Pranjal Poddar, also known as "The Casual Philospher" has making insightful value-adding content on LinkedIn for two years now. His posts on content creation and marketing coupled with light hearted comedy has stood apart and has resulted in a huge following on LinkedIn.
In this conversation, Pranjal talks about his journey on the platform, his learnings, his mistakes and how he sees the platform going forward.
Pranjal's Linkedin -
00:00 - Pandemic experiences
01:47 - Pranjal's initial days on LinkedIn
05:00 - What types of content has worked for Pranjal?
08:00 - What gap in the market has Linkedin Filled?
11:00 - Can Memes work on Linkedin?
13:30 - Branded content on Linkedin?
16:50 - Scope of presentation of branded content Linkedin
19:39 - What would Pranjal change on Linkedin?
26:35 - One tip from Pranjal for someone starting afresh on Linkedin
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