How Bad Are Things in Benton Harbor, Michigan?

How Bad Are Things in Benton Harbor, Michigan?

Chris Harden

2 года назад

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@supermanclarkkentsr4667 - 22.12.2023 02:21

queen 🔥 sent me

@andrewcurry3332 - 27.12.2023 04:06

Benton harbor was a BEAUTIFUL town in the 20’s 30’s 40
A 50’s and eary 60’s. Benton harbor got very black after the 60’s. And then the city management did too. And the management was crooked AF to the point that the state had to come in and appoint leadership. But the damage was done. It’s a Run down thread bare city. But some of the residents, black white and otherwise, are some of the most wonderful people
You’ll ever meet. The city does not have much but it still has some soul left.

@hockeylilly - 27.12.2023 18:21

Perfect place for the incoming migrants.

@djb4327 - 30.12.2023 19:04

Also known as Benton Harlem.

@eric0samuel - 07.01.2024 09:38

I grew up in BH 1987- 2010. Its sad to see that it has gotten worse. Since my grandmother passed i dont go up there much anymore. But there are smart, talented people who are from there. Or have passed through. Because of the lack of opportunities those people choose to leave. None of my friends i grew up with currently live there. I hope they can turn it around. Had a lot of good times growing up there and the towns surrounding it. Ill always called Benton Harbor home. 🎉

@deannagaringer4454 - 10.01.2024 09:09

Born and raised around BH didn't recognize any of it actually l was born in Mercy Hospital gone now how sad

@jamesswidergal7875 - 14.01.2024 10:33

So the hundreds of thousands of people that consumed from lead pipes and had no real ill affects, but for some reason the present lead pipes are the reason to the economic crisis or the reason the existing population are somehow affected but those same lead pipes...maybe it's not ...maybe it's in reality just stupid people who won't get off their dead ass, and create their own economic and social's always the black race card at play.

@leemitchell7528 - 17.01.2024 07:30

It’s been very painful in the BH, that’s for sure.

@TheOtteroo - 28.01.2024 19:52

Whirlpool used to have several factories in the area but closed a lot of them after the riots. The primarily black population of Benton Harbor has a habit of shooting their own feet off and then pointing fingers at everyone else for the problems they themselves created. No pride of ownership, high crime, hostile black population, this area will never recover because of all of that, and the sad fact of the matter is, they are doing it to themselves.

@DashonMurphy - 07.02.2024 05:01

I was born and raise there too

@prairiepatriot2162 - 11.02.2024 05:07

The idea of "generational wealth" being necessary to make a good living is a politically invented myth. Being gainfully employed is key which can be done by having marketable skills and a good work ethic.

@honeybunbandit1 - 21.02.2024 22:45

I currently live in Benton harbor and it is getting bad here there has been 27 shootings in the last 2 months and there is now talks of a FBI post being put in Benton harbor due to neglect for following the law and shootings and murder

@tonywestvirginia - 02.03.2024 10:04

Call em' like you see em'

@BillP-kg1yp - 08.03.2024 16:50

What a contrast between the mean streets of BH and the beautiful shore line of Lake Michigan.

@shireejenkins2825 - 24.03.2024 23:37

These kind of videos irks my damn soul… cause wtf sneaks up through someone’s city low key talking about the city knowing if he got caught properly will ended up with hi ass whooped 😒 Stay tf outta our city

@marciamachemer1800 - 30.03.2024 03:34

A distorted view of our city. I grew up in Fair Plain I would not change that for all the money in the world. Traveled the world. Still live in Benton Harbor. Love it here. This is husband of Marcia. Dave Machemer

@DirkSpunkmler - 08.04.2024 20:39

Benton Harlem.

@erics9213 - 24.04.2024 22:37

Interesting you mentioned 8 miles road in Detroit. I went to U. of D. in he 70s and would ride from downtown on Woodward Ave past 6, 7, and 8 miles roads and all of a sudden, things looked nice. In the mid to late 60, there were race riots in every major city in the US and I believe that was the beginning of urban blight. It also didn't help that most of our industry picked up and moved overseas. I would get the Heathkit catalog every year since I was in Jr High school in the 60 in NJ.

@a.fitzpatrick4395 - 02.05.2024 18:10


@marcmohr4105 - 13.05.2024 02:44

I came here with my future wife to see the lake and the light house in the early 2000's. On our trip back, we got chased all the way by a storm off the lake. It was a memorable trip and I have good memories of Benton Harbor. I hate to see cities decay. Nice video and commentary.

@BELINDA_LANE - 15.05.2024 20:45

Fairplain was a great neighborhood in the 60's,, b4 the black plague

@christhompson5739 - 16.05.2024 06:38

I remember when St Joe was on the news for raising the bridge for the OJ verdict.

@rickysampson8759 - 27.05.2024 00:39

High crime, high poverty, lack of quality of life. Maybe if a certain group of people stop committing crime it could work

@wacobob56dad - 29.05.2024 16:44

89% black.

@marktedford7231 - 30.05.2024 00:41

Ddint show the golf course

@toyhunterslasvegas - 30.05.2024 07:48

Born in Benton Harbor. Mercy hospital which is long gone. In 2003 the riots that started was over the police chase, correct but it was also a white officer who reached speeds of 100mph plus and was told to call off the persuit but didnt. Leading to the crash. The motorcyclist was known by "Tshirt" he always wore fresh white T's. He crashed into the front porch and died. It was a crazy hot summer. Whirlpool did manufacture in BH but moved out and did nothing for those left behind unless you were a call center expert or a tech person. All blue collar jobs were gone. Schools and city were taken over by the state and feds for awhile. Corruption was rampant. They need to take parts off of older cop cars just to keep some newer one running. Crazy. Developers buy up the cheap land further pushing the poorer families out. No jobs. Bad schools,crime and a pretty solid line called the St Joe river dividing the two cities and their peoples. Sad

@toyhunterslasvegas - 30.05.2024 07:53

Stay off of Pavone! Or Highland park housing. Gets a little frisky some days.

