The Real Reason I Won't Convert to Orthodox or Catholic Christianity

The Real Reason I Won't Convert to Orthodox or Catholic Christianity

Bless God Studios

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@Jacedxm - 26.08.2024 05:40

Tiempo revela. Could be tomorrow. Could be decades. Your day will come, my friend. There’s only one church. Trust.

@jaden3560 - 26.08.2024 10:32

So as a protestent, are you proud of your lgbtq churches ?
Prostestanism is a mess, disorganized, giving rise to lots of heresies.

@JoelDM-e2d - 27.08.2024 02:52

Ruslan, you could be Catholic and still be against the Pope. We Catholics all know the stonecutters infiltrated the church and changed a bunch of stuff. But that doesn't mean that Satan will prevail against the church but Jesus promised us that. All we could do is pray for him and hope for a new Pope to restore everything. You also don't have to accept if they accept gay marriage as Vigano has said? You do know that there is two "Catholic" churches? The Vatican 2 one, Novos ordo, and the traditional one, The society of Saint Pius the 10?

@xryptologic2108 - 27.08.2024 05:56

all you did was nod your head to an AI video and drink coffee 🤷‍♂️

@ryandacosta2652 - 27.08.2024 08:36

Orthodox is the first and only church. Every other denomination is a diluted and subverted variation of the origins of Christianity

@evandiaz2390 - 27.08.2024 19:16

So then the Protestants got it right 1,800 years later?

@dherpin4874 - 27.08.2024 21:07

Gavin is historically disingenuous. The very application he uses to discredit the Church he often overlooks as they often apply even more so to the protestant belief system. There is only one Church and it is not divided no matter how this makes one feel.

Careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. One body and one Spirit; as you are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. [Ephesians 4:3-5]

As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema. [Galatians 1:9]

Only let your conversation be worthy of the gospel of Christ: that, whether I come and see you, or, being absent, may hear of you, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind laboring together for the faith of the gospel [Philippians 1:27]

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand [Mark 3:25]

Respectfully, it's like watching teenagers with go-carts arguing the innerworkings and history of a formula one racing car. Sorry i am mechanical, so tee ball players arguing the inner workings of the origins and history of baseball.

My point is the is so much you are lacking in context I don't even know where to begin. I feel this way every time I listen to Gavin.

@IveSeenSupernatural - 28.08.2024 00:48

yea this video was the icing ont he cake ofr me..rus just doesnt give church history a fair shake....he takes the worst things and attributes them to every historical faith.....and CONTINUES to reside in strawman ignorance...

like ive seen him get answers to these topics and he shakes his head" oh ok, " " i didnt know that" and could care less about anything else but the next super chat..still a good guy..but the typical prot attitude..balling up RCC and ortho etc all into one group not being honest enough to seperate their doctrines...ortho literally thinks RCC is heresy....but heres rus ,acting like RCC and ortho are same things.....

@RicardoRodriguezFL - 28.08.2024 18:16

Protestantism isn't more catholic, as there is no "universal" pretestant church. There's over 2000 of them...

@Blackrims23 - 29.08.2024 01:18

How can protestism be Catholic??

@michaelwickware9791 - 29.08.2024 05:33

Protestantism is the house built on sand… and we’re watching live… wokism wash it away…

@captainboon2978 - 29.08.2024 16:14

I admire your openness and willingness to learn about Church history, the early Christians, and all the different sects of Christianity, but I can't reach the same conclusion. To address the three points made in the video:

1: This point essentially seems to persuade you into thinking that Protestantism is true because it claims that many more people will make it up to Heaven. While that would be great to believe, the reality is often harsh. What good is universalism (catholic) if we all have varying beliefs about the Church which Jesus established, and even about Jesus Himself? That's not unity; unity would consist of being in accord with one another. Just because something is easier to accept doesn't mean it's more likely to be true.

2: Of the seven points brought up there's only one that can be considered truly bad; that is, paying for indulgences, which certainly was corrupt and is not how indulgences work; this corruption needed to go. As for the veneration of icons, sure, it can be taken too far, but there's nothing wrong with showing reverence towards an icon when it is an icon of someone who is deserving of such respect. It's not worship. As for the other points, what's wrong with them? Perhaps a poor understanding of history isn't the problem as much as it is a poor understanding of theology.

3: I don't understand why it's a top priority to place the Bible as the ultimate authority when there are so many different translations of it, and within those, different people translating it in different ways. You also say that Luther and Calvin got some things wrong; from which authority do you base this claim? If there's no formal authority to go to for correction, wouldn't we essentially be creating God in our own image?

