Why is MLB Leaving ESPN?!

Why is MLB Leaving ESPN?!

The Joe Pomp Show

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@PhonedHome - 07.03.2025 22:07

Your background music is so fucking annoying.

Why does it sound like I’m watching 48?

@connor12912 - 06.03.2025 02:09

MLB is in a good spot rn, with superstars like ohtani, acuna, trout, etc

@stridix007 - 06.03.2025 01:47

Crazy have been watching more baseball in the last 2 or so years. NBA is more of a joke the past 2 years instead.

@dre32pitt - 05.03.2025 16:49

Face it man. Baseball doesn't get the ratings it did before. Plain and simple.. It always.. ALWAYS.. comes down to money.. If the same number of people who watched the NFL, and to a lesser extent the NBA, watched MLB/NHL ESPN would be showing it far more.. Don't believe me? Even MLB admitted it by making 'drastic' rule changes to help speed up the game and make it more palatable for the younger, more ADHD'd, audience.. For us older folks (35+), we grew up watching MLB.. Hell, even though I grew up in the Bay Area and was an avid A's/Giants fan, I watched the Braves games on the TBS on the weekend because there wasn't much else to do other than go outside and raise hell lol.. AND those games came on at 10am PT (1pm ATL start time) more than not.. So I could watch a full game, get some chores done during commercials, and then head out afterwards to 'raise hell' lol..

Today.... SOOO much competition for attention.. especially for young people (1-25).. smartphones.. tablets.. streaming everything.. VPN ghosting (to get even more content, lol).. tikbook.. facetok.. so on and so on.. It literally was a simpler time back in the day.. The later gens just weren't 'indoctrinated' to MLB or baseball in general while they were growing up.. No movie like The Sandlot for kids to fall in love with and subsequently fall in love with baseball itself.. Granted, parents could show their kids The Sandlot, but 'it hit different' when it came out back in the early 90s.. probably saw that movie 4-5 times in theater..

They should probably just bring back steroids.. lol.. It worked before ;)

@FREDRICKG85 - 03.03.2025 22:38

ESPN didn’t do a good job of representing for baseball now with the Dodgers doing so good they’re gonna lose a lot of money💯

@brooklynbobbyscardrips - 03.03.2025 15:28

MLB drew 71 million fans last season...More than NFL NBA NHL MLS.............................COMBINED.......

@jackgagnon6699 - 02.03.2025 11:14

ESPN sucks

@Olifurtheorangetabby - 02.03.2025 06:53

ESPN, like their daddy, Disney -SUCKS -good riddance to woke garbage

@unclescottie2hottie192 - 01.03.2025 21:53

They saw what they did to the NBA ratings.

@Riles3152 - 01.03.2025 11:24

SAS and whenever Mad Dog Russo appears on the show, have talked about baseball on there show. Except when it's only the Yankees and/or Dodgers of course 😩

@farpointgamingdirect - 01.03.2025 06:47

MLB is tired of Woke Disney and their rainbow subsidiaries

@gcollier46 - 28.02.2025 21:08

I would much rather watch my local coverage. I hate it when Fox or ESPN forces themselves over my local coverage. Especially when it's Joe Buck

@GoneCarnivore - 28.02.2025 07:35

Baseball was more popular when I could catch the Cubs after school and then the Braves every night on TBS. Everyone could watch those games.

@miguelrico4995 - 28.02.2025 05:04

Mlb wants more money but teams ownership won't spend money on players tho!

@MonkieBeets - 28.02.2025 01:10

Last week’s news. You are abit late and not really worth watching.

@idevourdhasour2572 - 27.02.2025 23:44

i wonder whos gunna pick up the mantle

@godblesstrolls - 27.02.2025 18:03

ESPN watchers have attention span of something that has no attention span. Baseball ain't for them

@Neotidus - 27.02.2025 07:03

Oh no, not WNBA… ESPN is garbage anyway

@JulianNychay - 27.02.2025 06:27

I have listened to Stephen A smith discuss baseball and Shohei Ohtani, this past year when the dodgers won the World Series. So they definitely do talk baseball but it’s just not the main subject; it’s mainly baseball and football.

@soggy79 - 27.02.2025 06:01


@luisaquino8894 - 27.02.2025 05:55

I think MLB should be moving to over-the-air antenna television network The CW since they're planning on airing more sports on Sundays from The CW Sports besides they're doing great with sports hopefully The CW will get MLB 🤞🤞🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏🙏

@jefreetaleno323 - 27.02.2025 05:24

ESPN is trash

@noneofyourbusiness1114 - 27.02.2025 03:23

ESPN is practically irrelevant tbh

@jsanders9975 - 27.02.2025 03:06

People keep saying great for the MLB. But no other network or streaming site will pay them 550mill.

