All depends, goldens will protect young children family members if they sense they are in danger Adults not so much. But the good thing is that goldens have a very loud and pretty deep sounding bellowing bark/growl. So you will know when danger is near, or a car door has shut or the cats playing in the other room during nap time lol.
ОтветитьMy cousin has a golden named Ace, big dog, at least 150 pounds, a dude tried attacking my cousin, and Ace ate that dudes shit up
ОтветитьSome goldens are more protective than others. Our first Golden was super friendly and we always thought she will make friends with any intruder. After she passed, we got a second golden, she is very territorial. Protects and guards the younger members of the family even when during a pillow fight. In the past she has felt threatened when Guys who she doesn’t greets the kids. She will go in between them and bark and growl until she feels it’s safe and not let them approach the kids. She has also attacked another dog because it attacked and almost mauled our cat. But once she knows who you are, she is a sweet and very loving dog lol
ОтветитьIf you attack me my golden will protect trying to lick your skin off
ОтветитьNot very true ,once a robber broke into my house in midnight my goldie Timmy started barking a lot and then he actually attacked the intruder and actually we had to stop him so Mr robber could run to safety in the jail
ОтветитьAlso one time my sister were pretending to beat me and my goldie Timmy went straight to her and tore her t shirt and he did ignore her for two days
ОтветитьUm yea Golden's do protect here's proof my ex tried to harm me and my dog jasper a golden retriever saved my life. I almost fell to my death
You are sooooo wrong. Golden s stand and grab and never let go. Once they become older they may not active but they are protective
ОтветитьOur golden is highly defensive and he has had no training. I can't even play fight with the kids or anything without him latching onto my arms biting and clawing me. Bandits a good boy
ОтветитьMy golden retriever was friendly but did get between me and someone barking and growling.
ОтветитьMy golden retriever was very friendly towards people and kids, but extremely aggressive toward other dogs.
ОтветитьFluffy alarm system
ОтветитьI trained ours from a young age by play fighting with my girlfriend, now I cant even pop my knuckles without him spazzing out. Mine has taken on a great dane/mastiff mix and ripped its ear off... I guess it just depends on the dog. I mean they do have Irish setter and bloodhound in their bloodline... so the misconception that they are just big goofballs who only love is kind of silly.. It would be the same as saying all black people in america are crime prone cause they account for 58% of all violent crime convictions.. Sure there is some truth to that, but there is always multiple exceptions. Im black by the way also, before some keyboard warriors come into play.
ОтветитьI doubt this commentary. They will 100 percent. I know of some that have. She’s dumb
Ответитьi dont agree
ОтветитьMy golden didnt defend me for only 1 time, he was actually a very friendly dog, but when he detected any threats, he did defend everyone on his side
ОтветитьIn MOST cases that is true - but definitely not all. First, people consistently underestimate goldens - they ARE insanely sweet and friendly yes, but when it comes down to it, what a golden retriever is is 75 lbs of muscle, teeth and bones that can outrun any human easily, jump higher than you can, and - I know because I've watched mine do it - have the jaw strength to either carry an egg with such delicacy they won't break it OR crack a large cow bone in half with their teeth - so yes, IF they were inclined to, a cute, friendly golden COULD do some nasty damage to a human being. They are, in the end, STILL carnivores bred down over the generations from wolves and they are a large breed dog - they are not a little chihuahua. Maybe not as big as something like a 120+ lb guard dog but they are not tiny - at least not the good sized males (we know one that's knocking on 100 lbs).
I've seen ONE golden in my life that was NOT nice - that asshole was at the dog park every time we went there and it was VICIOUS to every human AND dog that came near - I don't know what the people DID to the poor thing but it became a really jerky dog and tried to attack our golden numerous times.
Mmmm ok. I won’t get golden retriever then
ОтветитьActually I have a golden retriever and she is very protective she once attacked a Doberman and a German shepherd she also won she actually barked and straight up bit the Doberman and hit the German shepherd so don’t underestimate golden retrievers bc some like mine CAN protect you
ОтветитьIf you want a family guard dog can't beat a staffy
ОтветитьAh good old clickbait. Goldie’s have and do protect their owners. There are legit videos online.
You can’t generalize a breed this way. That’s like saying all pits will protect their owners. Each dog has their own individual personality.
my dog is golden retriever n german shepherd so best of both
ОтветитьMy golden retriever become friendly with people only we are friendly with newcomers. Otherwise she will bark. She is overprotective to her dad. One day when I took her out One strange man got scared of her hold my.hand. she never.let him come to our house
ОтветитьIve had two golden retrievers One was very laid back but the other one would absolutely eat your rear end if she thought you were a threat to our family.