@sinfulyetsaved - 29.08.2024 16:39

Silly reasons why not to convert. You are believing something the apostles didnt believe. Period. Or making once again your own interpretation that fits ur lil world 🌎

@Trlesln - 29.08.2024 20:03

As a man who has not been raised religious however always believed in a higher power Catholicism doesn’t seem reasonable. The bible is against religious idols. Jesus said the truth and way is through him only. Catholics idolise and follow a pope. In my opinion another man like me does not mean more or is closer to Jesus than any of us. It’s seems Protestants have a better understanding

@nobodyatall3708 - 29.08.2024 21:14

Not even halfway in and there's so much wrong with this video.

@ML-762 - 29.08.2024 22:24

Grew up First Covenant Protestant, never felt a thing in church all those years. Eventually quit going to church at 17. Believed in God and was proud to be protestant despite my distancing from that church. By my early twenties though and after tons of research and reading my Bible front to back, it occurred to me how much i was missing and that there was almost nowhere for me to go. Wandered for many years with no home until a friend of a friend invited our group out to our only Orthodox church. What started as curiosity ended with me converting, the overwhelming sense of love, wonder and Holy Spirit was second to none. I've read quite a bit over the years but until you see it, it's just speculation. It is the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ and I am a member of an unbroken chain back to the crucifixion. God bless ☦️

@tubo1639 - 30.08.2024 02:57

As a Catholic revert, protestantism was a watered-down form of Christianity. Every protestant denomination has its own Pope. 30,000 denomination, pick the right one??

@TheChampFighter - 30.08.2024 13:21

Even among protestants, luther, zwngli and calvin would be appalled by what protestantism has become. 🤷‍♂️💯

@DawsonBicknese - 30.08.2024 15:41

1. The Roman Catholic Church is the entirety of the Church because we have universal doctrine that is unchanged where as Protestants can believe anything they want from church to church.
2. Literally 0 Church fathers taught anything that modern Protestants teach. Indulgences are not what you think and the selling of them was condemned in the council of Trent. The veneration of icons being “weird as a Protestant” is not an argument against it and neither is “it didn’t exist in the first 300 years” because neither did the Bible so to use that you must also deny the Bible. You just made stuff up about papal infallibility the Roman Pontiff comes from the first 300 years of the church just because it wasn’t explicitly defined until 250 years ago doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.
3. To accept the scripture as true you must also accept the authority from which the scripture came from (The Catholic Church) “he warned about putting tradition over scripture” no he didn’t he warned about human behavior as in the tradition of sin it had nothing to do with scripture infact we know tradition is an infallible authority under apostolic succession because of “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.” Much of this was assembled in scripture and the rest was through church tradition. Second note Catholics also believe that the Bible is an infallible authority but we as readers are not infallible so we need an infallible authority to interpret the scripture for us (The Catholic Church)

Oh also “you are rock and on the rock I will build my church” “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

It wouldn’t matter if you thought that the Catholic Church was corrupted because the scripture which you defined as your infallible authority literally tells you that the church established by Jesus Christ through Peter was an infallible authority.

@lifeof3952 - 30.08.2024 17:30

This Is a beautiful ecumenical discussion and the video is a wonderful illustration, however the incorrect opinions and description of what the Catholic Church is and why She is the 1 true Holy and Apostolic Church established by Christ are not consistent with Catholic teaching. To understand the Catholic Church I suggest reading the Church Fathers (Justin Martyr, Ignatius of Antioch...) and Dr's of the Church along with the Didache, this will reveal a true 2000+ year history going back to the Church and Her inception through the will of God the Father, by God the Son with the Holy Spirit. These writtings can be used as sources to assist in the reading and Ancient understanding of Sacred Scriptures bringing us closer to the true meanings, most importantly the clear understanding of the Bread of Life Discourse Gospel of John chapter 6, the true presence of the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Christ within the consecrated Holy Eucharist.

@RGTomoenage11 - 30.08.2024 22:27

I Became Catholic Because I Love Jesus. If You Understand The Eucharist There is no Questions To Be Asked.

In Protestantism you are denying The truth of the Eucharist.

Also, all the Protestants think Catholics are damned now…
As a matter of fact, in some places if you don’t read king James, you are damned.

@Expeditehistory - 31.08.2024 07:17

This will age. Because that's how time works. Which is OK. 😅

@SolidSnake0 - 31.08.2024 18:16

With all due respect, that isn't very accurate. As you pointed out yourself there is early language referencing Mary as the mother of God. There's also iconography dating back as early as the 2nd century in the Domitilla Catacombs. And lastly veneration of icons is not worship of physical objects. If you saw a man, kissing a picture of his recently passed away mother, you wouldn't say, "this man's crazy, he's worshiping a picture!" You would say this man loves his mother. Again not trying to be confrontational. I'm just saying I hear this a lot from protestants but, it doesn't really hold water. The claim that iconography is a violation of the commandment to not make graven images. That's super legalistic take and clearly not what that commandment refers to. The commandment is a command to not make false idols. That's fairly obvious. All the that the word graven means is man made. So a movie is a graven image, a photograph is a graven image, a drawing is a graven image. Even the cross you see on King James Bibles is a graven image by definition. Yet I've never met a protestant that has ever had a problem with any of those. So unless we're going to say that Jesus is a false idol, which I don't think anyone is; that position is simply wrong.

