Launch of a Zenith-2SB with the Angosat 1 satellite

Launch of a Zenith-2SB with the Angosat 1 satellite


6 лет назад

100 Просмотров

The Launch of a Zenit-2SB, with a Fregat-SB upper stage. The payload was the AngoSat 1 communications satellite for the Republic of Angola.

The launch of AngoSat 1 occured at 22:00 Moscow time (19:00 GMT) on 26th December 2017 from area 45 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The Angosat 1 separated from the Fregat upper stage, as scheduled, at 06:45 Moscow time (03:45 GMT).

Credit: Roscosmos

Update: soon after separation ground controllers lost contact with the Angosat 1 satellite. Although communication was initially established telemetry was lost around the time that the satellite was due to deploy its solar panels.
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