Great video presentation and explanation!
ОтветитьOut of all videos ive watched on the subject, this is the best well explained that I finally got it. We are not alone.
ОтветитьWhy isn't Heisenberg even mentioned ❓
Ответить...So could it be that maybe it isn't that we are looking at it that it collapses...but rather to SEE- we need Light to bounce off into our lenses....hence, we are literally engaging with PHOTONS...That might be cancelling out all but the ones in the blindspot? The one being observed?
I'm just shooting spitwads at the wall here.
So the possible applications for super high speed computers including AI, medical, Cell replication and regeneration and communication and teleportation are huge!
But of course we'll just develop some stupid super weapon that will swallow the universe because we're morons.
What a fantastic video. Thanks for sharing!
ОтветитьThis video is simply good. it makes me understand a bit of Quantum which I found no understanding at all,previously.
ОтветитьThat makes the omnipresence of God not so 'weird' anymore. After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ could suddenly appear out of nowhere, do something there as Himself and vanish afterwards. And the Bible states, that 'this corruptible body' will obtain 'incorruptibility' and believers will have a body like He has, with the cool extra functions.
ОтветитьIt was good up to the part about "Many Worlds" theory. I just can't swallow that as a theory, it is just too messy an explanation. Need to explain something, just create (imagine) another world, and all's good. I reckon Einstein would have hated it. The explanation is too lame.
ОтветитьGreat job LondonCitiGirl, keep on!!
ОтветитьI always wonder, since everything is constructed by atoms, does that mean that basically our superposition is always collapsed since there is a detector (light) hitting us and forcing our atoms to give up their randomness otherwise we would be just a puff of possibilities.
ОтветитьGreat job, love it!
Ответитьvery beautifully and lovely ,but remember that it is science and unlimited😍😎😋😊😉😆😅☺😇😗😙☺
Ответитьthis how I feel when dealing with human beings..... 😭🤟🤸♀️✨ I'm SPIRITUAL not Religious.
ОтветитьLCG I haven't seen a science video so clear and entertainining since the times of Cosmos !.
( end note: subject? quantum mechanikt m e c h a n i c s ).
If this was for dummies then where is the video for morons ?🙄
ОтветитьBest video I ever seen about the quantum mechanics. 👍
Ответитьmaybe particle A is particle B. being detected or the interference from the detector probably slows it down giving it a spin . same electron is probably moving so fast it moves to that 'pairing position' seen in entanglement and because the electron has slowed down u can observe opposite speed but I do think it's the same 'electron'. my further theory although is such that I think we are observing a group of electrons. the difference in spin probably the net spin, maybe that spin is so fine that it doesn't take much for the 'theorised net spin' based on the net spin of the collection of electrons we are able to detect and show an opposite spin. lets say there's a hundred billion electrons in an observable 'tennis ball' and possibly incorrectly terming as 'one electron' instead of their true form which is (referring to the double slit experiment). and maybe 50 billion and one of those supposed collection of cells we are observing have a spin up as net spin in their activity, and 49 billion and 9 of those electrons in the collection is the opposite spin. Because its such large number in a fine space, I assume any small interference would change things inside that collection by a greater deal. I assume that interference to be the 'detector' particles. maybe the detector hits the same electron twice (it has to otherwise we couldn't observe 2 different positions seen in super position). maybe this is why the electron is seen as a different spin. assumably the electrons travel faster when not being observed because they aren't colliding with detector particles and thus not being slowed down. which is why its position is a wave function. I assume that is simply the collection of electrons or rather that points of intersection for all electron particles or the most dense areas that we are sensitive enough to see per time (whatever we measure hz in).
ОтветитьThanks for making this lay friendly! Very helpful
ОтветитьNow i feel like a boso(n)
ОтветитьQuantum Mechanics for dummies is basically
Murphy's Law
No need to understand it beyond that until it becomes reconciled inside of that which is awake to itself .
Excellent video, but it seems to me like particles(electrons) have intelligence since they show to be in only one state when they're measured
I'm struggling with this part of it
I’m 13 and learning this bc they haven’t taught me at school yet.
ОтветитьA stupid curious question: Lets assume London Alice is successfully teleported to Tokyo.
But we have only replicated her particles i:e her body and sent information to replicate quantum state of her particles meaning replicating her body. Just body!! What if all of her particles are teleported successfully but when she is replicated she comes out dead?! Coz we basically just replicated her body not her soul.
This also arises a question whether if there’s a central governing source of energy that is undiscovered that we call soul??
If something like a soul particle exists then it can also be replicated and teleported. But what if the soul has no particle form? How can we guarantee that Tokyo Alice would still be alive when replicated, as we do not know what exactly keeps us alive.
That's not teleportation, it's a cloning machine.
ОтветитьGood stuff……did this pretty much confirm the existence of alternate forms of yourself? There is so much info out there that some certain people don’t want you to know. The clever ones know without being told or shown.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to know what you are doing over there? Would you not even know yourself besides your looks?
La fonction de Schrödinger est un piège à toute intelligence humaine ! Plus la connaissance sur un système est grande plus nous sommes soumis au hasard !
Ответить2M people accepted they are dummies
ОтветитьThis is beginners level! Holy I'm a dummy cause that felt like a PhD program to me. lol
ОтветитьEveryone says the act of "observing" makes it behave differently but they never go into what that method of measuring is.
Is it from light interacting with it? Is it god hiding it from you? Cant find any detail on this because people keep using observe as a meaningless blanket term
The speed of light is relative to the magnetic field it travels through!! E=MC2 is total B>S> it does not consider the magnetic field ; his quantum math suffers the same problem.
ОтветитьOmg finally a decent explanation. Was able to understand clearly given my familiarity with some of the physics concepts from high school. This topic is insanely mind blowing.
ОтветитьI’ve been watching so many videos on these concepts and this is the first one I’ve seen that made complete sense to me. Thank you so much.
Ответить9 years since this video and we still haven't bridged the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity. However, we do have another theory as well as the string theory to explore. We now have loop quantum gravity and string theory now, so things have gotten even more complicated.
ОтветитьThanks for the forecast! I need some advice: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
ОтветитьSo anxiety starts at electron level. They too can't behave normally when being observed
ОтветитьWhat does "for dummies" mean?
ОтветитьWhat about other dimensions?
ОтветитьIt's a bit presumptuous to think that the reconstructed Alice would even have a consciousness. Isn't it?