@seanjones1020 - 31.08.2024 23:24

Do you think Jesus's body on earth (The Church) that he intended a plurality i.e. division of his body all teaching different things? It doesn't sound like a God who knows his own mind, which is not possible. So which is it Ruslan?

@jacobfischer8385 - 01.09.2024 01:15

Here is a summary in case you're short for time: "The vagueness of protestantism is above the old churches because you can disagree with any one church, or person, and their interpretations of scripture since my interpretation of scripture is above all. Based on nothing in the bible that explicitly supports sola scriptura"

@BernardStevens-vl3mz - 01.09.2024 15:50

Too shallow. Not convincing too me..

@dalexxterminator4723 - 02.09.2024 08:09

Ok, so you are an offspring of luthers revolt.

@G-MIP - 02.09.2024 10:51

Far too many ignorant & false statements in this video to spend my time addressing.

@catherinethompson6531 - 02.09.2024 15:27

Also when you say that you can acknowledge that some people got things wrong on certain things, that’s great! So can us Orthodox. We don’t rely on one man’s interpretation of anything like that. Fr. Paul explains this really well in the video where the lovely Protestant visited his church when they were discussing this, but the Holy Spirit IS in the church guiding the church as a whole on these decisions. And sometimes this takes many many years for there to be a final decision but the church as a whole gets these things right when they come together. Absolutely one of them can get things wrong that’s why we don’t lean on of them for the answers

@KoniWorx - 02.09.2024 15:35

Dude I went to RCIA (catholic conversion teaching) and I haven't had a more depressing experience in my journey with God. I believe there are countless beloved Catholics that live fruitfully. But man, I saw robots at this church I went to. I was met by the most insincere optimism, the kind you can just tell it's not honest. I am never going back to that church. I was most on fire for doing God's will when I followed his command and not an institution. God gave me this mind and the Spirit in me, and his Word, to find truth. I will stick to this until the day I die. Mark 7 REALLY ring true with this experience. My goodness..

@famousace4652 - 02.09.2024 22:28

This video has so many logical contradictions. Protestantism is the most Catholic Christianity, yet Protestantism should be considered the one true church for this reason,
Traditions of orthodoxy and Catholicism came much later , yet Protestantism came even later than those traditions. Only scripture is the highest authority yet the Bible is constructed through church tradition. Someone help me out here, what am I missing ?

@bluecollarcatholic8173 - 03.09.2024 13:36

John Calvin had many Christians Killed that he considered Heretics . Especially Arminians ( non-Calvinists) . And Ruslan's friends Isaiah Salvidar and Mike Sigornelli recently stated the Catholic Church is Demonic and Catholics are not Christians. Everything else in this video is equally false. That's why I'm still confident Ruslan will become Catholic. But Gavin will first .

@ewholland - 03.09.2024 17:10

This young man is not as familiar with church history as he thinks

@nimaenri - 03.09.2024 21:19

It’s kinda funny. Because I’m a Protestant and I used to go to church every Sunday. The problem with Protestant churches according to ME (not a fact) is that if you’re new to church, they treat you with respect, they all (pastors and people working in the church) have time to answer your questions about Jesus or Bible, but then after a while, the church that felt like home isn’t really a home. Cause I remember I had doubts about my faith but because I wasn’t a new member, I got pretty much ignored. Which is sad, because I shouldn’t go to church because of the people but then let’s say everyone around me have other religions, are atheists, so church should be a place where I can be around other Christian’s and talk about faith and Jesus, doubts and grow my faith. Then I really wanted to try to go to a Catholic Church but it didn’t really work for me. So I’m trying to find a church where I can call home, where I know I can be a better Christian but for some reasons I always feel left out.

@RadRat1978 - 04.09.2024 19:30

Patriarch Bartholomew is the head of the ancient Orthodox Church, not Russian Patriarch Kiril, as shown in the thumbnail. Clearly you are low-information on Church history and your opinions heretical

@thehouseofcrumblingidols2694 - 04.09.2024 21:16

How any protestant can read the lives and works of recent orthodox saints, then look at church history, and not be utterly convinced of the fruit produced by God's Holy Apostolic Church is blazing evidence of the veil over the eyes of most people. Not all who cry out "lord, lord!" will be saved.

@shawnhembree4145 - 05.09.2024 00:41

Thanks for this video- what you call creeds and statements are actually called dogmas- the innovations referred to such as indulgences and Marian dogmas and the papacy.

