遇到黑中介 维权可以引用的法律法规 Legal references
8 C.F.R.§1292.1(a)(4)
Accredited representative. An individual whom EOIR has authorized to represent immigration clients on behalf of a recognized organization, and whose period of accreditation is current and has not expired. A partially accredited representative is authorized to practice solely before DHS. A fully accredited representative is authorized to practice before DHS, and upon registration, to practice before the Immigration Courts and the Board.
2.《加州商业和职业法典》 California Business and Professions Code 第 8 部分第 19.5 章 第22440-22449节 规定了移民顾问的从业行为
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22440
It is unlawful for any person, for compensation, other than persons authorized to practice law or authorized by federal law to represent persons before the Board of Immigration Appeals or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, to engage in the business or act in the capacity of an immigration consultant within this state except as provided by this chapter. 除律师、认证代表等其他授权的人 从事有报酬的法律顾问业务都是非法的
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22441
(a) A person engages in the business or acts in the capacity of an immigration consultant when that person gives nonlegal assistance or advice on an immigration matter. That assistance or advice includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(5) Making referrals to persons who could undertake legal representation activities for a person in an immigration matter. 移民顾问可以推荐为其承担法律代理活动的人员
(d) Every person engaged in the business or acting in the capacity of an immigration consultant shall only offer nonlegal assistance or advice in an immigration matter as defined in subdivision (a). Any act in violation of subdivision (a) is a violation of this chapter. 移民顾问仅应提供第(a)款的定义的非法律性质的援助或建议,否则为违反此法
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22442
(a) Every person engaged in the business, or acting in the capacity of, an immigration consultant who enters into a contract or agreement with a client to provide services shall, prior to providing any services, provide the client with a written contract, the contents of which shall be prescribed by the Department of Consumer Affairs in regulations.
(b) The written contract shall include all provisions relating to the following:
(3) There shall be printed on the face of the contract in 10-point boldface type a statement that the immigration consultant is not an attorney and may not perform the legal services that an attorney performs. 合同正面应以10号粗体字印有声明,说明移民顾问不是律师,不能提供律师提供的法律服务。
(6) The written contract shall include a provision that informs the client that he or she may report complaints relating to immigration consultants to the Executive Office for Immigration Review of the United States Department of Justice. The written contract shall also include a provision stating that complaints concerning the unauthorized practice of law may be reported to the State Bar of California. These required provisions shall include the toll-free telephone numbers and Internet Web sites of those entities. 书面合同应包括一项条款,告知客户他或她可以向美国司法部移民审查执行办公室报告与移民顾问有关的投诉。书面合同还应包括一项条款,说明有关未经授权执业的投诉可以向加州律师协会报告。这些必需的条款应包括这些实体的免费电话号码和互联网网站。
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22442.2
(c) (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a person engaging in the business or acting in the capacity of an immigration consultant who is not licensed as an attorney in any state or territory of the United States, but is authorized by federal law to represent persons before the Board of Immigration Appeals or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, shall include in any advertisement for services as an immigration consultant a clear and conspicuous statement that the immigration consultant is not an attorney but is authorized by federal law to represent persons before the Board of Immigration Appeals or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. 认证代表(非律师)应在任何移民顾问服务广告中清楚、显眼地声明,该移民顾问不是律师,但经联邦法律授权,可以在移民上诉委员会或美国公民及移民服务局面前代表他人。
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22442.3
(e) (1) 除本章规定的救济和处罚外,违反本节规定的人还将受到每次违法行为每天不超过一千美元(1,000 美元)的民事罚款,该罚款由违法行为造成的任何人员提起的民事诉讼或由司法部长、地方检察官或市检察官以加利福尼亚州人民的名义提起的民事诉讼来评估和收取。
(3) 如果由总检察长提起诉讼,所征收的民事罚款的一半应支付给作出判决的县的财务主管,另一半应支付给普通基金。如果由地方检察官提起诉讼,所征收的民事罚款应支付给作出判决的县的财务主管。如果由市检察官提起诉讼,所征收的民事罚款的一半应支付给作出判决的市的财务主管,另一半应支付给作出判决的县的财务主管。
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22442.3.1
(a)(1) 在从事移民顾问业务或担任移民顾问之前,每个人都应向国务卿提交一份十万美元($100,000)的保证金,该保证金由获准在本州开展业务并以遵守本章为条件的公司担保人签署。保证金的总累计责任应限制在十万美元($100,000)以内。
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22444
(d) 向客户收取费用,以将客户介绍给其他人,提供移民顾问不能或不会向客户提供的服务。移民顾问办公室应在显眼的地方张贴标示,说明此项禁止行为。
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 22445
(a) (1) 违反本章规定的人每次违法将受到不超过十万美元 ($100,000) 的民事罚款,罚款金额由违法行为的受害者提起的民事诉讼或由司法部长、地区检察官或市检察官以加利福尼亚州人民的名义提起的民事诉讼来评估和收取。以加利福尼亚州人民的名义提起的诉讼不得妨碍受害者提起的诉讼。
(2) 法院应对每项违反本章的行为处以民事罚款。在评估民事罚款金额时,法院可以考虑案件当事人提出的相关情况,包括但不限于以下情况:不当行为的性质和严重性、违法次数、不当行为的持续性、不当行为