After COVID-19, people have been struggling to find the motivation to return back to their normal selves as the pandemic has turned many lives upside down. Bui Quang Minh, who is commonly referred to as Minh Beta, is no exception when his cinema company was on the verge of bankruptcy during the lockdown.
In this speech, Minh Beta will provide insights as to what he learned after COVID-19 in order to pick up motivation again: how to solve the math of life and how he found a way to live an optimal life without trying so hard.
#TEDxNEU2022 #Dauntless Founder & CEO @Beta Group.
Founder & CEO @DOCO Donuts & Coffee.
MBA @Harvard Business School.
First class honours @University of Sydney.
Songwriter - composed "Việt Nam ơi". This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
#Emotions #Math #Mental_health #Social_Sciences #Storytelling #TEDxTalks #Vietnamese #[TEDxEID:50405]