When You NEVER Want to Paint a Car Again!

When You NEVER Want to Paint a Car Again!

Paint Society

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@nkoxi - 04.10.2024 01:32

Thank you for this! I do not paint but same things apply to car detailing, I have been doing detailing for a little over a year and have had many moments when things just don't go as planned, but like you said, you just have to go through it and learn from your mistakes/hard times!

@JAY3CRAY - 04.10.2024 02:40

I know the feeling!🤦🏽

@boosthungry7020 - 04.10.2024 03:54

wow. 1st off I'm by no means a professional painter, just do jobs for family and friends. but just yesterday I said all these same words, its not for me, I'm not a painter and I never want to do this again, and here you are releasing a video expressing your feelings but also telling us what you did wrong and how to fix the issue.
I learned almost everything I know by watching your videos, thank you Brian! keep it up

@tedc9306 - 04.10.2024 04:14


@alexlove2588 - 04.10.2024 04:49

I use orange tape for heat in Texas

@WJHandyDad - 04.10.2024 05:57

great stuff, I appreciate you sharing your honest insights

@mikeshaw7670 - 04.10.2024 06:32

Painting is 85% mental and 15% skill. It has happened to me if i got pissed off about something an then go in the booth 9 times out of 10 something would go wrong i trip over the hose or a part fell off the stand. But dust yourself off calm down an breath

@winteriscoming8842 - 04.10.2024 07:19

Thank you don't overthink it

@T3glider - 04.10.2024 14:52

If I started treating my paint gun like a lady, my wife would expect me to up my game. I’m not sure I need that kind of pressure!

@mr.D.I.Y2204 - 04.10.2024 15:34

thank you so much for this sir GOD bless.,.

@speedokoterefinishnetwork4937 - 04.10.2024 18:35

Iv had jobs iv had to redo 3-4 times.
This can be a very frustrating.
Not for the weak
Thanks for showing this Brian !

@Adrian-nn3oo - 04.10.2024 19:13

Beautiful finish. But even better speech! Good job Brian

@nafissalim - 04.10.2024 19:28

U talk way too much

@JAGMotorworks - 05.10.2024 04:40

Good talk!
My clear gun is a rp3000 1.2
Your iwata sounds a lot like it.
Thanks for the vids!

@JAGMotorworks - 05.10.2024 04:42

Have you used any revolt products?

@kyledempsey5077 - 05.10.2024 05:03

Painted a jeep PE4 in sikkenz today, lets say it was 10 hours in the booth for 4 doors and a hood.... They paint rep was called.

@Realsthere - 05.10.2024 05:23

I have been painting 30? Years now and I have been saying that for 30 years lol .

@JaRuuizz - 05.10.2024 13:40

Question: how many ounces to paint a full car? Id like to try my hand at painting my 05 TL, making a list of all the costs. Is a 96. Fl oz enough for full coverage, 3 coats?

@AnhHoang-oo3xp - 05.10.2024 18:52

Hi Brian. I have Iwata 2 as well. How come you choose to shoot at 26psi? For hoods wouldn't u wanna bump it up to 29psi? Thanks mate

@matthewchapman1306 - 05.10.2024 19:47

Thank you for those kind and inspiring words of motivation some of us really needed that

@daves4391 - 05.10.2024 21:42

Thanks for the inspiration. I painted my old 4Runner in my driveway and it was going well until a bird targeted the door. I had a canopy covering my work area and wrapped plastic around two sides but birds have great aim. Now I know what I have to do to fix it. Thanks for keeping me from giving up. 👍

@jefflamb3668 - 06.10.2024 00:23

Very true statement. Most of the time it's starts with metal and bodywork frustration frustration

@christiancoates - 06.10.2024 01:30

Big fan of your channel, from Dublin Ireland….I’m doing a diy project on my land rover defender, wanted to ask if you could explain spraying wet or spraying dry, I’m a bit unsure, can you help? Also, how do you achieve that mat look? Is it just spraying dry and then no clear coat?

@zerozero1944 - 06.10.2024 06:51

Theres different type of design Small step stools , they help to be able to reach while in a big hood situation , like short ones , $20 i think . then the folding ones for tahoes and tall trucks ., very important stuff specially when dealing w a silver coating in my case specially im not the best out there but ive got lucky , i be forgetting things sometimes , the only way not to forgett is to have the tool to remeber why it was bought , yet again somebody borrows it and doesnt return it worst when they just grabb it unnotifiying ., id deal w som hala hala osama bin laden guy , i left the shop i was there by commission he was thinking i was jst gonna let him borrow all my stuff , then im jst getting ahead from poverty i was like "get serious " they think all americans are fools , this video reminds me of a similar day i had that day and just left the shop mad , he was a grown man w kids hed grab a block then kidnap it and deny he had it after id steal it back which had my name GRINDED ON IT !!! he would go to lunch and then he was looking for it but neither he would say nothing since he knew hed took it but how could he reclaim something hed stole and after id questioned him about it and he denied that he had it then he began taking hammers and storing them in the bosses tool box knowing , that place wasnt worth it anyways , they basically scammed me with a low pay in the last 2 weeks anyways ., today im glad that im starting in another shop with higher pay and by commissiona againt its all about placing a lock on them tools , painters dont need that much tools but a person who puts them together needs all of his stuff , i thank god i left that place , this new shop even certifies ppl and like you but not quite but ive earned well til som indian low balled the pay rate after buying the Macco franchise , from $25-$30 hr to 12hr everybody picked up their tools and left that week ..... shop says Americas body shop but its not owned by an American well atleast the franchise in that lovation and want it to where ppl cant afford shoes and work in sandals 😂 yes its a drama sometimes in this business gotta stick around with ledgit good paying companies 👍 they usually dont hide the pay rate and they offer certification some actually pay travel and expenses ... and training so 🙄 heads up , ive done frame work and survived the hood shops the only ones id slick trust truly few , but try working for crooks and ppl not in the right path ... matter of the truth this trade pays good and it attracts alot like alot alot of Crooks

@Chooyong - 06.10.2024 18:30

When you starting to spray a car in the paint booth you just focus on your job, you don't one anything to disturb you, you cant answer a phone call, you just want your job done beautifuly, only painter will know how it feel. Thanks Brian.

