Did you Know..Authors are Entrepreneurs. As author you need to get out and sell your book, find your audience. Knowing what steps to take to make your book or your business successful is critical. Today I sat down with Marketing Strategist Megan Brame and discuss her book Day One. Day One is a step by step guide that teaches you how to launch a business! And yes, your book is a business, it is a part of your brand! If you struggle with marketing, Megan may be the answer you are looking for.
You can learn more about Megan and connect with her at
Hi! My name is Megan Brame
and believe me, I know what you’re going through…
The impatience of waiting for success, dodging the slightly-concerned questions from friends and family, wondering why “they” could do it while I couldn’t.
When I was still in college, I opened up a wee tiny soap and candle business, shucking things at local craft fairs. The money was way more dynamic than a “day job” but the freedom to control my own fate…oh man, I was hooked.
That soap and candle company ended up garnering 5 industry awards, beating out ginormous companies, and being mentioned in over 100 publications. It was all my work…and it was only my work.
I was afraid to give up control, you see, so I’d do everything myself. The production, sales, shipping, logistics, bookkeeping, taxes (yikes!), graphic design, web development…you name it, my hands were in it. I worked myself into a trap where I was afraid to let go and my business turned from a dream I had into a job I hated.
I ended up walking away from it and finding my current path: helping other entrepreneurs build their businesses into profit-making machines that let them get away from their soul-sucking jobs and support their families and lives by doing it right the first time and avoiding the pitfalls of fear.
Now I'm going to do the same for your business. Here's to your success!
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