I won the Swedish Institute Scholarship || This is what I did differently

I won the Swedish Institute Scholarship || This is what I did differently

Bosinuola Faith

1 год назад

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@nmgOblast - 05.03.2024 16:55

You didn't offend anyone, my dear sister. I have been applying since 2021 without success. But this year, I had a dream (revelation) where I was told 13 Nigerians would win it. This was a strong revelation that reassured my hope that God is still in the business of foretelling tomorrow. I will share my testimony, too.
The scholarship is based on professional leadership that promotes UN sustainable development goals. I also noticed you are an urban and regional planning professional, and I believe you were the only one who applied in that field from Nigeria. The bottom line is that your application is unique and substantial for the UN goal of sustainable cities and communities.

@blessingalex6857 - 11.03.2024 15:23

This is what i need to boost my faith ❤.
Thank you.

@ogonnaifepe7798 - 15.06.2024 15:36

thanks Chief for the explanation. So i have a question, the instruction says maximum one page per form excluding the instruction pages, i will like to clarify: does it mean i can delete the instruction page and just maintain only the work experience page and leadership experience page considering it is just two forms i am submitting

@Rhumen430 - 24.07.2024 20:13

Please, did the work reference forms align with the masters programs you applied for?

@aniizuchukwustanley4066 - 24.08.2024 09:24

Please which institution did you apply in Sweden that requires your school to send transcript direct to them?

@abeysola - 09.09.2024 19:51

Thank you for this testimony

@CrimeReporting - 10.09.2024 16:57

A very inspiring video!
Thanks for sharing.

@DavidSeyiAjayi - 13.09.2024 02:57

Glory be to God... Wonderful share about your scholarship journey.

@Blevic18 - 23.09.2024 06:38

Must the transcript gets there before admission decision? My masters transcript is not ready yet and I want to use both my BSc and MSc result for my application, I'm applying to a new masters edu though

@Blevic18 - 23.09.2024 07:21

Can I still go further if I had voluntary services experience but do not have a referee to back that up

@Nelsongrail - 25.09.2024 09:12

Pls can you send me your email ma, am interested in doing my master..... The process of visa & their embassy where their located in Abuja.

@Joshchuks- - 02.10.2024 02:37

Thank you so much for sharing.

Please, concerning the work experience, i have a small company that which i started before i completed my first degree.

Can i use it as my work experience?

@akeemogunkoya8920 - 04.10.2024 08:38

I decided few days ago to apply for this scholarship and your video is so encouraging. Please how many schools did you applied to, considering one will have to pay application fees? I just need to know this so that I can quickly prepare myself. Also please how can I contact? Possibly through email!

@ruthitua-hj3pp - 09.10.2024 19:28

Hi please, do we pay the travel expenses in Nigeria, i mean the flight fee here in Nigeria then when we get to sweden they will give us back the travel expenses from the scholarship? Please reply ma because I'm about to apply 🙏

@gloriaetor - 12.10.2024 13:28

I also chanced on Molaji just this week… I hope God makes a way for me

@lydiazara3875 - 17.10.2024 11:48

Hey. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have one question is it a must to apply to four universities? I see only one has the course I am interested in 🥹

@francisoyewole2396 - 19.10.2024 17:37

I celebrate you greatly Ma

@WanderaJoshuaHenry - 22.10.2024 18:37

Thankz for the advise dear I have also been applying since and today I just thought of Sweden can you share to me your email so that we can keep connecting I need to to do my masters as well

@akeemogunkoya8920 - 24.10.2024 17:15

Please I need clarity on this. I will be listing three work experience in my SISGP CV during application. My current work experience will be 7360 hours by February, 2025 when the scholarship portal opens. Do I still need to fill and stamp work experience form for the previous two work experience with my former employers?Please I need clarity on this. I will be listening three work experience in my SISGP CV during application. My current work experience will be 7360 hours by February, 2025 when the scholarship portal opens. Do I still need to fill and stamp work experience form for the previous two work experience with my former employers?

@angelosaigbovo491 - 30.10.2024 13:26

Hello ma’am, I’m currently applying!
Please, did you get notified by verificationsuhr after they got your transcript? Or how did you know it had arrived?