@CalvinMcDonald-z8s - 30.05.2024 19:37

I was born in Benton harbor 1964 a funny graduated in Benton harbor in 1991 I've been a bit I haven't been up and have been years food out in 1998 how long is the kid

@J.fromMI1277 - 02.06.2024 04:46

My mom still lives in Fair Plain., Benton Harbor. I lived there and in Benton Heights for over 2 decades. Benton Heights is the hood.

@t-bonetreeservice2514 - 04.06.2024 02:41

not born a raised in ben har buy migrated from west memphis ark at the age of ten people say what they wanna say about my home town but if u makr it there u make it anywhere i was an ex gang member < Thug but ended up with a high tech with my own business on the side so when i went to the atl ga i was already prepared now a successful business in savannah ga where its ok its up to the individual God has the final say so be blessed

@Clementinee - 06.06.2024 07:05

No way 60,000 people can be considered a city

@daramiespaddio6886 - 10.06.2024 23:00


@RandySmith-wv5oo - 13.06.2024 21:41

Benton harbor is a shit hole. Everyone has the same opportunities. The fine residents of benton harbor just choose crime and shitty behavior instead of doing the right thing and getting a job. Stealing, sagging your pants, turning your radio up so loud that everyone else at the intersection has to listen to it, and other unethical behavior is now the norm. I grew up in st. Joseph, and that city is NOTHING like benton harbor. Know why? They don't allow the same behavior to be tolerated.

@Lori-o4p - 23.06.2024 19:01

Lose the music and slow down your camera speed

@mattier.9095 - 12.07.2024 23:42

Corrupt police, poverty, white flight, no jobs, equals bad news

@samueljenkins6430 - 17.07.2024 18:52

I'm from Detroit. 8mile used to be the separation point between Detroit and the burbs but its integrated now. Slot has changed for the better thank God.

@jeffheinzel1977 - 28.07.2024 19:48

It’s the hood

@SeanCarpenter518 - 01.08.2024 20:38

You didn’t even show the abandoned Orchards mall area

@pjones8404 - 03.09.2024 07:10

Grew up in Benton Harbor from 1962 - 1972. The number of memories watching this is huge. So many places I remember. You got close to my old house but turned before you got there.

@gerrymack1544 - 10.10.2024 19:22

Well folks, i will be coming to see my birthplace soon and i am sure seeing what i find won't be nothing new to me, i have already done the history on America and for a Black man the world is what it is no doubt BUT nothing stays the same, the WORLD is an ever-changing place and our time in this space is VERY limited, rich, poor or otherwise.

@allanscherer0424 - 12.12.2024 15:24

Benton harbor is getting worse by the minute. What's need to happen is that the mayor need to start a project to fix or demolish a bunch of the downtown homes. The orchards mall needs to be owned by the city and needs to be restored some. The owner of the orchards mall literally uses that mall as a tax right off because it's a depriving buisness. So that mean the rich owner of the mall doesn't even pay taxes on that 2+ million dollar building. I can't believe the mayor has even let that happened with the mall. Benton Harbor has a very good chance of turning everything around, with the right people behind it. Unfortunately the mayor and everyone that works for the city only care about their own job stability. Their not up for the project and they don't want to take the risk of everything failing and they end up fired.

@evansweik4127 - 13.12.2024 22:40

@ChrisHarden can you please do a video of madison heights mi please?

@youngtuneffm - 11.01.2025 08:15

Lived here as a kid from 95-99

@Rocket9871 - 04.02.2025 08:41

Interesting, I grew up in Benton harbor. Well fair plane, august dr

@Rocket9871 - 04.02.2025 08:46

My Mother, father, sister, and brother were all born there and died there. I left 198o, after graduate class 1975 BHHS. I now live in another state, 10 hours away.

@TheZeplinfan - 11.02.2025 12:48

My dad's town he grew up in, my grandparents lived on Ogden avenue until the early 80s; haven't been up there since my grandmother died in 93. always wanted to visit it one more time before cancer kills me, but i may have to pass. i live 6b hours away in central ohio where i grew up..I sure miss those Christmas's up there going to church at the ST mathew LUtheran church where my grandfather played the organ for 50= years. I hear d it doesn't even have services anymore. how sad... Loved going to the beach,a nd my uncles place in st. joe... by the late 70s it had turned to shit already.

@TheZeplinfan - 11.02.2025 12:50

the fact that the schools have a 3% literacy rate is appalling. my grandfather was a teach er and principal for 50 years...the darker it got, the more crime went up. funny how that works.

@MICROBUSERO - 19.02.2025 14:35


@CalvinMcDonald-l5b - 05.03.2025 03:14

I was the one how is the one that stopped the three guys to stop Cecil hall for getting shot Calvin MacDonald why are you not showing more about Ben Harper I was there when it happened Little Caesar hunt got shot about the shotgun shooting I grabbed the shotgun I don't want to the white guy's hand it was a orange Ford truck that I jumped on and grabbed a shotgun from the one of the white guys in Rodney peete was right on with it the whole instigated the whole situation when the three white guys got kicked out of Indiana and they came to Saint Joe that started the riot in 1966 when the incident happened Cecil Hunter season 1 of white guys I don't know what's going on at the movie theater I don't know where the freaks at that's what happened season hunt told one of the white guys I did not see no freaks at the red building when is it happen I was
