Merkur Progress - Day 1, week test: OAM Stay Traditional, Omega S-10049

Merkur Progress - Day 1, week test: OAM Stay Traditional, Omega S-10049


1 год назад

468 Просмотров

Hello, if you're first time on my channel, during wicked-week I tryout specific shave item (in this case Merkur Progress safety razor) and change others, such as: different brushes, shaving creams, soaps, blades, but keep consistent with the razor, so you can have a bit different approach in razor testing.
If you like it, stay tuned to @Wicked-Whiskers


#merkur #merkur_safety_razor #merkur_de_razor #merkur_adjustable #merkur_progress #merkur_progress_500 #merkur_progress_short #wicked-whiskers #wicked_week #stay_traditional #omega_S-49_shaving_brush
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