@emanuelflores4976 - 06.10.2024 22:29

Thank your Brian your words mean a lot man . Stay blessed 🙏🏽🏆

@natalinowerty - 06.10.2024 22:38

any tips for some one that wants to own a paint shop?

@chadtabaka475 - 07.10.2024 00:33

I tried the cut in for a tri-coat. I sealed based and only cleared the inner side of the parts. The next day hung parts on car and sanded outside of panels with 800. There was some clear that wrapped around the edges that I also scuffed. When I had the car in the booth and sprayed base it lifted on the edges of the panels. It was where the clear wrapped the day before. I assume it softened the clear. Same paint line as you are using. Any suggestions??

@maximus2811 - 07.10.2024 03:06

Same Brother, thank you for sharing.

@leosun1387 - 07.10.2024 23:32

We need the mentality of getting back up, when we have failed ourselves.. never give up on your self.. we need to give it, our all to succeed in this line of work.. God, never said,it would be easy! Continue the great work you do, Brian ❤️🙏.. I'm learning a lot from you!. . Thank you!!. ..

@richardunderwood5265 - 07.10.2024 23:55

Brian, uk diyer here. I've learned so much from you, gunman and others....my silver wetbed blends are improving. I would like to ask advice about a wetbed issue?

Most of you pros appear to apply the wet bed then go straight into applying the basecoat. When I followed this, the silver started to drag and at first had to wipe the entire job of with thinners and start again......yes I had had enough 😂

What seems to work for me is to apply a lighter clearbase, the allow about 15+ mins, then 'mist coat' the silver on.

Are you pros getting away with it because of the booth temp?

Any advice welcomed.

@Mechaniclyfe - 09.10.2024 02:02

“Treat it like a lady”
Took her to dinner, bought her flowers , slapt her butt and she still didn’t put out … a good paintjob 😢 but that’s just it you can’t quit at the first thing that comes up gotta keep working on it ❤

@92boostedh22 - 09.10.2024 04:47

Now this is an inspirational video! Thank you for your time 🙏🏼

@alanjones99 - 10.10.2024 16:51

Iv bin spuin i can't get that 3m yellow tape from my supplier any more i love it. But man nothing beats painting im a mechanic and learnt how to paint from The Gunman in my 30s. Its easy really only time you get caught out is when you use or try something different 😅 find good paint you can use and stick with, of it ain't broke don't fix as they say 👍

@redycardenas9117 - 10.10.2024 17:11

Thank you for all those videos. I just painted my first car on my own improvised spraying booth and came up pretty decent. I had some runs I'll have to fix them. But in general, i feel very confident to do it again. And all that thanks to the effort you put on those videos and show us how to. So I'll keep following close and keep learning. Maybe, one day , i can get a good paint job like the ones you do. Any way like you say, it's just paint

@GatorsMid - 11.10.2024 01:59

amazing video. im a prepper and i am working hard and taking the chances they give me to paint. i was so moved by this video. you are a great man, such an inspiration to me.

@sonnylynn6852 - 11.10.2024 04:18

I needed to hear this today thank u

@DoodCraftGuitars - 12.10.2024 22:36

I have adopted and twisted your mantra into my own regarding woodworking. "It's just wood. It literally grows on trees." Another great voiceover script. Thank you for sharing your energy.

@davehaas6830 - 13.10.2024 18:57

Great stuff Brian I’ve been there before and I’m just getting out of that rut again. Thanks for the encouragement Brother . I’ve been professional painting since 1993 . And I’ve been at the same dealership for 21yrs now .

@tamaleerichards9366 - 17.10.2024 05:55

Bro awesome video

@tamaleerichards9366 - 17.10.2024 05:56

As a painter to a painter I really needed that bro

@TOMMYVERMAAK - 18.10.2024 21:02

great inspirational video

@llewvirtue861 - 19.10.2024 13:35

Busy painting my classic Honda glory red,job looked beautiful.
Had a little paint left in the gun,thought I would use it up on the job.
What ye reckon happened, BIG RUN

@htetoowaiyan1609 - 19.10.2024 22:07

how many times do I have to apply base coat on single stage painting .In our job seniors paint without sealer and I want to know how you paint sir.I enjoy learning from you sir.😊

@AkakpoviFerdinard-gz5ui - 26.10.2024 23:12

Nice job I love it

@jerrellnelson91 - 10.11.2024 20:29

I truly appreciate your videos

@jerrellnelson91 - 10.11.2024 20:33

I wanted to learn and they didn’t have places to show the trade Eli Whitney tech school had stop the program maaco didn’t wanna train either

@LoveDJ2604 - 21.11.2024 02:59

I felt every line. Like you we're talking to me. Thank you.

@johnmaddern3519 - 04.12.2024 17:25

Brian can I ask you why you never went to a Paint School, did you start as a painters helper
