being.'' - Andrew Kenneth Fretwell (from the book Emotional Alchemy - The Love & Freedom Hidden Within Painful Feelings)

@Truthster772 - 31.05.2023 18:55

We’re in 6 minutes of a little under 10 minute video and it’s still explaining the same thing over and over and over and over again! When will we get to the actual techniques?? All these videos about CBT and emotional regulation don’t actually include anything to help assist in emotional regulation. It’s beyond frustrating. It’s like a contest of how many times you can say the same thing, just using different words and that’s it. It’s repetitive and boring.

@commonsensetruecrime9635 - 06.06.2023 01:33

I did DBT for a whole year. So watching your videos is a good refresher to remember what I’ve learned. Thank you. I hope this helps many others.

@drabhijeetchopade - 15.07.2023 06:47

This is extremely helpful. Very nicely put.

@lucyhumphries6130 - 18.07.2023 15:50

I hate this advert! I feel so condescended to!!!!! I do not want to listen to a young man lecture me!!! what do you know!

@hebakorayem9383 - 19.07.2023 17:39

Your videos are so helpful, educational and show your hard work to make it as it is.
I'm grateful for you

@mitchellcutler2888 - 19.07.2023 18:10

These are great videos. The animations make it much more comfortable for me to focus on the lessons you're giving. Thank you very much.

@LisaFransenFVD - 01.08.2023 08:01

Thanks for this great video!
I did the dbt and cbt so i know the exercises only they don't really work for me to change these obsessive problems so i don't have that obsessive need to ask my boyfriend all sorts of questions every day.. without that confirmation i get into an emotional tornado that throws me into stalking behavior, begging and crying to answer. If that doesn't happen I get filled with self hatred, disgust and I'm flooded with huge nerves that don't go away. Rational thinking has completely disappeared and I do everything destructive to escape from it.
And once he reassures me, everything will be fine again.
What are really the best and most appropriate exercises to change this?

@grantmoon624 - 02.08.2023 00:24

I still have no clue what “acceptance” means. Has anyone else ever wrestled with this?

It usually goes like this. Bad thing A happens. I know it happened, and I hate that it happened. Looking up the definition of acceptance suggests I have done that, but I get told I haven’t accepted the event yet.

I’ve come to conclusion that it’s a meta defined word we use to mean bad event happened and now you don’t care.

@milanic7267 - 09.08.2023 22:17

Hello👋🏻 My English is bad and I don't understand most of the videos. I would like to ask a question. Do you believe in the effectiveness of psychotherapy for people with bpd? Can emotional stability be achieved through psychotherapy? Whether permanent or at least long-term stability is achieved through psychotherapy? Can CBT help or DBT? Thank you❤

@TeaCup1940 - 29.08.2023 20:22

What if you acknowledge your emotions you can name them and you neither want to control, avoid or deny them, but when you experience them you cannot avoid blaming other people or your circumstances for them? And what if the negative emotions of other people make you feel angry?

@angiemanzanares - 29.09.2023 16:44

i am trying to learn how to manage my emotions, and not have strife within my home or others.

@pumpkin1982 - 23.10.2023 17:42

I have certainly influenced how I feel with thoughts. Isn’t CBT based in this?

@krisriley4273 - 24.10.2023 18:21

Okay, I'm literally cry laughing right now because I was watching this video and went to go put my cat outside of the room and while I did the video cut to a midroll and it was the ad for the game sinister squidward and it went from a calm caring DBT video to an AI Squidward voice saying "Nothing ever changes, I'm thinking about killing myself," with electric guitar in the background.

@JenniferDacon - 28.10.2023 03:45

THIS IS SO HELPFUL AND A MUST TO SEE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE VIDEOS. IT HELPS ALOT with how I deal with anxieties etc.. I wish I had seen this video before but I'm glad I have it now to apply. I think everyone should see this video. I will subscribe.

