They elected an old man with fucking cancer to head this. Ridiculous. Get someone young and firey in there.
ОтветитьIf democrats do not stop Trump from taking the presidency illegally by breaking the 4th ammendment sec 111, they should be dissolved.
ОтветитьI am sick of democrats constantly trying to make excuses for trump winning. lol we are woke!!! You guys are going crazy with this hidden agenda.
ОтветитьIt’s all propaganda bs they still can’t accept trump lied and is screwing the ppl
ОтветитьKatie Porter gone? Oh no, we r in trouble.
ОтветитьWe need younger candidates for the senate
ОтветитьWhile it's important to focus on how much worse the republicans are, I love seeing someone like Farron call out the democrats too. They deserve it. The only way we get better leadership is by criticizing them where due, while elevating people who would be better alternatives.
ОтветитьIm so sick of this stupid fucking country. 🤦🏻♂️
ОтветитьThe real Washington generals, the democrats
ОтветитьOf course they are. Dem leadership would rather lose than retire.
ОтветитьI'm sorry bub but the democrats are beyond reform. This is the second time they allowed Trump to win by putting forth establishment candidates. They don't care, they are the establishment. They're completely corrupt, they even corrupted AOC and all those new people. The sooner people actually realize we need a real revolution, the better our chances are of not dying to the oligarchy.
ОтветитьIf the Democrats run Kamala again, they will lose.
ОтветитьThey don’t really want to win. And, the Democrats can’t be changed from the inside or, indeed, outside. What more evidence do people need?! Let’s say all the old fossils in leadership suddenly die; they’re just gonna find corporate Dems to replace them.
ОтветитьA lot depends on just how much of a shit show the next 4 years is, if it’s bad as I suspect a lot of Independent voters, RINOs and disgruntled Democrat voters will come back just because th alternative is so bad.
Ответить... and we call the MAGAts stupid!
ОтветитьThe DNC has sold us out time and again.
ОтветитьToo Early
ОтветитьBoomers need to step down in all areas of industry. No body can get ahead if everyone is charge is 80+.
ОтветитьI feel that at the end of the next 4 year one of the 2 parties will no longer exist as we currently know it.
ОтветитьDid the Democrats blow the 2024 election? Or was the American electorate incapable of deciding what's in their own best interest? I think it was the latter.
ОтветитьYou really, really, need a FEW parties more for democracy to have a chance. You are still a two party system.
Mr Farron Balanced: You have Balance in a two party system. You need MULTIPLE parties to make sense of two party system.
get rid of Nancy Pelosi, and here centrist corporate hacks- thats a good way to start
ОтветитьOf course they are. How else could MAGA win ??? They are screwing up so bad it's beyond reasoning
ОтветитьPeople voted for Trump out of economic concerns, yes - but people also voted for Biden (then Harris) out of economic concerns. "Economic concerns" doesn't cut it as an explanation. And let's not forget, people were struggling under Trump as well - mostly Trump voters, ironically. This election - like every election - was about marketing. Trump managed to sell the narrative that things were so great when he was president, and that things were now in the dumps - complete with flat out lying about the numbers - and that Biden was to blame. Biden, on the other hand, was not that good at selling his successes. It's not really about what is said or how it's said, it's about how often something is said. Trump managed to convince people, not because he's such a great orator, but because he keeps peppering people with a constant flow of lies. Eventually, some of it will stick, even if you would have dismissed it as nonsense the first 15 times you heard it. And that's why Trump won.
The actual state of the economy is not important in an election - only what you can convince the people of. And being in opposition, you have the advantage that you don't have anything to prove. You can simply fling mud around, complaining that the state of the country is a disaster - because there's always something that sucks - and since you're in opposition, you can say "not my fault". Even though Trump was very recently in office, and much of it is his fault. But that doesn't matter, because most voters are incapable of seeing further than their own noses. If only smart people voted, Trump wouldn't stand a chance, but Trump's a populist - which means he'll get the idiot vote and the nut job vote. It's an easy task to convince them their lives have been negatively impacted by the people they hate - even if the opposite is actually the case.