@kcnoise - 27.02.2025 02:00

You read that whole thing. Good grief.

@rockofloveusa - 26.02.2025 21:13

what it is the end of a bad thing . espn been pushing alway from united state sport for years.
housting each year got worst. MLB Network would do better with a 40 minutes early start time. and host it better also on Sundays . THE only person hurting this is ROB S. he don't understand what fans want now days. who want Apple? we could get better Annousor also like Rod Allen , Rich Waltz , . TBS IS ALSO doing bad from time to time

@RealJMCproductions - 26.02.2025 16:18

Hate to see what baseball has become, as an Oakland A’s fan, I’m obviously bitter already

@AB-jr9ny - 26.02.2025 14:57

Disney cutting back on costs.

@charlesguzman3452 - 26.02.2025 13:37

Blackouts, ridiculous expensive packages and poor quality of the product, is the reason MLB is in🚽. Gambling is killing professional sports. We stop watching years ago.

@biber9979 - 26.02.2025 13:01

Man popularity of baseball is great at the moment. Just check attendance numbers for last season.

@jettbezos8074 - 26.02.2025 10:13

Other then dodgers baseball?

@ny718bx - 26.02.2025 07:55

ESPN has been 💩 for the last decade anyway

@twig4590 - 26.02.2025 06:18

ESPN is 100% replacing MLB with WNBA and after a year of trashing Caitlin Clark they will flip the script and praise here, just watch. They'll also continue to prop up the weaker players due to....uh their agenda.

@jamesrfb - 26.02.2025 04:55

I stopped watching espn in the 2000s - even when my Braves were on. They’re awful.

@paraminderdhanota9810 - 26.02.2025 02:31

Is this why I saw two ESPN mlb vids today for the first time in god knows how long?

@thecookofhappiness - 26.02.2025 00:04

If MLB could sign a deal with Apple TV that would remove local market blackouts the league would get all the exposure and revenue they’re looking for.

@pdpandion4931 - 25.02.2025 22:46

Watching baseball on ESPN is a chore and Apple+ having almost sole rights to broadcast MLS is hurting the league’s growth. Premier, La Liga and Serie A have better coverage in the US.

@marcusdj813 - 25.02.2025 22:23

I've also noticed the lack of MLB talk on ESPN's morning debate shows. ESPN all but deleted its weeknight inventory a while back, so maybe I should've seen this coming. I don't know what MLB's gonna do before its next round of media deals comes up.

@erikrohs9263 - 25.02.2025 21:58

As a baseball fan, I am so happy to say I’ll never have to turn on ESPN ever again

@mizer9510 - 25.02.2025 21:17

Baseball is boring now and has terrible rule changes that have killed the game. There is no big name superstars anymore. All teams are trying to get their own networks now so they can get a monthly fee and milk their fans for every penny.

@silvershock82 - 25.02.2025 20:38

Baseball will be a lot easier/funner to watch now. ESPN did absolutely nothing to help grow baseball as a sport, did the complete opposite in fact. Just kept sinking and sinking, and I think it's a great for the breakup to happen right now. The game is in a great place and it's only going to get better. Let's goooooo

@TheQuack27 - 25.02.2025 20:14

MLB Network needs to step up and do regular season games, not just Spring Training.

@BeatsAndMeats - 25.02.2025 19:52

I live in San Diego… it takes an act of God to watch a Padres game on TV… so I just forgot about baseball…

@BaseballDoesntExist - 25.02.2025 19:50

"baseball doesn't exist" - ESPN

@davidorth396 - 25.02.2025 19:37

If baseball was 80% black American athletes, ESPN would love it. However, ESPN is a leftist racist channel and has been for some time now. There are too many white and Hispanics from REAL communist countries in the MLB to try to play the Anti-American race card, which is their never-ending goal! That is why they love the NBA and like football.
They will fawn over terrible complaining athletes in the never profitable virtually unwatched WNBA and ignore baseball. They are so biased

@ArcadeSocial - 25.02.2025 19:07

Sports leagues are imploding

@jimbattista1120 - 25.02.2025 18:51

No one cares about ESPN let alone the MLB. You tools that support both. Turn off your TV. Instead go have a catch with your kid.

@Cws7187 - 25.02.2025 18:44

MLB gets better viewership than nba

@Ukraineisawesone - 25.02.2025 18:44

I remember when watching baseball was over the air and free…….