@onakoyatemitope9458 - 01.11.2024 11:56

Its gladdening somebody is bold to speak openly for God. Thank you dear sister for being expressive. Your testimony is your weapon of victory. Thx

@jenniferegah6645 - 04.11.2024 16:32

Did you have to apply for your transcript to be sent to sweden before you applied for admission?

@Hesilo14 - 04.11.2024 19:05

sorry the recent application is asking for leadership experience and i dont have any experince at all

@judezy1792 - 07.11.2024 14:05

hello its jude here wat of if you dont have work experience is dat a problem to get the si scholarship

@PATHFINDERS_938 - 07.11.2024 23:52

I love this content ooh, more grace ma

@ogundipeomotayo3005 - 08.11.2024 10:40

That is my school

@iteoluwakishioludare7366 - 12.11.2024 22:57

"It was just God"❤

@praisehenry_ - 13.11.2024 09:45

Thank you Jesus 🎉. I will Testify ❤

@okejanet9986 - 19.11.2024 20:24

You inspired me sis. I was encouraged to ask for directions

@recommendmovies - 25.11.2024 13:46

Hi Faith! Please, I'm trying to apply by myself and also trying to avoid some errors. Please, where we are asked to scan and submit out international passport in pdf format, are we required to scan all the pages of the document or just the page that carries our relevant information and picture? Thank you

@recommendmovies - 25.11.2024 14:07

Please, do you have to choose 4 different Universities or 4 different courses??

@oluwatobibabatola7870 - 26.11.2024 23:25

Wow a ladokite
I'm also a ladokite

@folajimiolaniyi9964 - 06.12.2024 16:25

God is good He will do mine in Jesus name

@nwanegbochinwe5624 - 09.12.2024 04:24

It's just God 🙏

@abimbolaolayinka3527 - 11.12.2024 16:09

Hi Faith, I'm currently working on my CV which I did included three work experiences and three leadership experiences. For my references, I've just two that's my current workplace(work experience) and the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), where I volunteer as an usher(leadership experience). I hope this is okay?

@ebubeprecious1214 - 15.12.2024 00:21

Hello faith, I have requested for my transcript to be sent to sweden. Will I be notified when my transcript get to university admissions?

@AdetoyeOlubiyi - 18.12.2024 14:29

please are they particular about the grade?

@titilopeigabari3653 - 21.12.2024 00:50

Dear Sis, how can i kiss you bayi oooo? I watched this video with warmth in my heart. Thank you for being so sincere and bold to talk about God! Thank you for reminding us not to forget God. May God keep us blameless and holy until the coming of Christ❤

@olamidewuraola9999 - 27.12.2024 15:21

Please, would the reference letter be written by the reference themselves or they'll just have to sign and fill the reference templates on the SI scholarship page?

@AriyoBiyi - 27.12.2024 16:21

so scholarship is just favor

@AdewumiMaryAderonke - 02.01.2025 17:09

This is the first gift I received in the year 2025.
Thank you dear sister

@henryorji2969 - 12.01.2025 19:28

Congratulations, I think there is something about this scholarship with destiny and God's Grace, you just proved me right, see ya this year at Linköping University!

@idaraudoekpo6868 - 17.01.2025 16:46

please sister when will applications be open,i studied Environmental Management and Toxicology and I want to apply for the scholarship, can you help me out

@rianaisaac - 24.01.2025 01:11

Thank you sis... Bless you

@kendrafashionanddesign7564 - 05.02.2025 03:17

Please as you received the scholarship, do you still need to show proof of funds

@MrMrsTravelogues - 11.02.2025 17:54

Thank you for sharing your success story.

I have a question.
In the CV format for the SI Scholarship, there is a section for Education and Training, but no section for published research work, articles, or dissertations. However, I have a published journal article. Should I create a separate section under Education to mention it, or would that be a violation of the prescribed format?

@ampairediane7914 - 12.02.2025 16:26

Hey, Can i format the work experience pdf and only submit the form without the instructions?

@adishiruffy6937 - 22.02.2025 07:03

Good morning my dear sister, nice to meet you here. My wife has applied for the SI Scholarship. She applied for Public Health in Umea university and was qualified

@paulomorogbe2875 - 24.02.2025 21:31

Thank you for being real 😊