@philotheake - 05.09.2024 05:25

So... if you kiss a picture of a loved one ... that mean you worship them?

@Cay30 - 05.09.2024 06:03

Umm are you missing the burning of Catholics and Protestant dissenters by the Church of England, and Lutheran Churches in the Reformation?

Icons were always used by the church, its issue became more proprogate during the iconoclasm controversy in the 500s.

Mary as Theotokos or as a venerated saint was always part of church history it was only dogmatized in the Catholic church following centuries of veneneration and not worship.

And yes some of the most virulent anti Catholic or Orthodox groups are fundamentalist protestants and that is today; 2024. Not 50 or 100 plus years ago. Today. Nice try. Highly biased and inaccurate video.

@KassandraChandler - 05.09.2024 19:01

The biggest thing that rubs me the wrong way is how much Orthodoxy puts saints on a pedestal, everyone has fallen short, even mary, the apostles, everyone who has ever lived; We all are guilty of sin. Its so easy to become a saint it seems if you did works and died for your faith. The veneration of these people,kissing the pictures, bowing, is somthing you do to a king or an idol. Plus as a fan of mythology Gods and Godesses are a head over a certain thing. Hera - Godess of Marriage and fertility but Mary is put as a patron at ton of stuff;

" The Virgin Mary is patron of many dioceses, countries, and places throughout the world. She is also the patron of aviators (see Our Lady of Loreto), childbirth, motherhood, nuns, the sick, young women, and many, many others"

Plus i do not see any scriptures that tell us that we must go and "have great respect" over ones who died and have them have a spiritual place in the church. We dont need to pray to anyone to interceed for us cause Jesus is the only one we need completely.

Romans8:26-27, The Holy Spirit interceding for us in our weakness, helping us in our prayers when we don't know what to pray for. It says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."

Does it mention saints needed for interceding? No it does not.

Jesus is the only Mediator, we dont need to have preists, confession cause we can go to Jesus by his name alone to go to God

Timothy2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." This verse emphasizes that Jesus is the sole mediator who reconciles us to God through His sacrifice on the cross.

Why cant we just stop putting words into the apostles mouths, adding these and twisting human habits to defend a practice to make it seem ok to do? doing whatever the heck we want in the church add practices that God never commanded us to do. Plus doing these things replaces Jesus's place in all these things and not going to him in absolutely everything by his authority in the church. I dont know; saying you put Scripture at the top of authority but than do not read these i just shared and go back and defend it by human habits instead by Scripture is silly to me. Its a weak argument if you’re trying to claim that its the one true church if you’re adding on things that were never commanded by Jesus or the Apostles in the first place

@KEP1983 - 06.09.2024 04:54

Yeah. You don't know early church history nearly as well as you think you do. Study it some more. You'll need to be either Orthodox or Catholic. You can't seriously study the early church and think that Luther etc were restoring Christianity to the early church and "removing barnacles."

@AlCrisler - 07.09.2024 00:28

Charismatic with a seatbelt rite 😂😂👏👏

@letuwa - 07.09.2024 05:59

Like i always say, if you want to be Catholic be Catholic if you want to be protestant be protestant. Jesus died and rose from the grave for both of us. We both accept jesus as our lord and savior. We are both Christians.

@renesedonio3340 - 08.09.2024 19:08

Weak Catholics become Protestants but strong Protestants become Catholics! 🙏😇❤️❤️❤️😇🙏✝️🥰😍🥰✝️

@mikesalinas2775 - 08.09.2024 19:17

Why do you bring up the issue of Catholic Protestant Orthodox? It's more important to establish the truth. It's the Church of Christ

@matiast6721 - 09.09.2024 02:44

Amen brother. We always preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Everything else is pointless.

At the end of the day, Jesus itself is the church, everybody who embrace him is part of the church.
And everyone who reject him, is outside the church.
As simple as that.

@antecubelic9381 - 10.09.2024 12:42

Protestants always say they follow what early christians believed in, and that they sort of represent what original christianity stood for.
How do they, then, reconcile the fact that Scriptures didn't even exist few decades after Resurrection of Christ, and the whole Christian Bible wasn't officially complied until the late fourth century (done by the Roman Catholic Church btw).
Case in point, when apostles didn't know what to do in regards to pagan converts to christianity - should they first became Jews and Christians second, they held first ecumenical council of the Church to settle the issue, they didn't have Scripture to rely on. Christ clearly founded the Church, not Bible. Church had its structure even while Jesus was still on Earth, in a sense that 72 desciples were priests, 12 apostles were bishops, Peter, James and John were Cardinals and Peter among them was the Pope. That just continued with apostolic succession.

@TheArbiterOfTruth - 11.09.2024 17:09

I didn’t realize I was considered a “Protestant” until this year. The only people I ever heard use that term were Catholics. I also found out orthodox existed this year.
