Leaving home and starting a journey to nowhere  / Documentary on the life of a nomadic family

Leaving home and starting a journey to nowhere / Documentary on the life of a nomadic family


5 часов назад

14,549 Просмотров

Join Khosrow and her family on a real documentary that delves into the fascinating lifestyle of a nomadic family in nature. Witness the beginning of their long, challenging journey as they leave home and embrace a nomadic existence filled with new adventures and experiences. Let this immersive film take you on an endless exploration of tradition, resilience, and connection with the natural world.

#NomadicLife #DocumentaryFilm #FamilyJourney #NatureExploration #CulturalHeritage #NomadicCulture #TravelAdventures #OutdoorLiving #CommunityBonding #NomadicLifestyle
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