17 Online Quantum Hypnosis Session - How Angels Help us (in the multiverse)

17 Online Quantum Hypnosis Session - How Angels Help us (in the multiverse)

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In this quantum hypnosis session, the client sees herself in 3 "past" lives (really all lives are happening now) as a galactic being with green skin who is being prepared to be crowned to help others. We then follow him as he incarnates a couple of other times to help humanity.

We then start speaking to her higher self who is an angel. We find out all about angels and the difference between them and Archangels. We also find out how do they know someone needs their help. It's truly an amazing session full of information.

To book a quantum hypnosis session with Elisa, go to quantumlifetransformations.com and click BOOK ONLINE

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Instagram: @qhhtcentralflorida

#elisaherrera #angels #quantumhypnosis
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