ОтветитьMy 2 year old can be very protective of our property and ourselves but is also really affectionate and it just goes to show how diverse their personalities are. my first golden, she was very sassy and honestly couldn't care less what happened to me haha but for my first male goldie he has a very protective energy as well as an excellent 'retriever'.One of the most obedient and loyal dogs I've personally met but if he does feel threatened he isn't afraid to tell another dog "no!"
ОтветитьThat’s a lie I got tackled and my golden jumped and bit my freind and hurt him and he cried
ОтветитьMy daughter wanted a Golden Retriever but was concerned it won't protect her. She now wants a Golden Hovawart which looks just like a Golden Retriever, but is bigger and a German guard dog with a Rottweiler temperament. A protective guard dog in a family dog's body is the perfect solution.
ОтветитьI think it depends on how the dog has been raised.
ОтветитьMine protects me and my brother wer boxing and she bit my brother and jumped on him
ОтветитьIt’s so funny when people always say to us - great to have the protection for your kids! And after years of research I wonder whether to bother correcting them. 😂
ОтветитьDisagree, I’ve seen golden spur their lives above their owners to defend them
ОтветитьI guess it depends. Both of my goldens Were very protective. Very Friendly. but there were two incidences that people we didn't know reached into the car to pet them and they got bit. Couldn't even wrestle with friends because.
My goldens would attack
This is why I never recommend a retriever for protection dog. There is no denying that golden retrievers are extremely friendly, but are terrible dogs to protect loved ones
ОтветитьWild generalizations and everything isn't 'instinct'. Too much variety in personalities.
ОтветитьGoldies are strong dogs . I. fell on the chair when he run after a cat. I was ashamed because we were in an outdoor dining. 😅😅
My son fell on the chair and road gutter.. goldies will really run strong. Cant hold back the leash
We love goldies... We dont need scarey guard dogs as they can be traitors.
ОтветитьBeen having guard dogs before, its not fun at all because we, as owners will have to watch the guard dogs that they will not be aggressive to our guests..
ОтветитьReminds me, once we have guard dogs, and our guests didnt know that there is vicious dog, they guests will instantly climb out tree.. or on top of the car hood.. its funny seeing the guests scared but its not good because its the owner's responsibilty not to harm anyone
ОтветитьGuests coming will automatically be scared.. because goldies are big dogs and have a low loud bark 😅😅😅
My goldie was with me in the car.. then he suddenly barked loud.. it scares the heck out of me.. he barked because he saw a cat on the road side 😅😅😅
I have a full blood golden retriever and he went nuts when a dog tried to come at me and he tried attacking the dog.
ОтветитьMy goldie almost attacked a drunk man who stopped on front of me, I stopped him but he continues to bark while the man is walking away.🫶
ОтветитьGoden retrievers are one of the best dogs to have .Yes,they will protect you .although,they are not agressive but they do protect in their own loving way .
Trust me. If you find issues with lonliness and lack of love and support ,get a golden retriver
They will love you support you and protect you .They are best as they care about their owner more than owner coud ever care about them
Mine protected me from a German shepherd and made dog run
ОтветитьI read a lot of the comments and I don’t know how you trained your golden to be that aggressive because we have a 1 1/2 year old male named Arby and he totally non aggressive when I walk him everyone we come across stops to pet him he is totally loving and that’s how I prefer him
Ответитьmeanwhile my golden is protecting the hell out of from 2 dude,a pitbull attack and maulled the burglar
ОтветитьAre you sure my golden got attacked from another golden retriever because he was being over protective😮 and made mine get a nosebleed
ОтветитьAre you sure my golden got attacked from another golden retriever because he was being over protective😮 and made mine get a nosebleed
ОтветитьHorse puckey! Our (RIP) beast wanted to eat anyone ringing the doorbell. And I broke up a dogfight once (whoops!) and he bit my ass! My arm was bleeding profusely! Still the best sweetest dog I ever had we miss you Elvis!! Don't kid yourself they can be very aggressive sometimes the intact males.
ОтветитьI had two goldie since childhood and they both were fiercely protective of family, whether it’s another dog or humans. It’s true that they don’t attack like other dogs but they growled and bark and look just as aggressive to deter anyone who is aggressive. For their size that’s intimidating enough unless you want to take a chance on getting bitten?
ОтветитьMy golden protects me from everyone