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@dipeshhhhhh6657 - 15.01.2021 15:06

Thankyou :)

@udaykaushal5833 - 16.01.2021 08:10

I'm a client, thank you

@jamescrabtreeartist8898 - 18.01.2021 15:45

you're becoming the best in the industry Ive been watching every video (production and tutorial) for weeks. Some of the best info out here. Thanks for you work, time and information

@OG_predatorproductionz - 18.01.2021 22:07

I always felt packages worked for me with alot of my clients (not agencies) usually lowball or indecisive and to not wreck my brain I have a standard (apple product scale) of tiered packages. Usually this streamlines projects for I get higher up I definitely will incorporate more flat fees.

@adamjwelch - 18.01.2021 23:58

Did you say you had a video about reels? If some what’s it called? I would like to check it out. Thanks.

@charles_wren_films - 19.01.2021 01:42

Bro, this was absolutely perfect. Just what I’m needing right now, as I begin the transition from artist/operator to more of a creative agency.

Thanks for all the great content man. Loving how grounded you are, and how concise and genuine your content is.
Subbed 👍🙌🤘

@oscarsoysal - 19.01.2021 23:53

So how do you go about charging with the type of equipment you have to offer on top of everything else

@Ronindilla - 20.01.2021 14:08


@uzoihe5374 - 22.01.2021 12:14


@CameronSanborn - 22.01.2021 19:04


@tanktopthief6094 - 28.01.2021 14:32

Will be doing music videotagraphy and this helped my price range

Thank you 🙏

@Shebshady763 - 28.02.2021 01:01

Hey guys it worked for me. Big time!!! I just Shot my first Mega Star with a clothing brand. This brother changed my life

@dirxdavemac - 30.04.2021 01:33

This is great advice here, much of which I wish I had when I started. Often times clients don't know what goes into the editing/ post production process, and I've learned the hard way that the flat fee is the way to go

@Amerifilms - 01.05.2021 12:08

@flashfilmacademy whats your thoughts on this

@mvsonalexander - 05.05.2021 16:32

Great advice! A few questions....I have a video production company of a 4 man crew, 2 filmmakers, a production manager, and a sales accountant. We currently charge anywhere from ,$2k to $8k for any given video. I believe our work is comparable to productions that cost $40k or more. But we’ve been using the same model of pricing that we’ve been using since 2015. How can we step up into that tier at this point? We believe our videos are worth $10k or more but we’re afraid it’s too high. Should we set a number that we just won’t create anything for less? lol. Any help is appreciated

@amvision2022 - 11.05.2021 14:23

thank you my idol

@caydonburnett7454 - 12.05.2021 07:40

I'm really glad you touched on the hourly vs flat rate. I have seen tons of videos explaining that charging hourly for editing is super common practice and a good way to go. But I have always felt exactly how you described- how does the client know you spent x hours, included hours you didn't even work, or know if you're a fast/slow editor? They don't. Seems like and agreed-upon flat-rate would just be easier overall and be more ideal for both parties.

@nxtetg - 27.05.2021 22:32

When factoring in costs and presenting a production quote for a project, should we include the cost breakdown in as well so that clients can see what they are paying for?

@drakewhitebalance - 04.06.2021 08:34

haha I wish "the clients budget is, most of the time, higher than what you anticipated"

@MoneyandMarie - 20.07.2021 13:32

You're my lifesaver!

@MoneyandMarie - 20.07.2021 13:36

Hi! How would you respond to a client who insists on asking for your "rate" even if you've asked them already to give you a budget?

@themikericciofficial - 27.07.2021 19:08

Great vid! Does your day rate change for shoot days vs editing days? Or would it be, using your example, $1000 per day for both editing and shooting? if they are different figures, what's the best way to charge for editing?

@p1rproductions10 - 03.12.2021 16:31

Does the daily rate include the post production? If i take 1000$ for a day filming, does that include the 2 days of post i am going to put down?

@geothearchitect - 12.01.2022 22:05

Great info! Thank you

@rbstudiosnc - 09.02.2022 17:32

Great information. This helps me feel better about my rates and what my time and equipment is worth. Great job!

