Adobe's Controversial TOS Update: Are Your Images at Risk?

Adobe's Controversial TOS Update: Are Your Images at Risk?

Adnan Velic

2 месяца назад

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@nevvanclarke9225 - 30.06.2024 04:29

I don't really care too much to be honest. If you are online there are many people that are gonna take your images anyway and if they're just looking at my images to improve the software or catch people doing the wrong thing I don't really have a problem with it they're just images we've got stop being so pretentious. It's not like they're gonna take my image and take it off to the Printer and get some large prints done and then sell them on a big billboard. They're not gonna do that. They're just looking at them to do whatever they need to do. I don't really care. I think you're making a way bigger deal out of this and you need to.

@-_ch40s_ - 30.06.2024 15:14

A do prepaid subscription only. Bought it on every cyber week in advance, you can add it.

@-_ch40s_ - 30.06.2024 15:17

And, does it affect only pictures you upload to Adobe Behance?

@philipcook6191 - 30.06.2024 17:45

Look, its not just Adobe, its common with most high text software companies. How do you think they can create a quantum ai singularity to rule us all? They harvest all content, what we say is recorded, what we text is recorded and what we do professionally on high end softwares is analyzed. This is how they input huge meta data to machine learning computer systems. It is our intelligence harvested. Look I'll be saying with Adobe, so what, my images are not so private, big deal. What else could you possibly use? Infinity photo? Please, cannot compete. We all know what they are doing, just don't take the mark of the beast when it comes, thats when I pull out of the world system, we then die for the Lord Jesus Christ for day after that will be a nightmare.

@BillAngelos - 30.06.2024 22:07

This video is at least a week too late.

@moajrtoons - 01.07.2024 01:50

I never use adobe CC anyway and I will never use it at all. I personally don't agree with having to pay monthly to use their software.

@thelame6349 - 01.07.2024 02:42

ur gay

@EmperorEidolon - 01.07.2024 04:22

The subscription model is all about you not owning anything.

@shefsatyr - 01.07.2024 05:11

Switched to Affinity a few months back, actually enjoying doing "art" again.

@_MintArcade - 01.07.2024 09:40

At what point does Adobe becomes a malware?

@Zpicismrad - 01.07.2024 10:20

even working with Adobe acrobat feels like your computer is a 386, they made it so sluggish and it eats up your RAM as if the file you've opened was the entire library of Alexandria. Since I've switched to Sumatra I'm never coming back to that Adobe crap.

@GlennsArt2021 - 01.07.2024 11:07

Capture One is a great program. Now, after the ToS came out, I wanted to opt out of Adobe. I had bought annual subscriptions so there was no money coming back to me (that's bad, but a contract is a contract), so I went in and canceled my plans (Ps and Ai). I then went into My Account to delete my account, but the option wasn't there. I contacted Chat and asked them how to do this. After an hour of getting pure BS, I was abandoned. I went back in and got someone else who spent another hour with me and said it would be done. It wasn't. They said go to my account and delete it there. The option still wasn't there. So I went the route again and was told I still had a Stock Image Plan and that would have to be cancelled first. I told them to do it, but they said that would take 5 to 7 business days. I got an email 2 days later saying it was done and I could now go in and cancel my account. I couldn't. Turns out I also have an Acrobat account (not one I ordered or have ever paid into), and that's why I still wasn't seeing the Delete Account option. I got back on the email and by now I'm getting a bit "insistent" on all this. I got another guy who said it would take 30 days to close the account after I select the Delete Account, and they had deleted the Acrobat plan for me, so I could now go in and that option would be available. Nope. Plan is still there. When I contacted them again, they said they would phone me in 12 days to 'assist in resolving this issue.' I said I never asked for a phone call and why did I need one? I spelled it out yet again what I wanted. No reply. If there ever was any chance that I would have come back to Adobe before, there isn't now. It will take a full month to get the request through and I seriously doubt they have any intention of honouring their promises that were made to me repeatedly. I am sending a copy of my transcripts to the DoJ and FTC on this. In the meantime I've moved to Affinity. Never going back.