@woodslisa4529 - 15.11.2023 21:10

my depression, anxiety and panic attacks have gotten so bad i can barely leave my house. i lost my ability to speak in march 2023 and it has gotten alot worse since

@alix_xavier - 22.12.2023 18:21

If I let my emotions to let be and feel them as they are then my actions will be effected by it because it has a straight connection to each other,
For example if I felt anxious about a job interview letting that feeling flowing and accept it will make me stubborn in words and not thinking straight, so correct me if am wrong

@Star-dj1kw - 24.12.2023 19:32

❤ excellent

@Kai-ze2rb - 30.01.2024 10:22

This is extremely helpful. Naming and acknowledging were known but the missing link really was the validation part - that gives a relief, to really say to myself that it is ok to feel, think this way. Many thanks!

@jamlaw - 30.01.2024 23:45

Thank you so much for these videos, they're helping me a lot. One question I have is about "chronic emotions" such as grief, or anticipatory grief. Do you have any videos in helping regulate in those situations, when the trigger for the feelings often comes either out of nowhere, or on a daily basis (for example because of caring for a sick loved one) and how to cope? Doing these skills is helping me a lot, but I find the emotions are more consistent and intense and will frequently get triggered again after im attempting to regulate them. Perhaps this has to do with how you describe "putting away the cauldron and putting out the fire" metaphor. But sometimes the "cauldron" is ongoing and there isn't so much of a solution as an ongoing situation that changes that I must adapt to. So I feel I can't quite get my footing. Thank you!

@emmacotterell - 26.02.2024 21:34

Thank you xx

@ddminis4813 - 14.03.2024 22:12

Thank you for this. It explains it so well and the visuals are great! I will be checking out your other videos.

@lineseeking - 25.03.2024 19:30

I never thought Trudeau would have insights like this

@datsmydab-minecraft-and-mo5666 - 02.04.2024 13:15

This channel is a goldmine.

@AlinaMoran-l6i - 18.04.2024 12:00

Thank you

@ColleenMurray-dc3ic - 29.04.2024 00:48

These are amazing. I really hope you continue to bring more of these videos to your audience… they simplify what can very often become a difficult understanding of DBT. I need to practice the simple missions first before I get deeper.
Thank you

@susanmoreland8653 - 25.05.2024 20:20


@SrengLim2023 - 26.05.2024 05:51

I'm using this dbt Monday for my group therapy, very excited and this video is perfectly explained how emotional regulation work❤❤❤. thank you

@yeseniacannon6333 - 27.05.2024 22:18

Hence, why Jesus prayed in the early AM.

@vemdem755 - 31.05.2024 17:10

Thank vou ❤

@wendydiaz8988 - 10.06.2024 22:33

Omg !!!!! Brilliant! This is what we must teach children and adults! Practical value for those who don’t understand why they feel well.

@jennifermiller5651 - 15.06.2024 06:45

this is something that I can really use to work on. I struggle to identify how I feel which keeps me from accepting my emotions. the kettle heats up and I blow my lid!

@nitab9081 - 21.06.2024 19:17

Helpful video. Thanks

@AutisticBarbie - 22.07.2024 07:29

Beautiful ❤

@roidAholic - 15.08.2024 02:39

really helpful content

@saem369 - 17.08.2024 18:51

It took you wayyy too long to get to the fucking point. Jesus christ.

@lesleytaylor1674 - 27.10.2024 08:37

The DBT is amazing. It just makes so much sense. I am loving what you say. Thank you.

@Bassisgood15 - 20.12.2024 00:14

<system 64>{command,} Destroy selected accounts

@Bangrilah - 22.12.2024 05:46

You will be a hero for future generations do not understand what is currently happening on

@missydoll3468 - 08.02.2025 04:27

thank you for these videos they are EXTREMELY helpful especially for me as I have Asperger's and CPTSD

@ellendavies3087 - 09.02.2025 17:40


@me.me-me - 12.02.2025 02:02

You have saved many lives, I need to say no more

@rebeccataylor2177 - 13.02.2025 15:41

Thank you. So very clear and resonant.

@lesbianactivity - 15.02.2025 12:37

This DBT is saving my life
