The 5th of #SCAIMondays has been specially designed to brief the media on the subject and others in the industry and government to understand the high-tech air-conditioning systems in shopping centres, which are far more efficient than AC systems elsewhere. The subject of air-conditioning in the context of allowing shopping centres/ malls to open has been a point of concern for policy makers. Presentations to all concerned authorities have been made by SCAI, as air-conditioning is a key component not only for the entire retail and shopping centre industry but also for consumers at large that find malls as safe places to visit. Implementation of stringent SOPs prepared by SCAI assure all possible measures to provide safe and hygienic environment, social distancing and safe air-conditioning. If offices are allowed to function and in some states with full strength, if AC buses and trains are allowed to ply and if from May 25, domestic aviation is being allowed to operate, why are shopping centres still not being allowed to open?
For safe air-conditioning, the SCAI SOPs specifically mention the following three criteria:
•Dedicated technical team to monitor and implement air- conditioning measures as per ISHRAE and approved by CPWD
•Fresh air, 40% humidity/ controlled temperature; regular checks of ambient air quality
•Maintain temperature between 24-30 degree centigrade
Moderated by Mukesh Kumar, CEO, Infiniti Malls
Aneesh Kadyan, Executive Director - Property Management - India, CBRE South Asia
Ashish Verma, Head of Engineering, Inorbit Malls
Richie Mittal, National President, ISHRAE*
Vishal Kapoor, Technical Committee Chair & Presidential Member, ISHRAE*
*Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers