Jump Serve Technique Volleyball Tutorial 2.0 | Toss, Footwork, Timing

Jump Serve Technique Volleyball Tutorial 2.0 | Toss, Footwork, Timing

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@Hamal_std - 17.08.2024 19:02

Honestly I use 2 step approach

@jvmanzanilla3519 - 28.08.2024 03:43

In my previous game, I'm exploring and practicing jump serve. The consistency of hitting the ball in the air and timing were 50/50 success. I notice that I always failed on timing of hitting the ball. This video were more educational and we'll explain. Right now I'm practicing at gym near to our house and one thing I'm easily get tired on jumping and hitting.😅

@mercedes_benz_amg_c63 - 02.09.2024 23:07

آیا میشود پرتاب اول را با دو دست بندازیم آیا فرقی در سرعت و قدرت ضربه توپ دارد؟

@CorneliusWafula-zx9qr - 04.09.2024 17:10

Good one,,your tutorial has really helped me alot,,God bless you

@nithish7350 - 08.09.2024 18:02

Which one is easy to practice from beginner to master

@HoneySingh-o6s - 12.09.2024 20:42

Thanks for learning

@landryjones8392 - 14.09.2024 19:25

I needed to fix my spiking and jump serve form because I was doing the penultimate step on the wrong side but with your video I instantly fixed that thank you so much

@TeRakabu - 24.09.2024 07:24

Thanks my brother

@VBMichael_D - 26.09.2024 18:52

That's pretty spot on. The only difference for me is that I use both hands for the toss up. I have two reasons for this. First is that it keeps my hands/arms symmetrical; both of my arms go forward at the same time, to allow them to go back behind me at the same time for the jump. Second, using two hands allows the ball to be spun the opposite direction (i.e. with backspin) when it gets tossed up into the air. When the ball gets hit with top spin (as it's backspinning) that can cause the ball to move a bit more erratically in the air, making it harder to pass.

@user-rj8bm4xs8t - 03.10.2024 19:10

Idk but i dont get a good toss im trying one hand toss but its too hard and the 2 hand toss is hard to make it spin

@rosinantaes - 03.10.2024 20:52


@baereh-b3e - 07.10.2024 03:57

i want to join but i dont have money to pay for a membership

@sniperking9977 - 08.10.2024 19:40

Bro is dragon ball fan 💘

@PrinceDanbertDeGuzman - 19.10.2024 16:05

So I learned how to jump serve at 11 but at 13 I only succeed like 60% of the time

@ryaniskra8754 - 19.10.2024 22:29

That old video helped me get my first jump serve THANKS COACH!!!!

Also you should make an updated float serve too

@outsideboxer1448 - 23.10.2024 02:54

Thanks for explaining in detail how to contact the ball with your hand 🙏

@geniekulet - 23.10.2024 11:17

thanks for your tutorial

@Erheserhes-u5q - 25.10.2024 20:38

I am right handed but my foot work is like a left handed player is that bad?

@Sindreow - 07.11.2024 14:17

what the name of your kneepads?

@siamaklighvani3951 - 23.11.2024 22:43

I can serve from the side ( my body perpendicular to the court ) and make the ball goes on curve that nobody can catch , but I do not get it right at all the time, so not use it on the friendly games .

@KaijuKryto - 25.11.2024 04:46

thank you my good sir.....

@el_otaku5564 - 30.11.2024 13:15

Yaar 4ra pe bets place karna bohot simple hai, interface bhi bohot user-friendly hai

@geisasilva6093 - 30.11.2024 13:28

Bhai 4RA ka verification process bohot smooth hai, easily sab kuch ho jata hai

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Yaar 4ra pe bets place karna bohot simple hai, interface bhi bohot user-friendly hai

@SRT_IRAQ1 - 30.11.2024 13:48

Mujhe 4ra ke recalculations feature pasand aaya, sab kuch accurate aur transparent hai

@bharpursingh1503 - 30.11.2024 13:50

4rabet pe withdrawal ka process bohot fast hai, tension free betting experience

@aylhagamer6870 - 30.11.2024 14:06

Haan yaar, 4RA pe deposit karna bhi bohot easy hai, multiple options available hain

@nidalnabeel4373 - 03.12.2024 14:58

my mallus here can serve so powerful that they need to make a bigger court

@brianborja3464 - 06.12.2024 04:10

Hey, could you make a tutorial on the two hand j ump serve please

@harshsrivastava1949 - 09.12.2024 00:24

Please make a jump float serve tutorial also

@marcokang3700 - 09.12.2024 14:24

Hi coach, not sure if you read this or not, but is it possible for shorter guys to do jump serve? We're talking about 5'3 or 160 cm

@ali.1619 - 12.12.2024 13:16

how to be a spiker when you are not tall😭

@sanjsysharma6032 - 18.12.2024 20:35


@sanjsysharma6032 - 18.12.2024 20:36

How front attack in volleyball sir

@romybelmes1338 - 23.12.2024 01:04

Here’s a question for you. Is it a sideout when you make contact after crossing the end line? The v-ball rules states you must make contact before you cross over the end line. However, most jump serves are hit after crossing the end line….

@Ravi-r6v8o - 29.12.2024 05:59

The one handed toss using the dominant is my favourite cus i literally use it for my jump floats

@Rebootwastaken - 06.01.2025 19:28

It's 1am I'm a libero so I don't serve. What am I doing here

@rafaplays7418 - 25.01.2025 01:38

If you should not stiffen your wrist while serving, doesnt it hurt your wrist or have low to no power on the hit?

@HieroPH10 - 25.01.2025 14:27

I'm 13 and have been going to the gym to train my legs and calves which also helps me jump higher (ofc not just my legs and calves tho). I do a slightly different training compared to others which I see effective too, but some people around the gym have been making fun of me for the way I do it, saying my form is not right, laughing at me and everything. I've asked the pros who usually goes to the gym too and they said my form is really different compared to others, when I tell them about my purpose, they'd say things like "Oh I see, well tbh you're doing good with the purpose you have." Any advices..?

@VoltskkiGaming - 01.02.2025 14:09

I finally learned a proper jump serve with great form and I made my coach laugh because I hit 7 service ace's in a row

@SaheliMarak - 02.02.2025 08:07

I like your video

@lil_blud11 - 07.02.2025 15:53

i tried your tutorial and realized im just not tall enough to do a jump serve😅

@piotrekpio - 15.02.2025 17:49


@Myth369 - 18.02.2025 23:16

Thanks sir 😊

@RedditStories.270 - 21.02.2025 01:04

Thank you! I Been practicing my jumping and my servers

@AyhanAricigil - 22.02.2025 23:49

Jeg er 1,70høide hvordan skal jeg smac

@manuelarana4625 - 01.03.2025 20:07

bro, give me an exercise to do the backstroke in the finishing race

@srinivasan-zz3is - 02.03.2025 10:48

Thanks coach
