This is an incredible video to watch this road raging truck driver just about kills with his truck

This is an incredible video to watch this road raging truck driver just about kills with his truck


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@hectorrivea67 - 21.11.2024 20:43

I have always given breaks to semi truck drivers but that's all gonna end after a trucker seen me accessing the highway and he intentionally sped up to block me. No wonder you all get treated like shit on the road

@TheOverdrive818 - 20.11.2024 04:15

What was the name of the trucking company?

@JamesWheaton-25 - 19.11.2024 04:56

Someone about to get an earful

@CourtJester1960 - 19.11.2024 04:46

Absolutely no courtesy any more. Talking on his phone and not paying attention to turn signals. I wish he'd put you in the median.