I find it impossible that Nancy, Chuck, and other old skin bags in leadership don't get it. They simply don't want to because putting younger people in charge means changes to the system that would help the poor but take money away from the rich, and as Kotowers of the rich, that's the last thing democratic leadership wants. At this point, the only way to make those changes is for those greedy mummies to be voted out or drop dead of natural causes. When it comes to Polosi, I am sure we have long to wait, but that still leaves the rest. Still, I want Nancy to live long enough for her to be rejected by her voters. Either way we don't have time for the next time these people are up for election or one of them drops shuffles off this mortal coil from an embolism or something.
ОтветитьNever underestimate the democrats' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
ОтветитьAOC also needs to learn that what works in her district isn't going to work in the rest of America. THAT was Nancy Pelosi's strength. And alas, her weakness.
ОтветитьWell, we need to get rid of the fossils, Peelosi won't go away, she's tanking everything, go to the Smithsonian and get out of here already. She pushed Joe out too late, she didn't help kamala much, if at all, she's keeping the younger democrats down, screw the future of the party. She helped Trump win, I don't care, that's how I feel. I hate her, I blame her for alot of it, and Merrick Garland for not doing his job sooner.
ОтветитьIt’s about the donors not the American people. The Democrats know exactly what they’re doing.😒
Ответитьa majority of americans support universal healthcare, free college, better wages/benefits, affordable housing, infrastructure reform, criminal justice reform, etc. democrats need to move further to the left and capitalize on these issues.
ОтветитьPelosi and Schumer know exactly whats going on, they just don't want the gravy train to stop because they are soo corrupt.
ОтветитьNone of you get it!
ОтветитьIt’s sad to see how the Democrats fractured into far-left and centre. That’s most likely what cost them the presidency.
ОтветитьDems have a gift for snatching Defeat from the jaws of Victory.
ОтветитьDemocrats are weak. They had all of Bonespurs's failures they could have used against him during the election especially his covid failure yet they failed to attack.
ОтветитьDont lie
ОтветитьThe problem with the democrats approach is they assume all voters are capable of logical reasoning. Unfortunately a fair portion are just out right stupid. No amount of reasoning or logic is going to help. Trump knows that and takes full advantage of it.
ОтветитьNational Democrats are a huge disappointment. Almost all of them take Pac money.
ОтветитьIf the democrats blow the 2026 elections, this country is going to hell in a handbasket. If they blow the 2028 elections, the sewer pits of hell will engulf us!!!
ОтветитьIf you think that a majority of voters are wanting Porter or AOC or any of these progressives you are screwed.
ОтветитьThe Democratic Party needs to wake up and let the younger people lead the charge for a fresh take on preserving our democracy. AOC, Crockett, Porter: all stars.
ОтветитьThe corporate class will NEVER let an uncorrupted person see a position higher then local.
ОтветитьPelosi has a death grip on the Democratic Party 😮
ОтветитьWhere did Harris even just once mention anything about the working class during her campaign? This notion that if the middle class do well, everybody does well is just complete and utter bullshit. The Republicans are scumbags and the Democrats are out of touch and just plain stupid. Just look who they lost to, twice!!!
ОтветитьWhere are Kamala and Tim?
ОтветитьIt's not Democrats. it is the people who made the wrong decisions. Now sleep on it.
ОтветитьHow come Republicans can tell everybody things WILL be great, get elected, make everything worse, and still get re-elected? Stupid voters, messaging, IDK.
ОтветитьLet's nail all the polls on a pole and then take a poll to see if all the other polls nailed on a pole should be released
ОтветитьPelosi is a hypocrite. She didn't hesitate to call Biden too old while ignoring mirrors herself!! We need term limits!! The old guard is in for the $$!!
ОтветитьThat's what I was thinking Pete Buttigieg young blood