Baby face burst reviews
ОтветитьIt's a handfull and I had to add a beavrtail grip safety to eliminate hammer bite. I see why Bill Wilson didn't recommend anything smaller that a 4 inch 1911.
ОтветитьI actually like this colt new agent a lot!
ОтветитьFound a sweet used New Agent 9mm with trench sights, but I’m
on the fence about the purchase. Not sure if I’m comfortable with a single
action for CC. Can anyone share any advice for
a new shooter? Thanks!
Hi Jim and Kay. I've been thinking of adding a Commander sized .45 to my small Colt pistol collection and you two have just made my choice harder! I guess I'm stuck between a Stainless Colt Commander with a 4.25 inch barrel and the Colt New Agent. We can't carry in N.J., but I may move to Tennessee at some point. I'm a big CZ-75 fan too. Thanks for your reviews. Owen
ОтветитьNice ass shots!
Ответить1000.00 try 1100
ОтветитьJim and Kay,
Can you share some of your back ground? How long have you both been shooters? etc
How do you think this compares with the Kimber RCP II? The Kimber is a few hundred more...are the custom shop improvements worth the extra bucks?
ОтветитьKay & I will make a video on this in a few weeks. Thanks for the suggestion.
ОтветитьStill on the fence on this Colt New Agent in .45. The price is holding me back. Should be $650.00 to $750.00. And even that is still high in todays economy. Excellent review Thanks.
ОтветитьYou're absolutely correct. I actually had to go and check. - look for more info in the upcoming Burst Review After Thoughts coming this Wed.
ОтветитьColt ships these guns with 7rd mags. This is a well presented review, but the misinformation will keep some from subscribing.
ОтветитьThank God. I was afraid a week would go by without a new 1911 :P
ОтветитьThanks for the comment, Jim and I will bring this up in the B.R.A.T.
ОтветитьKay states "Performs like a 1000.00 custom pistol at a fraction of the cost". Sure, but the fraction is 99/100. That said, I own one and I do love it. Realistically they are not selling for what most would consider a fraction of 1000.00.
ОтветитьVery cool! Kay & I have an upcoming review of CZ-USA's Dan Wesson ECO 9mm that you might be interested in. It's a bit more pricey, but its very slick.
ОтветитьThanks for the comment! Jim & I will address this in the upcoming Burst Review After Thoughts (B.R.A.T.) - We also just bought a better microphone so we should get much more consistent audio.
ОтветитьI agree with jeroth1987 except, I thought the pace was too fast and the video was over and done with before I could get the volume turned up. So I watched a second time. Thanks.
ОтветитьNice review. I can't wait to get one of these. I was thinking of the 9mm version for carry and maybe add some crimson trace grips later down the road. I guess I'll have to make up my mind when that time comes.
ОтветитьThank you for your comment, we're glad you enjoyed the video! We welcome comments and criticisms - complacency can breed negligence.
ОтветитьFair enough, Jim & I will address this in the follow-up video 1 week after the written review posts. Thank you for your comment!
ОтветитьGreat review, I'll have to take a look at this for a carry gun. I thought your trigger control was great. There's always going to be the elitist group who have to critique everyone and everything.
ОтветитьI liked the video alot! Good pace and I like the male/female perspective. Music was great and your input was valid. Only constructive criticism I can give is be careful with pointing the gun straight into the air when behind low cover. You guys had great trigger control, but I would hate to see a discharge into the air. Keep up the great work!