@Kenny-Ross - 10.02.2022 18:33

A friend of mine asked me if I could do a video for his wife's shoe store. She saw a video I did of him training at his gym; he's a professional boxer. So he said we'll pay you for it. I said sure. This would be my first paid job. However, I'm trying to figure out which route to go. I was thinking a flat fee of $500 for the day including the editing process. But he mentioned she wants drone footage also (I just got certified so I'm able to do this). So with that included the price would have to go up. Since this is my first paid job I could charge $700. But out of curiosity, what would you recommend? Should I still ask him what their budget is and go from there? I don't want to undervalue my service just because it's my first paid job. I still have to ask him what does she want out of the project of the video and what kind of video does she want? Commercial style or just a quick video displaying the store's variety of shoes with an intro and outro? Or do they want to leave it up to me. If you see this, I appreciate the response. I always come to your channel to get videography info.

@prime2355 - 28.02.2022 21:46

Great info thanks !

@RetroBacon1 - 30.03.2022 05:28

lol 12 hours. things are sure changing

@HURPSYYEMRAY1 - 07.05.2022 05:08

Tnk U

@jamessmena - 15.06.2022 22:30

What is DP?

@ilianleeholman3995 - 21.08.2022 18:07

Dude! This helps so much!

@fav4657 - 17.10.2022 20:34

Thank you, this helped alot!

@creativejuicevisuals - 04.01.2023 18:13

Thank you!

@Jkm360films1 - 07.03.2023 14:58

Nice advice ❣️🎬

@YTM6 - 07.04.2023 16:26

Thanks Man

@johnalmariano - 10.04.2023 10:15

Thank you!

@SYESMINDOnLithium - 06.06.2023 22:36

Thank you, You made it very clear. Much appreciated.

@aperturefilm - 07.06.2023 00:44

Most of the time when I ask them whats your budget, they say they dont know and its why they asking

@real-lil_lil - 30.06.2023 20:45

Best video ive watched

@bahramqauomi - 04.08.2023 10:10

Earned my sub, thank you!

@herodot86 - 27.12.2023 06:15

but what are the flat rates for editing, when a day rate is like 1000$?

@NoahFonoti - 23.01.2024 18:11

$1000 for 12hrs of work. That’s trash

@thevideoplug8300 - 11.03.2024 08:40

So I literally just watched another video, and the guy says exactly what you said in this video in the exact same order. It's like he remade your video for himself. Literally every point you made. The page is Nur Niaz Films.

@christhompsonphotography6783 - 27.03.2024 02:06

This is some solid information. Thank you for putting this together.

@kevinciotta - 08.04.2024 14:53

Hi love the video and will follow you along for sure in the future. I would really love to know how much a DP like yourself would charge as a dp dayrate. thank you for your help mate

@TheRonellCross - 16.06.2024 19:07

Damn Bruh, I wish I watched this video when I was starting out.

@BernardoHernandez-ho6bb - 21.10.2024 20:52

Hi, I was just viewing your video and i find it to be of great interest. I wanted to ask as i am looking to start my video production business. Currently i do have a 9-5 job working in sales as an account exec for a radio station but i have done some production work (recording and streaming live conferences/corporate events). Also i've done weddings. I love what i do and i would like to take things to the next level by putting myself out there as a video production company that records and or streams live conferences, corporate events/editing if needed. I'm looking to see what should my going rate be in what's left of 2024 and going to 2025 and what would be the best way to market myself/get clients? Your thoughts are well appreciated.

@Bernard-H - 21.10.2024 20:55

Hi, I was just viewing your video and i find it to be of great interest. I wanted to ask as i am looking to start my video production business. Currently i do have a 9-5 job working in sales as an account exec for a radio station but i have done some production work (recording and streaming live conferences/corporate events). Also i've done weddings. I love what i do and i would like to take things to the next level by putting myself out there as a video production company that records and or streams live conferences, corporate events/editing if needed. I'm looking to see what should my going rate be in what's left of 2024 and going to 2025 and what would be the best way to market myself/get clients? Your thoughts are well appreciated.

@TheBuffNerds - 01.01.2021 19:29

Here's a breakdown of how you should charge clients in the filmmaking world! Hope this helps!
