The briquette barbeque restaurant is located in front of the studio. The briquette
ashes are piled next to the utility pole across the street from the restaurant
every day. That reminds me of my mom, who frowned whenever she
changed briquettes. Briquettes were imported from Japan in the 1920s and
were perceived as one of the necessities in any home from the 1950s to the
1980s. In 2020, it is deemed a symbol of the poor, yet still used in restaurants,
which mimic the foods and interior of the past. In the past, as well as in the
present, briquette ashes are urban waste. I baked the waste in a kiln to make
it harder and planted moss I had gathered from asphalt on the mountain behind
the studio. The landscape with a blurred distinction between artificial and
nature with the advances in science and technology is exposed through the
moss, which is the microcosm of urban waste and nature, and the light, water,
and warmth controlled by technology sustain the life of the moss.
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