@gclcreativedesigner2611 - 01.07.2024 15:15

Already deleted mine. Corel have perpetual license. That is why Adobe will die, the Annual subscription. Greedy and should be sued.

@gclcreativedesigner2611 - 01.07.2024 15:18

Apple should create a software and have perpetual license, not the god damn subscription annually. They will kill Adobe soon. Imagine they got away with that as well as Autodesk and other follow them. CRIMINAL.

@zefcypher - 01.07.2024 15:34

How do I get out of the cancellation fee T_T

@JoeBooFX - 01.07.2024 16:25

Adobe is a virus.

@lieutenantpepper2734 - 01.07.2024 16:52

don't worry you will be back using Adobe in no time.

@TurboLingaLanguages - 02.07.2024 06:53

All Adobe products removed from my computer about 2 hours ago. This fiasco was the last straw, but they've been on the downward trajectory ever since they switched to subscription-based. They have made it abundantly clear that they did not wish to get any more money from me, so I have obliged.

@apamacam4838 - 02.07.2024 10:52

In order to avoid their subscription model, I went ahead and bought the final standalone LR, which was the LR6 right before it was totally phased out. I"m happily using it since 2018 till the Jan this year (2024) and they revoked my licence when I tried to activate my LR6 after re installed it on my new motherboard. That made me so mad, so much for the "Perpetual Licence". I actually started with Capture one but finding that I like LR works better for me.
Now, I'm looking seriously at luminar Neo and the On1 photo raw...

@rree9550 - 02.07.2024 13:19

i cancelled my adobe subscription today. this is getting viral... and global. greetings from europe.

@markpearce8191 - 02.07.2024 13:34

I still have the stand alone Lightroom 6. Sure it’s missing some “new” features but you couldn’t tell anyway. Dirty dirty

@Nikolai508 - 02.07.2024 15:32

You should have done that the moment they tried to sell a subscription service to people, I have no sympathy.

@_Woo - 02.07.2024 19:03

Left adobe the moment they started talking about subscriptions.

@dafyddthomas7299 - 02.07.2024 22:24

Many say tip of day don't upload anything to their Cloud Stock; Copyright issues, etc, loss of ££/$$ royalties going forward ? - likely to be used to feed their AI flyfire AI gen engine to train it eventually that full AI tools will be Adobe Photoshop so it can AI generate art work - little need for many Content Creators.

@dafyddthomas7299 - 02.07.2024 22:26

F^^%%^^% Fed up - cancelled my Adobe CC subscription

@DaveMcIroy - 02.07.2024 22:37

I only get the prepaid cards for Adobe.

@williamchan8866 - 03.07.2024 06:51

With Fuji files, people find capture one works better.

@barbi111 - 03.07.2024 09:24

I'll never use Adobe again

@e.colemantlpss6406 - 03.07.2024 13:17

We don't care

@bigrobotnewstoday1436 - 03.07.2024 17:47

This is why people used cracked versions.

@bigrobotnewstoday1436 - 03.07.2024 17:54

I will always support cracked versions of Adobes software.🤪🤪🤪🤪

@jongrall - 04.07.2024 06:27

I 100% agree. I cancelled my Adobe CC subscription when this story first broke. I've been using Capture One and Final Cut Pro for a long time, so the only loss for me was Photoshop. Hopefully a windfall for Serif (the makers of Affinity Photo).

@devicenotfound - 09.07.2024 13:59

I'll give that like button a good whack and keep replay if the video talks about dumping Adobe!

@chadwickerman - 11.07.2024 09:27

I don't have a reasonable replacement for PS and After Effects. I don't use them as a hobby to play around with; I use them professionally. As a hobbyist one can just cancel and move on and do something else. It's not as easy for people who use them professionally. I wish I could just cancel but unfortunately I can't.

@I-am-Joe - 26.07.2024 15:39

Won’t use Adobe ever again. Just because of the subscription model and the horrible TOS.

@VictorReynolds - 30.07.2024 23:32

I deleted & cancelled LR. I use VSCO since I’m primarily a mobile photographer.
