Which FPV System Has The Best Penetration Through The Woods? - FPV Questions

Which FPV System Has The Best Penetration Through The Woods? - FPV Questions

Joshua Bardwell Livestream Clips

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@xsatn2082 - 07.06.2024 17:13

Woods are just brutal for pen, I've tried flying and o3 along paths and it's a hit or miss with signal you either loose it soon or verry soon :D

@nielsB_FPV - 07.06.2024 17:18

Can someone explain me how detailed enviroments affects hd cams/recording? Its not like they have to render more objects like a videogame

@serenestateofbeing1062 - 07.06.2024 17:27

My 1w hdzero vtx outperforms my 2.5w analog vtx. People think hdzero has horrible breakup but what they dont realize is that analog in the same situation would be unflyable. Analog causes the whole screen to warp, change colors, lose colors, and bend while hdzero is just missing pixels with a perfect image still.

@MrDiMaggio5 - 07.06.2024 19:12

Or with WS the picture completely drops and you crash into a tree.

@MrDiMaggio5 - 07.06.2024 19:14

I ❤ analog

@jeffparisse4202 - 07.06.2024 20:17

HDZero doesn’t mess with time. One can fly through digital static similar to analog static: the image may degrade momentarily but it is still in real time. Mountain diving with HDZ is a good use case for low latency, real time video (so I’ve heard 🙄😇). Scraggle needs to be visible even if there is static.

@fjanson2468 - 07.06.2024 20:20

You say DJI 03 is kinda miraculous, and then never mention it again. Instead keep talking about less than miraculous systems, why is that?

@BeyondGravityFPV - 07.06.2024 21:48

People who tried almost all systems would always pick o3. Doesn't matter who you like.

@pspicer777 - 07.06.2024 22:17

Analog at 45 giga, watts... we don't need no stinking trees!!

@dronelabs556 - 07.06.2024 22:19

Another idea is think vertically. You can put a VTX relay system on a slave wing loitering or circling above on GPS. To increase range and ability to drive into the tree line with the master multicopter.

@ImperialArmour - 07.06.2024 23:06

1.3ghz is the answer, the antenna is no bigger than a crsf antenna.

@skygremlinfpv - 08.06.2024 04:03

Analog ALL DAY

@wtfmimshag - 08.06.2024 13:29

Horses for courses. Im a walksnail guy and if flying through the woods is your use case, you'll constantly get tangled in branches

@bass3587 - 12.06.2024 20:01

I really enjoyed this clip better than some of your others. People tend to forget how good analog and HDZERO actually is for FPV. Thanks.
