How are things going at Seven's Pinballorama?

How are things going at Seven's Pinballorama?

7s Pinballorama

2 года назад

707 Просмотров

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@benz1981 - 11.11.2022 02:14

Moved to the east coast from Ontario a few months ago and excited to see a place to play pinball somewhat close to me. Definitely stopping by next time I'm in PEI!

@MRNBricks - 06.10.2022 04:40

That pricing model issue is hilarious. Peoples are so weird about stuff like that. Hope you’re okay after the hurricane

@1959blantz - 15.09.2022 09:20

I have been a sub for a few years. I remember you were working on a rough Black Knight pinball machine, and I remember you saying you were going to re-theme the machine into a Monty Python Holy Grail. I was just wondering if you did.

@orangewhipster - 09.09.2022 09:30

We've had the same issue with our hourly entry. Say it's by the hour, people want 1/2hrs as in only play for 1/2hr or play for 1.5 hours.

There is never getting rid of the time will never be able to please everyone at the same time.

Do what you want to do...and hopefully those questions start to slowly go away.

@blupeterb254b9 - 09.09.2022 05:11

Super cool, very happy things are going well for the arcade!

@justinekirkwood2106 - 09.09.2022 01:07

Where are you located ?

@WatchItPlayed - 08.09.2022 18:00

Nice solution to the 1 hour/2 hour issue. I know when I'm driving through I don't always have 2 hours, so it "feels" weird to pay for 2 hours, so making it a 1 hour fee, with a VERY cheap 2 hour upgrade just makes it feel good all around! Congrats on the success so far - here's to more!

@jtgre4833 - 08.09.2022 17:40

Cornwall's finest establishment! And only minutes from my front door 😎

@dadofducks - 08.09.2022 17:37

Congrats on the new pinball playroom. Glad to see people coming in and finally finding out how fun pinball actually is. Keep up the good work and I wish you years of success.
